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Methylation Related Discussions
  1. Bisulfite conversion, PCR end of the rope - (reply: 3)
  2. inconsistent and low reproducibility of bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  3. Problems with the study of promoters methylation - (reply: 1)
  4. Overcoming methylation of bacterial DNA which inhibits transformation and genome - (reply: 6)
  5. methylation specifc primers thermal cycle conditions - (reply: 4)
  6. Epigenetics Workshop - DNA Methylation Data Analysis in Leipzig, Germany (15-17 - (reply: 1)
  7. % Input or % methylation better for MeDIP-qPCR? - (reply: 1)
  8. Designing a simple assay for global DNA methylation - (reply: 6)
  9. why not working msp primers - (reply: 4)
  10. MSP Primer design - (reply: 5)
  11. Plasmid Methylation - (reply: 3)
  12. data analysis for direct sequencing BSP - (reply: 3)
  13. No sequencing of DNA methylation - (reply: 6)
  14. Best technique to analyse methylation level of CpG island - (reply: 3)
  15. Bisulfite modified DNA- expiration? - (reply: 1)
  16. KIR gene promoters for MSP primers design - (reply: 2)
  17. Identifying CpG islands on a promoter... - (reply: 1)
  18. Bisulfite conversion is complete except for the CpG sites in my non-methylated c - (reply: 5)
  19. methylation observation in normal cell line - (reply: 1)
  20. PCR of bisulfite converted DNA is now producing a smear? Previously produced a s - (reply: 2)
  21. bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  22. DNA Global Methylation with Epigentek kit-having trouble - (reply: 1)
  23. Nested BSP Primer Design - (reply: 6)
  24. Setting up bisulfite sequencing in lab - (reply: 26)
  25. Bisulfite/sequencing-based Methylation Analysi - (reply: 14)
  26. fixation and methylation - (reply: 2)
  27. Methylation status analysis of non CpG sites. - (reply: 6)
  28. Preparing overlapping bisufite sequences for methylation analysis - (reply: 2)
  29. AZA treatment induces the genes but bisulfite sequencing does not reveal de-meth - (reply: 11)
  30. How to qualitatively measure DNA methylation of gene promoter - (reply: 1)
  31. primer checking & restriction enzyme based methylation specific polymerase c - (reply: 8)
  32. does DNA methylation outside promoter region affect gene Transcription/expressio - (reply: 1)
  33. Determining CpG methylation and effect on gene expression - (reply: 1)
  34. Troubleshooting methylation primers for Bio-Rad PCR - (reply: 3)
  35. Bisulfite Sequencing and PCR Troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
  36. Methylation studies - (reply: 2)
  37. Sigma Imprint DNA methylation quantification assay kit - (reply: 3)
  38. Analysing methylation of plant promoter and enchancer - (reply: 9)
  39. Need Methylation MSP protocol - (reply: 3)
  40. designing a methylation study - (reply: 5)
  41. Understanding methylation for beginners - (reply: 5)
  42. what is the effectors of MSP? - (reply: 3)
  43. Issue with Xba1 and Dam methylation - (reply: 7)
  44. How to create a fully methylated control? - (reply: 4)
  45. Invitrogen Methyl Miner Tips - (reply: 2)
  46. DNA Methylation and genomic variation - (reply: 2)
  47. Primer designing for Methylation - (reply: 6)
  48. Bisulfite PCR and cloning - (reply: 5)
  49. BSP PCR primer design explained - (reply: 11)
  50. Bisulfite sequencing PCR worked - (reply: 5)
  51. Quality of Bisulfite Converted DNA - (reply: 2)
  52. CPG adjuvant - (reply: 1)
  53. How to know if observed methylation is true or a consequence of incomplete or fa - (reply: 2)
  54. Qiagen Epitect Bisulfite Kit - (reply: 3)
  55. Porportion methylation of bisulfite DNA changes with time? - (reply: 4)
  56. BSP testing for differences in methylation pattern by use of melt curve before s - (reply: 1)
  57. Q regarding primer mix for MSP!! - (reply: 4)
  58. suitable DNA extraction and sample freezing for MSP - (reply: 1)
  59. BSP Primers with M13 Tails - (reply: 1)
  60. cytosine methylation stability - (reply: 1)
  61. About Methylated & Non-methylated pUC19 DNA Set - (reply: 1)
  62. Bisulfite PCR Question - (reply: 2)
  63. Bisulfite PCR doesn't work and the primer seems abnormal - (reply: 6)
