RT-PCR Related Discussions
Length of amplicon for RT real time PCR - (reply: 2)
Amount of cDNA input in RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
testing primers efficiency for rt-PCR - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR low efficiency - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR electrophorasis - (reply: 1)
What could be the possible reasons for a RT-PCR experiment that was working fine - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR Kit's Validation - (reply: 1)
Rt pcr - (reply: 4)
Experimental design for RT-PCR - (reply: 8)
RT-PCR analysis - (reply: 1)
Absolute quant with TaqMan - Different RT & different plates? - (reply: 1)
how to calculate amount of cDNA using RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
need help setting up reverse transcriptase qPCR - (reply: 3)
How does RT-PCR work? - (reply: 5)
could you help me with my stem loop RT primer? - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR help - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR carry over contamination and dUTP/UDG - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR - High Ct Values and Laser Capture - (reply: 1)
Need no RT control for all genes? - (reply: 1)
Question about the RT PCR - (reply: 3)
Internal control for miRNA RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Can somebody explain to me what "spiking" means in RT-PCR and why do you - (reply: 3)
Reverse transcription 101 question! - (reply: 5)
Quantitative RT-PCR statistics help - (reply: 1)
RNA extraction for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
skip 65 degrees protocol of Reverse transcription - (reply: 4)
Need help with my real time RT-PCR Plate Set up - (reply: 8)
RNA concentration to start RT reaction - (reply: 1)
Random vs oligo primer in preamplification RT - (reply: 1)
Sensitivity of RT-PCR and qPCR - (reply: 4)
[Video] Using NCBI for RT-PCR Primer Design - (reply: 1)
Detecting miRNA mimics by RT-PCR? - (reply: 4)
A question for Reverse transcription experts - (reply: 5)
will mRNA from different cell line lead to loss of expected product in RT PCR? - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR product- no band - (reply: 4)
Do cell signaling antibodies work with 1h RT incubation? - (reply: 2)
No amplification during RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
Sequencing RT-PCR product - (reply: 3)
Using RT-PCR to find the presence of a deletion in a gene - (reply: 2)
Best way to isolate viral mRNA for RT-PCR? - (reply: 4)
Gene expression from whole pancreas or islets by using RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Differentiate between RT-PCR and PCR - (reply: 3)
Good Protocol for Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR? - (reply: 1)
RNA isolation with low number of cells (1*10^4 to 5*10^4) for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Strange RT to qPCR results with new kit - (reply: 5)
Plasmid DNA at RT for a few days - (reply: 4)
Controls for RT-PCR reactions - (reply: 2)
What is your preferred Reverse Transcriptase? - (reply: 4)
qPCR, Appearance of amplification curve for my minus RT control - (reply: 6)
Use RT-PCR to verify after transient transfection a plasmid? - (reply: 5)
Upscaling cDNA synthesis using SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase - (reply: 4)
Error rate of commecial reverse transcriptase - (reply: 1)
complicated RT-PCR issues - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR vs plate reader for pathogen detection - (reply: 3)
Buffer-composition One-Step RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
RT / cDNA synthesis - (reply: 7)
RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 1)
urgent help plz with RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Problems with two step RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR contamination in negative control. - (reply: 1)
how to do RT-PCR for16srRNA of a certain bacteria? - (reply: 4)
How to design RT-PCR primers in-frame for expression vector? - (reply: 1)
cDNA synthesis or RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Abnormal plot of real time one-step RT-PCR, how to solve! - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR in a single tube - (reply: 3)
Maximum length of cDNA from RT reaction - (reply: 6)
Strange RT-PCR amplification plots - (reply: 9)
