Affinity/Avidity antibody Test - (May/29/2010 )
We developed proteins to domain III from E of Flavivirus (Saint Louis Encephalitis, West Nile Virus and Rocio Virus) which are specific for each one.
So, as well describle in literature, cross-reactivity is found in ELISA against these and others Flavivirus. By this i decided to try Affinity/Avidity antibody test instead of neutralization test.
So if anyone could help me with this test, or if have any experience with this test.
What do you think about this test? Is it a good test to eliminate cross-reactivity?
Thank you
Are you trying to purify specific antisera to a region of domain III and not have it react with epitopes of the other viruses? You wish to eliminate the 'cross reactivity' ?
sgt4boston on Jun 1 2010, 03:59 AM said:
hi, Thank you for replying me
No, i extract these proteins from cloned E.coli, that are induced to express high levels of theses polipeptides (Domain II from E protein from Flavivirus). We purify them and use as antigen in ELISA to try finding out antibody against these viruses in humans.
As here in Brazil, FLavivirus are widely spread (less West Nile Virus) cross-reactivity is well known specially with Dengue fever. Then we decided to exclude the positive samples in ELISA test with affinity/avidity antibody test. and then if these untill turns positive, neutralization test will be perform.
My question is: have u ever performed affinity/avidity antibody test? Is it a good test to exclude cross reactivity?
thank you