  64. Bisulfite Primers- "Top" and "Bottom" Strand - (reply: 5)
  65. no DNA fragment pull down in the first CpG island (MBD-seq) - (reply: 2)
  66. designing methylation specific primers - (reply: 3)
  67. Effect of varying DNA concentration levels in methylation analysis - (reply: 2)
  68. Different primer optimalization for nested vs direct MSP? - (reply: 3)
  69. Bisulfite conversion conundrum - (reply: 8)
  70. Help! No bands after BSP! - (reply: 3)
  71. MSP primers- finding the product length - (reply: 4)
  72. Can we use degenerate bases in BSP primers? - (reply: 1)
  73. Can anyone help with my Bisulfite PCR? - (reply: 2)
  74. Plasmid clone in BSP - (reply: 1)
  75. Sequencing of the PCR production in BSP - (reply: 1)
  76. Taq polymerase for MSP - (reply: 1)
  77. RUNX3 Methylation specific PCR not working-please help - (reply: 8)
  78. Spin columns with bisulfite conversion - (reply: 1)
  79. Problem of Direct bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 1)
  80. Bisulfite cloning... reading material - (reply: 1)
  81. DNA in methylation analysis - (reply: 3)
  82. MSP Primers not working - (reply: 6)
  83. plotting DNA methylation profile vs TSS - (reply: 1)
  84. Methylation sensitive enzymes - (reply: 1)
  85. problems with Bisulfite PCR - (reply: 1)
  86. In search of universal and reliable controls for methylation analyses - (reply: 1)
  87. PLATINUM TAQ FOR MSP? - (reply: 2)
  88. Checking my own Methylated Control for MSP - (reply: 1)
  89. Direct sequencing - BSP - (reply: 1)
  90. methylation analysis with MS-HRM (primer design) - (reply: 1)
  91. Methyl Binding Protein-1 (MBD1) / Immunofluorescence - (reply: 2)
  92. DNA methylation of a promoter region in different age groups - (reply: 2)
  93. statistical analysis or quantitative analysis method for bisulfite sequencing r - (reply: 4)
  94. Advice on optimising bisulfite PCR sought - (reply: 2)
  95. checking msp primers - (reply: 2)
  96. "CpG methylation: Blocked by some combinations of overlapping" - (reply: 1)
  97. To isolate DNA, RNA and Protein from same culture flask for methylation study? - (reply: 2)
  98. Bisulfite treatment of DNA follow by Sequencing - (reply: 2)
  99. MSP U primers very difficult to amplify... - (reply: 4)
  100. Direct sequencing PCR product - for bisulfite sequencing (reply: 3)
  101. effect of DNA isolation and storage on methylation - (reply: 1)
  102. which is the best plasmid vector for cloning BSP products? - (reply: 2)
  103. Are my MSP primers good? - MSP primers design by Methyl Primer Express v1.0 (reply: 2)
  104. Measuring methylation on X chromosome of female subjects - How can I overcome artifacts from X linked inactivation in females? (reply: 3)
  105. High throughput methylation mapping - Infinium or other? - (reply: 3)
  106. Methods of Methylation detection not requiring bisulfite treatmetn - (reply: 2)
  107. negative control for msp pcr - (reply: 2)
  108. How to blast methylation specific and unspecific primers - (reply: 1)
  109. Problems designing primers for BSP - (reply: 2)
  110. How is bisulfite converted DNA unstable over time? - (reply: 4)
  111. Putative tumor suppressor promoter heavily methylated yet upregulated by DNA dam - (reply: 3)
  112. problems with MS-HRM - late detection of PCR signal - high resolution melting, methylation (reply: 2)
  113. RNA carrier when using not so good DNA for bisulfite conversion - (reply: 3)
  114. Absence of CpG islands - (reply: 1)
  115. MSP - (reply: 10)
  116. How rapid are DNA methylation changes? - (reply: 1)
  117. Methylation study-the most opted study - (reply: 3)
  118. Drop down during bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
  119. Standardization of HRM for methylation analysis - (reply: 4)
  120. Question: Start with genomic DNA or mRNA for methylation analysis - (reply: 4)
  121. Bisulfite sequencing primer design query (probably simple) - (reply: 4)
  122. Inter assay variation in global methylation Elisa - (reply: 2)
  123. designing MSP primers (dimers NOOOOOOOO!) - (reply: 1)
  124. Are my bisulfite treated sequences methylated or not?? - (reply: 2)
  125. DNA and histone methylation help - (reply: 1)