troubleshooting RT-PCR: possible nuclease issues? - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR primers and the poly(A) tail - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR inhibited after Turbo DNase treatment - (reply: 3)
real time RT-PCR problems - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
RNA extraction from FFPE cancer tissues for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Rt-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
staining at 37 degrees or RT - OK or really bad ? - (reply: 3)
ROX reference dye for quantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Comparative semiquantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR doesn't work with all RNA used - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR primer design for full length cDNA cloning - (reply: 6)
RT-PCR stoped working!!! Same samples, same primers, same enzyme! - (reply: 3)
Design strategy for real-time RT-PCR, how to decide on what gene of interest and - Newbie that's completly mRNA confused, please help! (reply: 2)
RT-PCR calibrator - (reply: 2)
wrong plot amplification in one-step RT- PCR - one step real time RT PCR (reply: 1)
which exon to choose when designing primers for RT-PCR? - splicing isoforms are different between NCBI and Genecard (reply: 3)
real time rt PCR - bloodyurine - inhibition - (reply: 1)
Qiagen RT-PCR Kit (Rotor-Gene Q) - Which one should I use? (reply: 3)
Stability of DNA at RT - (reply: 1)
Qiagen RT-PCR Kit (Rotor-Gene Q) - Which one should I use? (reply: 2)
RT-PCR primer design - Primer design and evaluation (reply: 7)
Splice varient quantification in RT real time PCR? - (reply: 1)
Cleaning up RT-PCR product before sequencing - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR cDNA synthesis - (reply: 6)
Reverse transcription (cDNA synthesis) curiosity and confusion - Does the amount of RNA have to be doubled if you double everything els (reply: 4)
RT-PCR t-test, and ANOVA - (reply: 1)
High Ct value in Real Time RT PCR for NTC - Real Time RT PCR troubleshooting (reply: 5)
RT-PCR - (reply: 9)
Will I need interplate calibration for my RT-PCR experiment? - (reply: 3)
mRNA Search for RT-PCR (U to T) - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR primer - (reply: 3)
Questions regarding RT-PCR optimization - (reply: 2)
elimination of Protein interference from DNA - for RT-PCR (reply: 2)
Q-PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
How long can diluted primary antibdoy remain effective at RT? - (reply: 7)
RT-PCR result !! - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR: DNA contamination, one vs two step - RNA work (reply: 11)
cDNA storage and real time RT PCR - (reply: 3)
Anitbiotic shelf life in liquid media at RT - (reply: 2)
Question about RT... - (reply: 1)
RT PCR for known snps detection? - SNPs detection (reply: 1)
Reverse Transcriptase @ Room temperature for 48 hours - (reply: 10)
Problem with Telomeric Length measurement using RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR Taqman no change in gene expression - GATA3 gene expression in splenocytes, a tough one (reply: 3)
can you please help me to design primers for reverse transcription of miRNA and - miRNA primers (reply: 2)
use of housekeeping gene in RT PCR chIP - (reply: 3)
GAPDH primer design and efficiency problems (new to rt-pcr) - (reply: 4)
Forgot to stop reverse transcription reaction - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR contamination issue - (reply: 3)
Real Time PCR Normalization - What if I have no choice for housekeeping genes to normalize RT PCR (reply: 3)
Differences between primers for real-time PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 6)
Dumb Reverse Transcription PCR Question - (reply: 2)
Reverse transcription PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR/RT-PCR beads - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR Gel - Ladder looks terrible and product is fuzzy! (reply: 1)
RT-PCR standard curve dilutions - (reply: 2)
Rt-PCR problem !with 2.5 kb gene - (reply: 3)
Embryo preservation for IHC at RT?? - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR problem - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR - New to RT-PCR info (reply: 2)
silly control question - No RT controls (reply: 2)
Apoptotic gene expression - Help required in RT-PCR for apoptotic genes (reply: 1)
Relative RT-PCR, multiplate and calibration - (reply: 4)
Don't understand why we need RT-PCR? - Slight Confusion guys, please clear me up (reply: 6)
