Marker Related Discussions
Should Lineage marker cocktail be used in cell lines to remove lineage specific - (reply: 1)
TetA as a counter-selection marker - (reply: 1)
Southern blotting problem (no ladder, high background) - (reply: 3)
Electrophoresis problem: Frowning bands and smeary ladder - (reply: 1)
Does anyone know of a stict S phase marker? - (reply: 2)
Can't see my molecular weight markers on PVDF - (reply: 2)
All bands, including ladder, appear as double bands in EtBr stained gel - (reply: 6)
band obove the ladder - (reply: 3)
Ladder and proteins do not migrate into stacking gel - (reply: 5)
promoter for minimal expression of selection marker - (reply: 1)
post-mortem BBB permeability marker - (reply: 1)
Looking for Clontech Adeno-X-AcGFP1 control marker virus (#632504) - (reply: 6)
Help, protein ladder didn`t separate - (reply: 3)
I never see the 16kDa band from the seeblue marker? - (reply: 3)
Smeary bands on agarose gel (also the ladder) - (reply: 2)
PCR products sizes and DNA ladder - (reply: 7)
Smeared DNA ladder - (reply: 3)
sample runs slower than ladder? - (reply: 2)
DNA ladder does not resolve well - (reply: 4)
volunteers positive to tumor marker, but no clinical sign of health problem! - (reply: 4)
Protein ladder not separating - (reply: 6)
Western Blot - Protein Marker Present on Film After Developing - (reply: 1)
How to measure immunological markers after bacterial infection; IL10-/- Mice - (reply: 2)
Plasmides run higher than marker - (reply: 4)
Running time is excessively long, bunched ladder - (reply: 2)
Trouble estimating my protein size using ladder (image included) - (reply: 2)
Immuno-staining for cell surface/membrane markers after permeabilisation - (reply: 4)
CD markers that differentiate DC and macrophages - (reply: 1)
shRNA with 100% marker expression but no knockdown efficiency at all - (reply: 7)
Lab marker pens - (reply: 3)
Commercial standard protein ladder/marker >250? - (reply: 2)
Protein ladder - (reply: 1)
What can ssDNA ladder do? - (reply: 6)
Analysis of high throughput screen for cell surface markers - (reply: 1)
my protein bands and protein marker becomes abnormally clearer sometimes - (reply: 3)
Vascular Smooth Muscle cell Marker - (reply: 3)
DNA ladder running faster than samples during agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
Looking for cell surface markers. - (reply: 3)
common nuclear marker for T cells - (reply: 1)
Any reliable markers for mouse memoery T cells? - (reply: 1)
Lamin A/C vs Lamin B1 as a nuclear marker?? - (reply: 2)
Non reducing protein ladder? - (reply: 5)
human monocyte and macrophage markers - (reply: 2)
dye protein ladder - (reply: 5)
Bubbles on the marker after transfer - (reply: 2)
how many minimum and maximum number of bands in SSCP marker? - (reply: 2)
Fixing cells before staining of surface markers - (reply: 1)
standard internal marker for quantification - (reply: 3)
peptide markers for native PAGE - (reply: 3)
DNA electrophoersis ladder very blurry - (reply: 4)
Cytoplasmic marker contamination for Nuclear extracts - Tubulin alfa or beta? (reply: 3)
marker of inflammation - (reply: 3)
3% NuSieve gel electrophoresis - Why 1kb ladder doesn't move well? (reply: 3)
MEF Cell marker - (reply: 1)
Marker or a Biomarker? - What is the difference? (reply: 6)
Marker pens for glassware - (reply: 2)
PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) - is it an adequate marker of proliferating cells? (reply: 2)
Ponceau Bands, Marker transfer, but no bands? - Ponceau positive, the marker transfers, no bands? (reply: 2)
FACS - double staining - apoptosis AND proliferation markers (reply: 4)
Protein Markers - (reply: 1)
Southern Blot Questions - Optimal Ladder and Other Conditions (reply: 3)
Biochemical markers are measured in serum because... - say if my answers are right! (reply: 5)
Fermentas prestained protein marker issue! - (reply: 7)
DNA size markers run at different levels in the same gel - Same marker loaded in two lanes runs differently! (reply: 2)
Re-inserting marker into scanned WB - (reply: 1)
pre stained marker issues - (reply: 2)
RNA marker for isotope labeled - (reply: 2)
looking for stromal cell marker - (reply: 1)
Lab permanent marker - (reply: 3)
no separation of MW marker on gel - (reply: 1)
disappearing high molecular protein and marker,thanks - (reply: 1)
marker swap plasmid - (reply: 4)
Marker do discriminate cell cycle phases - G2 phase / Mitosis (reply: 3)
Non Reducing SDS protein ladder?? - (reply: 4)
Only DNA ladder , No desired band in PCR - (reply: 4)
DNA Ladder Issues - DNA Ladder Agarose Gel (reply: 5)
Pre stained markers - (reply: 4)
Native PAGE w. Western protein marker - (reply: 4)
THP-1 cell surface markers for Flow Cytometry - Need a robust marker for undifferentiated THP-1 cells (reply: 1)
Marker migrates slower depending where is loaded - (reply: 2)
Ladder but no protein - (reply: 4)
Can I still use 4-year-old Dig-labeled Marker ? - (reply: 4)
Only marker signal in Southern - (reply: 2)
Protein loading marker for glycoproteins - (reply: 2)
How to exchange antibiotic resistance markers on a plasmid for E. coli - (reply: 2)
DRG MARKER - dorsal root ganglion antibody marker (reply: 1)
Markers hardly dissapeared - (reply: 10)
MW marker shows wrong MWs? - (reply: 8)
Recommend a giant ladder please - (reply: 4)