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Bacteriophage Related Discussions
  1. expressing bacteriophage in mammalian cells - (reply: 5)
  2. Pipeline to search bacterial CRISPR spacers against specific phage genomes? - (reply: 1)
  3. what‘s phage display principle - (reply: 1)
  4. QIAprep Spin M13 Kit - for bacteriophages use??? - (reply: 1)
  5. Problems with M13 phage - (reply: 5)
  6. How to get rid of bacterial phage from a caterpillar surface? - (reply: 7)
  7. How to determine MOI of bacteriophage - (reply: 2)
  8. Bacteriophage genome extraction - (reply: 1)
  9. phage lysate purification - (reply: 2)
  10. Where can I purchase T2 or T4 phage genomic DNA? - (reply: 2)
  11. bacteriophage genome - (reply: 2)
  12. Trouble in phage display - (reply: 1)
  13. Filamentous phage infection - (reply: 2)
  14. Half-life of bacteriophages in sterile filtered sewage water - (reply: 3)
  15. Suppliers of bacteriophages in UK - (reply: 1)
  16. Insert lose in Phage display library - (reply: 6)
  17. Mirror Image Phage Display - "special" contamination (reply: 9)
  18. Phage Contamination of Cultures? - Phage contamination or somethign else? (reply: 3)
  19. phage DNA - DNA wont migrate on agarose gel (reply: 3)
  20. DNA extraction from induced phage - (reply: 1)
  21. How to get rid of phage contamination - (reply: 1)
  22. lambda phage library - (reply: 4)
  23. Restriction digestion of gDNA for phage library - (reply: 5)
  24. lambda phage library - (reply: 1)
  25. phage display - peptide differentiation (reply: 1)
  26. How to dissolve phage library dry powder - (reply: 2)
  27. info about the little p in pH - i kept my promise phage!!! (reply: 4)
  28. qPCR determination of phage numbers - slope difference for different phage clones (reply: 2)
  29. from where can i get the P1 phage - (reply: 1)
  30. Phage removal of E.coli - (reply: 8)