  126. Can every gene be methylated? - (reply: 1)
  127. Help about BSP question. - (reply: 2)
  128. Amplification of bisulfite converted gDNA for sequencing - (reply: 1)
  129. pcr / primer theory in bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 4)
  130. DNA yields after Bisulfite Treatment - How can I optimize when I have low yield? (reply: 16)
  131. Problem with Qiagen EpiTect Bisulfite Kit - (reply: 2)
  132. Feel really stupid for asking this ...Bisulfite Sequencing, help please! - (reply: 10)
  133. Bisulfite seqencing - Bisulfite seqencing gets unacceptable seqence (reply: 2)
  134. PCR amplification before bisulfite conversion - (reply: 6)
  135. Methylation and luciferase reporter query - (reply: 4)
  136. Bisulfite conversion kits - (reply: 6)
  137. Digestion problem XbaI, methylation sensitive site - (reply: 3)
  138. SNP and DNA methylation - (reply: 1)
  139. Bisulfite sequencing is giving problem - (reply: 7)
  140. methylation specific PCR - Primers - (reply: 1)
  141. Tips for MSP ... - (reply: 4)
  142. Standarization of HRM for methylation - (reply: 4)
  143. Whole Genome Amplification of bisulfite treated DNA - (reply: 7)
  144. no methylation vs full methylation - (reply: 3)
  145. Bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 3)
  146. Finding bisulfite PCR primer sequence - (reply: 3)
  147. No amplification after bisulfite treatment - (reply: 4)
  148. problems when use qPCR to quantify bisulfite modified DNA - (reply: 4)
  149. Primer Design MSP, BSP, MS-HRM - (reply: 3)
  150. Bisulfite sequencing not working! - (reply: 4)
  151. MSP - unwanted amplification - (reply: 5)
  152. Smears in Bisulfite seq. PCR - (reply: 3)
  153. Multiple bands after bisulfite PCR - (reply: 7)
  154. Supposedly etablished MSP not working - E-Cadherin promotor (reply: 9)
  155. tough problems on methylation study - (reply: 4)
  156. How to reduce the bisulfite PCR bias? - (reply: 4)
  157. Regarding methylation and luciferase assay - Regarding methylation and luciferase assay (reply: 4)
  158. Global methylation assay - kit? - (reply: 7)
  159. Help with data from directly sequencing BSP product... - (reply: 2)
  160. BSP primers design, help please - (reply: 2)
  161. Bisulfite treatment - (reply: 7)
  162. Bisulfite sequencing PCR not working - (reply: 5)
  163. Bisulfite Conversion Efficiency - (reply: 1)
  164. Best method for validating DNA methylation array data - (reply: 1)
  165. promoter methylation data analysis - (reply: 3)
  166. bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) - bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) (reply: 3)
  167. MSP primer troubles - (reply: 3)
  168. Gene expression of methylated gene - (reply: 4)
  169. Measuring global methylation using real time PCR - (reply: 2)
  170. primer for bisulfite sequencing in a known unmethylated region - is it safe? - (reply: 2)
  171. free bisulfite conversion kit - (reply: 2)
  172. are plasmids used for lab work methylated - (reply: 1)
  173. Zymo EZ Methylation Gold DNA bisulphite treatment - No DNA present after treatment (reply: 5)
  174. Methylation analysis in vitro - (reply: 3)
  175. dam methylated DNA in dam - straights - (reply: 1)
  176. How to define CpG islands and what to do if they aren't found? - (reply: 3)
  177. All cytosines are methylated!! - (reply: 4)
  178. Polymerases voor bisulfite sequencing - any fancy new enzymes? (reply: 4)
  179. multiplex methylation analysis (bs conversion based) - (reply: 1)
  180. Methylation specific DMSO PCR - (reply: 1)
  181. Inconsistent MSP results - (reply: 7)
  182. "Quick and Dirty" methylation status estimates - Restriction profiling of DNAnmethylation (reply: 4)
  183. Comparison of Bisulfite conversion kits - (reply: 7)
  184. Site Directed methylation - (reply: 1)
  185. Amount of positive control for bisulfite treatment - (reply: 1)
  186. Bisulfite Sequencing PCR help! - BSP is Failing like Gangbusters. Please help! (reply: 6)
  187. genome methylation analysis/database - analyze all promoters for CpG islands (reply: 1)
  188. Problem cloning bisulfite PCR BSP product - (reply: 6)
  189. DNA methylation analysis - direct sequencing gives CT peaks - (reply: 1)
