Help with ESME software..... - (Jun/11/2010 )
Hi all!
I am back again looking for some help please! I have been sequencing BSP products directly and this is working well until I get to the analysis. Thanks to some of you on the forum, I am trying to quantify these using the ESME software. And now come the problems... I am working on a windows operating system and the ESME software is functional on linux systems. I know there is a way of running the ESME software on a Windows machine if I have have no linux server but I have no idea how to do this or even to get the ESME software up and running if I get the first problem sorted..... Has anyone got experience in using this please?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks so much
How many sequences you have to analyze? if you only got a few, there is no need to use any program--just visually exmaine it.
If you really want to use the program which only runs in Linux platform, you can install Cygwin in your windows. Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.
pcrman on Jun 17 2010, 10:05 PM said:
If you really want to use the program which only runs in Linux platform, you can install Cygwin in your windows. Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.
I don't have that many sequences to analyse and I have already done this visually. But as I am getting a mix of methylated and unmethylated in some peaks I need to quantify it and find a cut off point to call it methylated or unmethylated.
The reason I was looking at this software is that it normalises the data and also sequencing bisulfite treated DNA can apparently result in overscaling of C peaks... So I need to account for this when analysing the data
Do you normally just analyse the peaks visually when you get a mix of C/T in one peak... How do you accurately quantify this??