Relative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Relative real time RT PCR - (reply: 2)
Strange RT-PCR Graph - Is this inhibition of PCR? (reply: 1)
How to do PCR to detect mRNA without RT? - (reply: 2)
multiplexing taqman miRNA reverse transcription - (reply: 2)
Problem cDNA synthesis/ 2 step RT - (reply: 6)
Urgent Help needed: RNA-Interference, rt-pcr and Western-Blot do not match - (reply: 2)
Reverse transcription question - Volume for RT reaction (reply: 3)
Antibody stability if left out at RT over Xmas break? - (reply: 5)
How to choose the parameters (Tm, cycli) for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Does RT step smplify RNA - (reply: 2)
reverse transcriptase and cDNA - (reply: 1)
gene expression, reverse transcription on total RNA or mRNA? - (reply: 3)
Finding cDNA for making a standard curve for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
The perfect RT??? which control? - (reply: 4)
Settings op a RT-PCR, What is my next step - I`ve got RNA --> cDNA and working primers, what now? (reply: 1)
RT-PCR problem - (reply: 4)
DNA and RNA contamination in RT PCR water controls - (reply: 2)
Interpreting melting curve data in Sybr Green RT-PCR - (reply: 12)
SYBR melting curve vs RT-PCR gel - (reply: 1)
same primer for reverse transcription and real time - is the primer same for the mRNA we start with and then for the cDNA al (reply: 2)
Designing Primers for RT-PCR after ChIP - Help to avoid primer dimers (reply: 2)
heating rna before rt reaction? - (reply: 1)
Standard curve for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
miScript (Qiagen) - RT of both miRNA and mRNA - does it work? (reply: 1)
miScript (Qiagen) - RT of both miRNA and mRNA - does it work? (reply: 4)
shRNA shows knockdown in protein expression but no change in RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Help! How to get rid of a repeatedly appearing smear in my RT-PCR result! - (reply: 2)
2 bands or smear? 2-step RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Homogenizing animal tissue to RT-PCR in real-time - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR Help - Protocol provided (reply: 4)
RT qPCR Newbie, Weird Results - (reply: 1)
truble shooting qiagen 1 step rt pcr kit - (reply: 2)
Thiamine HCl 1M solution? - can I store it at RT? (reply: 2)
RNA reverse transcription riddle - (reply: 6)
Leaky RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR primer dimers and cDNA degradation - (reply: 2)
Unwanted 100bp in RT-PCR - 100bp band appearing all the time after RT-PCR (reply: 7)
amplification in negative control in RT PCR - (reply: 2)
gene-specific RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR Internal Standard - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
RT-PCR vs. conventional PCR - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR primer design - Intron/exon boundaries - (reply: 6)
Gene-specific RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Normalization for RNA or cDNA during two step RT-PCR? - (reply: 17)
Good RT-PCR amplication but NO amplification with semi-quantitative PCR!? Wh - (reply: 3)
Direct RT-PCR from Frozen Cells? - Ever try this? (reply: 1)
RT-PCR Negative controls - (reply: 1)
Amplification dwindles using little template RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Running gel after RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
18S as a housekeeping gene for RT-PCR? getting wide variation - (reply: 2)
gDNA or cDNA amplification in RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Reverse Transcription - (reply: 3)
Need an UV260 RT-PCR instrument - (reply: 1)
Nested Relative Quatitative Real-Time RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR primers on coding sequence or UTRs? - (reply: 4)
Serious issues with RT-PCR - (reply: 7)
Analysis of ChIP RT-PCR data - (reply: 7)
can we use one-step RT-PCR kits to amplify DNA? - (reply: 1)
where to buy rotorgene real-time rt-pcr kits? - (reply: 4)
Real-Time RT-PCR one-step and two step issue - (reply: 13)
Ncode miRNA RT & qPCR system - can mRNA be reverse transcribed in same RT reaction? (reply: 4)
real time RT-PCR, 1-step vs. 2-step method - (reply: 2)
cDNA and RT-PCR - (reply: 8)
RT-PCR primer design guide - How to check gene structure and design the primer? - Recovered post (reply: 4)
RT-PCR - can you keep the PCR plate in the fridge? - Please help! (reply: 1)