  190. Whole Genome Methylation Analysis Feasibility - Methylation analysis on DNA from rare cell populations (reply: 3)
  191. Methylation Questions - Some basic questions about methylation (reply: 2)
  192. heredity of DNA methylation - (reply: 2)
  193. global DNA methylation quiagen kit - (reply: 14)
  194. Measuring global methylation by QPCR - (reply: 1)
  195. Manual reverse primer design for bisulfite traeted DNA - (reply: 4)
  196. sequencing clones after BSP : need miniprep ?? - (reply: 1)
  197. DNA methylated PCR - (reply: 2)
  198. Product length for BSP - (reply: 4)
  199. Bisulfite vs metabisulfite - (reply: 3)
  200. BSP PCR for help - no bands of tissue amplification (reply: 3)
  201. Methylation specific PCR - Methylation specific PCR - problem with controls.... (reply: 2)
  202. weak bands for methylated DNA - (reply: 4)
  203. How to present bisulfite seq data - with CpGviewer (reply: 7)
  204. BS PCR..please help - DNA methylation analysis (reply: 15)
  205. BSP PCR - (reply: 8)
  206. DNA Enrichment for Methylation Analysis - (reply: 8)
  207. Perplexing Bisulfite Sequencing Problem - (reply: 3)
  208. Help me! How to design nested BSP primers? - (reply: 4)
  209. length of bisulfite sequencing reads on a ABI - my reads are not so long!!! (reply: 2)
  210. CpG Complementary Symmetry - (reply: 2)
  211. Strange results from bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
  212. Integrity of treated DNA - Is quality of bisulfite treated DNA poor? (reply: 1)
  213. 5-AZA, Reversing DNA methylation (epigenetic reactivation experiments) - (reply: 3)
  214. Sybre green taq man PCR assay for quantitative methylation detection - (reply: 2)
  215. Imcomplete bisulfite treatment - (reply: 2)
  216. Bisulfite Sequencing PCR - (reply: 4)
  217. Restriction Enzyme Digest of Genomic DNA - Problem with RE-digest + PCR in CpG island assay (reply: 1)
  218. Is gDNA digestion before bisulfite conversion important? - (reply: 5)
  219. Bisulfite PCR Inconsistent, often smears - (reply: 4)
  220. Direct sequencing of BSP product - (reply: 3)
  221. Preparing Methyl Cellulose - (reply: 4)
  222. BSP primers - (reply: 2)
  223. Anybody knows a good histone methylation inhibitor? - (reply: 2)
  224. MSP Score - (reply: 1)
  225. DNA methylation prediction in plant DNA - (reply: 2)
  226. methylation erased by pcr: how and why - why does PCR erase methylation information? (reply: 7)
  227. Questions regarding bisulfite treatment of DNA - (reply: 2)
  228. Bisulfite genomic sequencing PCR - PCR conditions (reply: 7)
  229. comparison of bisulfite sequencing and base specific cleavage coupled with Mass - (reply: 5)
  230. How stable is methylated DNA? - (reply: 4)
  231. Suitable sample for promoter methylation screening - (reply: 4)
  232. Analysis of direct bisulfite sequencing data - (reply: 9)
  233. MethylCode Bisulfite Conversion Kit from Invitrogen - Used this kit? (reply: 4)
  234. EZ DNA Methylation kit - (reply: 1)
  235. polymerase for BSP - (reply: 2)
  236. Designing and analyzing BSP - (reply: 1)
  237. BSP,MSP primer design? - (reply: 1)
  239. MSP: No PCR product for one cell line but yes for the other cell lines - (reply: 3)
  240. GAPDH methylated or not - (reply: 2)
  241. How adjacent or remote CpG affects expression? - (reply: 5)
  242. positive control for BSP? - (reply: 12)
  243. Heterogeneous methylation in a same cell line - (reply: 1)
  244. Confirm DNA enrichment of methylation array - (reply: 2)
  245. modifications in bisulfite treatment - (reply: 6)
  246. MSP problem - (reply: 7)
  247. western for methylated histone - (reply: 7)
  248. How to design prime detecting plant methylation? - (reply: 3)
  249. Negative control problem in BSP - (reply: 1)
  250. positive control for MSP - (reply: 6)
  251. Generating primers for MSP - (reply: 1)
  252. Zymo CpG Methylase (M.SssI) Kit - Alternative Distributor to NEB (reply: 1)
  253. MSP SENSITIVITY - (reply: 1)
  254. methylation by MSSS1(NEB )for reporter gene analysis - (reply: 2)
  255. Does phenol extraction have effect on DNA methylation? - (reply: 4)
  256. Effect of freezing on DNA methylation? - (reply: 6)