molecular biology + oil palm - (Mar/08/2012 )
share with me how related molecular biology and palm oil and how molecular biology can help palm oil industry????
I dont know a lot about palm oil , but think about how its made.
If you for example can transform the trees or the fruit so that it produces/makes more oil...
Or just think about transforming the trees so that they produce more fruits.
Your question is really very basic.
For example: If I am able to transform my trees in such a way they are tolerant against some fungus (that can kill the trees), then I produced a stronger tree.. a stronger tree (less likely to die), means more fruits, more oil ...
But this is really general...
thanks 4 ur opinion....
genetically transformed oil palm to produce more yield is not bad idea...
in addition we can use molecular biology approach to identified oil palm strain may be....
actually i need to convince palm oil company how molecular biology can help to improve palm oil industry....
For me most important would be to avoid what is described here quite roughly.
Dear intan,
I had interview few of the researcher in this area.
If you want to do this field of research in Malaysia, unless you are in the very few "can't-say-here" institution, there will be no chance of your work get funded.
The local industry had already known the benefits of molecular biology in oil palm industry. I not sure why you want to do this.
Last I know, they had fully sequenced the oil palm genome. Many are moving towards the functional genomics / proteomics of the oil palm. Not sure which field you are interested in.