Yeast Minimal GS Medium Recipe? - (Jan/03/2011 )
I am trying to find the recipe for a Minimal Yeast media commonly called GS Medium. The name GS comes from the original authors who are cited (numerous times) for the media: Galzy and Slonimsky, 1957. However after searching very hard to find the Galzy and Slonimsky paper I discovered it was in French. Then after translating the paper, I did not find the actual recipe for the media... only references to the addition of minerals and vitamins. Does anyone have any insight into the recipe for GS Medium (sometimes called G Medium? It is often used in culturing yeast such as Torulopsis or Candida.
Here is the recipe for YM media from ATCC. Is that what you're looking for? Or something like this?
HomeBrew on Tue Jan 4 03:04:43 2011 said:
The second reference could work but it isn't the actual recipe I am searching for. GS Medium is cited numerous times in literature and I have attempted to contact numerous authors without any success. I thought it may be familiar to someone out there. Thanks.
I used SD minimal media for S. cerevisiae, can write you a recepie if you want to. Thought YPD and SD are the only media for yeast
Anyway this is what I fished out GS media
kajmak on Tue Jan 4 09:44:11 2011 said:
I used SD minimal media for S. cerevisiae, can write you a recepie if you want to. Thought YPD and SD are the only media for yeast

Anyway this is what I fished out GS media
I am not able to access the link?
Sorry, I accessed paper through uni library, they always want id.
Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology (1995) 33: 191-195
kajmak on Tue Jan 4 23:26:48 2011 said:
Sorry, I accessed paper through uni library, they always want id.
Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology (1995) 33: 191-195
You are indeed correct that they are using "GS Medium" however, they use GS as an acronym for Glucose-Salt where I am searching for Galzy-Slonimsky. Thanks anyway!