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pipette purchase -- can't decide - (Jan/13/2011 )

I'm planning to buy a set of ergonomic pipettes soon, because I can't stand the classic gilson pipetmans in my new lab.
I've tried many before, and Rainin SL used to be my favourite. However, I went to a friend's lab and tried his new Rainin SL pipettes, and noticed that the touch is just like the classic gilson pipetman.

My new favourite have been Biohit mLine and Brandtech Transferpette. The starter kits are $499 for both.
Biohit is indeed light, but the operation requires both hands (one hand pressing the lock button). Transferpette is also light, and uses single hand operation, but I'm not sure about its durability.

Are there any Biohit or Brandtech users here who would like to comment on the pipettes?
Other suggestions would also be appreciated.



I used LHP pipettes(light and precise) and were the best pipettes I used....Highly ergonomic. Pitty that in my lab we do not used it.
I already used Brand. They are quite ok but not if you use it with frequency because they are heavy.
