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RNA Related Discussions
  1. Difference between ssDNA and RNA. - (reply: 2)
  2. RNA concentration weight and molarity - (reply: 4)
  3. Low amount of RNA and cDNa for qPCR - (reply: 1)
  4. Synthesizing RNA in Transcription - (reply: 4)
  5. RNA extraction using Sigma lysis buffer and Qiagen spin columns - (reply: 1)
  6. RNA degradation from cells embedded in gels - (reply: 4)
  7. Can anyone point me research papers using Superscript iii on <200ng RNA? - (reply: 1)
  8. Northern blot with a RNA probe labeled with a fluorophore - (reply: 1)
  9. RNA isolation RBC RPE buffer swap - (reply: 1)
  10. Help with isolating protein-bound RNA - (reply: 4)
  11. Problem with RNA bands on RNA bleach gel - (reply: 1)
  12. Preservation of RNA/cDNA samples - (reply: 1)
  13. Using RNA minikit for DNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  14. RNA RNA EMSA - (reply: 6)
  15. The true monomers making RNA and DNA ? - (reply: 1)
  16. Good diluents for RNA - (reply: 1)
  17. bacterial rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  18. RNA later and 2D SDS PAGE - (reply: 3)
  19. Are relaxed plasmids origin of rep sensitive to bp substitution in RNA I/II sequ - (reply: 5)
  20. HTP DNA and RNA extraction options??? - (reply: 2)
  21. Addition of DNase after RNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  22. RNA Conditioning Solution Agilent Pico Chip - (reply: 1)
  23. RNA agarose gel blurry fuzzy. RNase contaminaton? - (reply: 2)
  24. RNA extraction for RNAseq - (reply: 3)
  25. RNA extraction/trizol - (reply: 1)
  26. Starch Contamination during RNA isolation from wheat seeds - (reply: 2)
  27. RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  28. Inhibition of PCR amplification of bacterial genomic DNA by RNA - (reply: 1)
  29. Any DNA/RNA elements I can include into transgene to delay expression? - (reply: 2)
  30. DNA spin column to get RNA? - (reply: 1)
  31. 260/230 values of RNA and precipitation of RNA - (reply: 2)
  32. Amount of RNA for cDNA - (reply: 4)
  33. RNA extraction - Zymogen kit - (reply: 1)
  34. Repurifying RNA after extraction - No Kits - (reply: 5)
  35. Can restriction enzymes cleave RNA? - (reply: 1)
  36. Isolation of genomic DNA following RNA extraction with Qiazol? - (reply: 1)
  37. method to detect 5ŽOH end of RNA - (reply: 2)
  38. RNA extraction from cervical SWAB help - (reply: 2)
  39. RNA isolation - (reply: 3)
  40. Acceptable RNA A260/280 ratio - (reply: 1)
  41. False positive in empty wells in RNA dot blots - (reply: 2)
  42. RNA extraction from oocytes - (reply: 3)
  43. Low RNA yield in dual RNA/DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  44. Agarose gel for determining RNA quality (image attached) - (reply: 3)
  45. Visualization of DNA:RNA hybrid on TBE-UREA GEL - (reply: 8)
  46. CanŽt get rid of DNA contamination in RNA - (reply: 2)
  47. RNA gel problem (melted bands) - (reply: 2)
  48. RNA extraction and DNase treatment - (reply: 1)
  49. RNA extraction and DNase treatment - (reply: 2)
  50. Can I snap freeze my tissue (liquid nitrogen) in Lysis buffer for later RNA extr - (reply: 6)
  51. RNA purification with TRI_ low yield - (reply: 1)
  52. bacterial RNA isolation from PBS buffer water - (reply: 1)
  53. polyA RNA staining for dot blot - (reply: 4)
  54. 2 types of cell lines for RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  55. RNA Gel 3 Sharp bands? - (reply: 1)
  56. Gel Electrophoresis and RNA - (reply: 1)
  57. BLOCK-iT Pol II miR RNAi system: Issues with generating stable knockdown - (reply: 1)
  58. Quantuitative staining of RNA and DNA? - (reply: 4)
