Should I send previous reviewers' comments to the new Journal? - send previous reviewers' comments ? (Mar/25/2011 )
My paper was rejected by a Journal with IF around 6 after the second round. I revised the paper according to 2 reviewers, but not shorting the paper enough as one wanted. But the problem is the Editor invited a third reviewer and he rejected my non-traditional method.
Therefore, I completelly changed the method in the new version and submitted to another journal with IF at 5. The new Journal asked if I want to send them previous reviewers' comments and my response to those comments.
I have just submitted over 10 papers and have no experience like this. Could you please give some advice?
I guess its better not to do so. Let your paper be judged in the new journal independently of opinions of previous reviewrs of the other journal, especially there is a difference in the impact factor between both journals
yobou on Mon May 2 02:09:48 2011 said:
I guess its better not to do so. Let your paper be judged in the new journal independently of opinions of previous reviewrs of the other journal, especially there is a difference in the impact factor between both journals
I just want to tell the result of rejection. I submitted the paper as you suggest but 2 reviewers rejected. In contrast, 2/3 of reviewers almost accepted the paper, thus I am not sure what I will do if I am in this situation again.
It is not wise to mention previous reviewers comment specially when you are submitting to a new journal. If the comments are good, you can incorporate to your manuscript but don't have to mention to the new journal. I had an experience of acceptance from all three reviewers but the editor didn't accept it.
I wonder why you anyway mentioned that the manuscript was rejected....what's the sense of this? IMO it only reduces chances and weakens your position. Especially if you already changed you methods.