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Bacteria Lysis Reagent For RNA extraction - Need Expert's Opinion (Dec/01/2009 )

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Hi Adrian

I was using sigma lysozyme powder. I used to dissolve it in water...I remember one protocol recommending to dissolve it in 10/100mM Tris (I dont remember 10 or 100!..sorry) Make 10mg/ml solution, They say the 10mg/ml can be stored at 2-8deg for a month...I've stored even more without any loss in quality ...For most of the gram negative bacteria, a 10-15 min incubation at a final concentration of 1mg/ml lysozyme should give sufficient lysis

I got the sigma Lysozyme solution...the product catalog number is L3790 ...
All these stuff are given in the product details in the sigma website, just have a look there for more details :rolleyes:


gogreen on Dec 2 2009, 11:56 PM said:

Hi Adrian

I was using sigma lysozyme powder. I used to dissolve it in water...I remember one protocol recommending to dissolve it in 10/100mM Tris (I dont remember 10 or 100!..sorry) Make 10mg/ml solution, They say the 10mg/ml can be stored at 2-8deg for a month...I've stored even more without any loss in quality ...For most of the gram negative bacteria, a 10-15 min incubation at a final concentration of 1mg/ml lysozyme should give sufficient lysis

I got the sigma Lysozyme solution...the product catalog number is L3790 ...
All these stuff are given in the product details in the sigma website, just have a look there for more details :)

Thanks GoGreen!!!!
You safe my life!!!!

Thanks and I'll let you know any out come as soon as my kits were available.

-adrian kohsf-

Hey Adrian, its my pleasure...all the update about the results :D

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