10X TBE buffer - (Feb/24/2010 )
hello everybody,
i'm a new member here in the forum, its really useful and very interesting forum. i have a question about TBE buffer, may anybody help me what is the meaning of 10X??? what is the meneaing of this X, is it concentration or strength or what? and if it is concentation how is it calaulated, is there any laws to calculate it ? i've searth may times and didn't finde any answes ????
i appreciate any help
X refers to the concentration. It is a 10 times concentrated stock. You generally use reagents at 1X.
Use 10X * Volume of 10X stock to be used= 1X * Final volume.
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 08:02 PM said:
i'm a new member here in the forum, its really useful and very interesting forum. i have a question about TBE buffer, may anybody help me what is the meaning of 10X??? what is the meneaing of this X, is it concentration or strength or what? and if it is concentation how is it calaulated, is there any laws to calculate it ? i've searth may times and didn't finde any answes ????

i appreciate any help

T C on Feb 24 2010, 06:44 AM said:
X refers to the concentration. It is a 10 times concentrated stock. You generally use reagents at 1X.
Use 10X * Volume of 10X stock to be used= 1X * Final volume.
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 08:02 PM said:
i'm a new member here in the forum, its really useful and very interesting forum. i have a question about TBE buffer, may anybody help me what is the meaning of 10X??? what is the meneaing of this X, is it concentration or strength or what? and if it is concentation how is it calaulated, is there any laws to calculate it ? i've searth may times and didn't finde any answes ????

i appreciate any help

thanks TC,
but excuse me what do you mean by reagents, if i understand you correctly you mean tris base, EDTA and boric acid. and the law that you worte is for 10X or 1X prepartion .
thanks alot for your help

noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 06:24 PM said:
T C on Feb 24 2010, 06:44 AM said:
X refers to the concentration. It is a 10 times concentrated stock. You generally use reagents at 1X.
Use 10X * Volume of 10X stock to be used= 1X * Final volume.
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 08:02 PM said:
i'm a new member here in the forum, its really useful and very interesting forum. i have a question about TBE buffer, may anybody help me what is the meaning of 10X??? what is the meneaing of this X, is it concentration or strength or what? and if it is concentation how is it calaulated, is there any laws to calculate it ? i've searth may times and didn't finde any answes ????

i appreciate any help

thanks TC,
but excuse me what do you mean by reagents, if i understand you correctly you mean tris base, EDTA and boric acid. and the law that you worte is for 10X or 1X prepartion .
thanks alot for your help

Here, reagent is the TBE buffer. the formula is to make a 1x from a 10x.
Assume you have 10x buffer. to make a 100ml final solution of 1x, use 10ml of 10x and add it to 90ml of water and you have your 100ml of 1x buffer
Hopefully this explains
10X means 10 times more concentrated than working concentration
Read through this...it would help you with other things too.
T C on Feb 24 2010, 08:14 PM said:
X refers to the concentration. It is a 10 times concentrated stock. You generally use reagents at 1X.
Use 10X * Volume of 10X stock to be used= 1X * Final volume.
Hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 08:02 PM said:
i'm a new member here in the forum, its really useful and very interesting forum. i have a question about TBE buffer, may anybody help me what is the meaning of 10X??? what is the meneaing of this X, is it concentration or strength or what? and if it is concentation how is it calaulated, is there any laws to calculate it ? i've searth may times and didn't finde any answes ????

i appreciate any help

10X, 20X solutions are used in labs as these usually contain more than one component, each with a different concentration, so rather than writing
890 mM Tris-Base
890 mM Boric acid
20 mM Na2EDTA
And then having another solution:
89 mM Tris
89 mM Boric acid
02 mM Na2EDTA
just use 10X and 1X respectively, much less chance of confusion and much simpler to write.
Thanks all for your answers, really they help me alot.. (: