Artifacts only in Reduced samples!!! - (Sep/09/2010 )
hey people....
i m facing this trouble of artifacts only in reduced samples!! is it a common problem? how to eliminate it?
i m using all high quality chemicals (electrophoresis grade!!) from sigma...
i tried DTT as well as BME and both are gicing me such artifacts... its difficult to analyze gels in this fashion!!
please suggest!!
the bands are most likely an artifact that shows up more and more as the reducing agent ages. it has been identified as, most likely, keratins from dust.
mdfenko on Fri Sep 10 15:44:21 2010 said:
the bands are most likely an artifact that shows up more and more as the reducing agent ages. it has been identified as, most likely, keratins from dust.
yeah i m pretty sure its an artifact but the catch is it has been prepared fresh!!!
is the 2-me (or dtt) fresh?
dust in the apparatus or glassware or dipping your finger in the buffer can also cause the artifact (only in the samples with reducing agent).
yeah md.. its DTT and its fresh.. i tried with 2ME also and its still giving those artifacts... we also tried heating at different temperatures (60-100) and still the artifacts are not going!!! now i m going to try reducing without heatig.. say at 37 degrees for a longer incubation period.. atleast tat way i can confirm if heating is causing those artifacts...
also in the mean time i will try and get a fresh bottle of DTT to see if the reagent is causig any trouble but tat might not be possible immediately!!!
Run a mock control -- have everything you usually have your reduced samples, except add a volume of water equal to the volume of protein you usually add. Run this no protein added control, and see if the artifacts appear. This will tell you whether the artifacts are a consequence of reducing your sample, or whether they originate in your reagents.
yeah tats a good one... why dint i think of it... thanx hb... will get back with the results!!!
i did the control run without the protein samples and i did get artifacts in tat too.. so now i m sure that the problem lies with my DTT. I now filtered the freshly prepared DTT stock and used and still got artifacts in the gel!!! I also tried useing two different lots of DTT and still the same result!!!
Do i have to just wait for the fresh DTT reagent??!!! is the expiry period of DTT in powder form just around one year at 5 degrees??!!!
your source of the artifact may be dust. you can try cleaning the apparatus and prepare fresh solutions. make sure you don't dip your finger into any solution, that can cause or exacerbate the situation.
hi md... the thing is the only difference between the reduced and non-reduced sample is the addition of DTT in the sample buffer... apart from that everything is same right from the stock solutions of gels till the running buffer and even the staining solutions!!!! that leaves my scratching my head!!!!