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Plant Related Discussions
Cefotaxime causing dark pink colouration of plant tissue culture medium -
(reply: 1)
What does "R.H. 1619" on a tea plant refer to? -
(reply: 10)
What plant species are you working with in your lab right now? -
(reply: 1)
Plant Physiology (Photosynthesis) -
(reply: 7)
Expression of plant protein in Ecoli -
(reply: 1)
Electrically charged insects/plants -
(reply: 1)
ABC(D) Model of Plant Flowers -
(reply: 1)
non-radioactive detection of siRNA in plants -
(reply: 4)
difference between plant viruses vs animal viruses -
(reply: 3)
Measure growth of plant cell culture -
(reply: 1)
Plant extract preparation -
(reply: 1)
Surface sterilization of wheat plants -
(reply: 8)
Plant DNA analysis by UV spectrophotometer indicates there is DNA in my sample, -
(reply: 1)
How to ship plant tissue for RNA extraction? -
(reply: 2)
PCR failing for transformed plant DNA but not for Agro -
(reply: 3)
Question: How to differentiate siRNAs and mature miRNAs in plant by Northern blo -
(reply: 3)
Analysing methylation of plant promoter and enchancer -
(reply: 9)
Problem in acetone precipitation of plant proteins. -
(reply: 1)
Effects of Etiolation on Plant growth -
(reply: 1)
Plant Cells - what are they? -
(reply: 1)
Extracting total RNA from woody plant roots -
(reply: 2)
Viral RNA extraction/isolation methods from plant tissue -
(reply: 4)
separate plant protoplast from bacteria prior DNA extraction -
(reply: 3)
Where could statistics of animal/plant growth be found? -
(reply: 1)
How to introduce a mutagenesis in plant? -
(reply: 4)
Smear on agarose gel from QIAGEN extracted plant samples -
(reply: 1)
How to purify antioxidants enzymes from plant tissue. -
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Plant suspension culture -
(reply: 1)
plant extraction procedure for protein -
(reply: 3)
Isolation of both DNA and RNA from the same plant tissue -
(reply: 8)
latest research in plant tissue culture field -
(reply: 1)
Basis/Protocols for Choosing concentrations in testing medicinal effect plant ex -
(reply: 2)
dna extraction from plant tissue infected with fungus -
(reply: 1)
Cloning genes into plant vector -
(reply: 1)
how to determine a plant promoter activity in bacteria -
(reply: 12)
chloroform/Qiagen Dneasy plant mini kit - DNA extraction
(reply: 1)
How many cells in plant embryos ? - seed biology
(reply: 1)
Distinguishing homozygous from hemizygous transformed plants -
(reply: 13)
plant protein purification opinion -
(reply: 3)
Best Total RNA Isolation Kit - For plants, and tiny samples <10mg
(reply: 3)
website on plant diseases -
(reply: 4)
Plant promoter characterization -
(reply: 1)
FOR immunoprecipitation in plant , flag tag or His tag -
(reply: 2)
in vitro plants need light? -
(reply: 1)
[basic] Is there any aquatic plant used as a model like A thaliana ? -
(reply: 2)
plant infections -
(reply: 6)
DNA isolation from plant nuclei by plasmid extraction kit -
(reply: 1)
qRT-PCR for plant gene expression - qRT-PCR for plant gene expression
(reply: 5)
Tricine SDS-PAGE for plant mitochondria - Membrane proteomics
(reply: 1)
Plant cell transfection -
(reply: 1)
Plant or Fungal Cell Dissociation Technique? -
(reply: 3)
What is the solution when tween80 or DMSO is not enough to dissolve plant extrac -
(reply: 1)
What is the solution when tween80 or DMSO is not enough to dissolve plant extrac -
(reply: 3)
What is the solution when tween80 or DMSO is not enough to dissolve plant extrac -
(reply: 2)
what is the solution when tween80 or DMSO are not enough to dissolve plant extra -
(reply: 7)
quantification of the expression of pre-miRNA and miRNA in plants -
(reply: 1)
extraction of viral rna from plant tissue -
(reply: 1)
What is the limitation of C4 plants?? -
(reply: 2)
What is the limitations of C4 plants?? -
(reply: 6)
Plants and fish found in the same waters as the cherry shrimp? -
(reply: 4)
Plant RNA Isolation Aid -
(reply: 3)
microRNA database - in both animals and plant
(reply: 1)
adding fungicidies to the media in plant tissue culture -
(reply: 2)
How to get pri-microRNA sequence of plants -
(reply: 1)
Plant isoenzymes! -
(reply: 7)
histological staining for plant cell wall components -
(reply: 1)
Protein extraction from plant leaves, bioactivity -
(reply: 1)
plants bioactive compounds consistancy - how to manange to get a consistent of plant bioactives
(reply: 5)
presentation about plant tissue culture -
(reply: 1)
Basic CO2 / O2 Plant Question -
(reply: 8)
prediction of exons - prediction of exons and introns in a plant genomic sequence
(reply: 2)
About ChIP with plant material - Does it matter if add formaldehydrate after grinding?
(reply: 1)
How to use Real-time PCR to detect some gene copy numbe in plant genome? -
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yeast transformation - Expression of plant genes in yeast
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Plant RNA extraction problem - A cry for help.
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DNA methylation prediction in plant DNA -
(reply: 2)
Dry Plant leaf samples for DNA extraction -
(reply: 1)
Please anybody can explain the cloning related to plant vector construction - Plant vector construction
(reply: 5)
ELISA Extraction Buffer for Plants? -
(reply: 4)
RNA isolation form plants -
(reply: 4)
Available plant genomes -
(reply: 2)
Homozygous plants in T2? -
(reply: 3)
How to design prime detecting plant methylation? -
(reply: 3)
Plant DNA extraction -
(reply: 5)