  59. How to prepare a "home-made" lysis solution compatible with RNA extracti - (reply: 1)
  60. haeting RNA before electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  61. Viral RNA in total RNA eluate for transfection - (reply: 1)
  62. Increasing RNA yield from very small tissues - (reply: 3)
  63. tripure rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  64. RNA agarose gel electrophoresis came up empty - (reply: 10)
  65. commercially available miRNA or small RNA? - (reply: 2)
  66. RNA concentration is too low to detect gene of interest by qRT-PCR - (reply: 4)
  67. Nanodrop question for RNA - (reply: 13)
  68. RNA Precipitation - (reply: 1)
  69. RNA lab - (reply: 1)
  70. What is the protocol to remove RNA contamination (Using RNase) from DNA? - (reply: 8)
  71. What is the RNA:Protein ratio for ONE gene over different RNA levels? - (reply: 1)
  72. Primer Design for RNA probes - (reply: 2)
  73. Real time PCR for degraded RNA - (reply: 1)
  74. RNA contamination in plasmid extracted - (reply: 1)
  75. Any idea of the composition of the RNA Wash Buffer from Zymo Research RNA Clean - (reply: 3)
  76. help with total RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  77. Protein quantification after TRIzol Extraction - (reply: 2)
  78. Water RNA Contamination? - (reply: 4)
  79. Low RNA quantity after on column DNAse digestion - (reply: 1)
  80. Checking RNA integrity by Denaturing Gel - (reply: 2)
  81. Small yield of RNA after on column DNAs digestion , Why - (reply: 3)
  82. RNA Freeze/Thaw and NanoDrop Concentration - (reply: 1)
  83. software for making RNA secondary structure - (reply: 1)
  84. RNA integrity and RNA fragmentation? - (reply: 1)
  85. RNA isolation, dilution question - (reply: 1)
  86. small rna query - (reply: 1)
  87. rna thawing - (reply: 4)
  88. Cleaning of cuvettes (spectrophotometer) for RNA measurement - (reply: 7)
  89. RNA isolation from whole blood - (reply: 2)
  90. RNA concentration given by Nanodrop - (reply: 9)
  91. RNA yield and quality: Trizol vs. Column based - (reply: 2)
  92. Need help on RNA preparation for RNA sequencing - (reply: 7)
  93. what is the possible mechanism for a downregulation of RNA expression - (reply: 4)
  94. rna extraction protocol - (reply: 3)
  95. Preparation of RNase A From Powder - (reply: 1)
  96. miRNA-mediated competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) networks - (reply: 4)
  97. RNA seq reads - assessing distance from start codon - (reply: 1)
  98. question about RNA concentration for real time PCR - (reply: 1)
  99. RNA extraction from flat worms - (reply: 2)
  100. Comprehensive List of long noncoding RNA(lncRNA) resources - (reply: 2)
  101. Is there any alternative to Formamide in RNA Gel Electrophoresis? - (reply: 1)
  102. RNAse - how to convert ug/ml to U/ml? - (reply: 3)
  103. rna isolation from formalin fixed peg tissue - (reply: 2)
  104. software for drawing small RNA molecules and nucleotides - (reply: 2)
  105. low RNA A260/280 - (reply: 2)
  106. RNA concentration quiries - (reply: 2)
  107. Removing ~200 different transcripts from total RNA pool - (reply: 1)
  108. RNase digestion followed by Radiolabelling iCLIP/CLIP - (reply: 1)
  109. Spleen homogonization for RNA extraction issue - (reply: 1)
  110. cDNA preparation from degraded RNA - (reply: 2)
  111. excess rna sample affect qpcr? - (reply: 2)
  112. How to ship plant tissue for RNA extraction? - (reply: 2)
  113. Concentration of cDNA from unknown quantity of RNA by mistake - (reply: 7)
  114. RNA extraction for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
  115. Simultaneous RNA and DNA transfection? - (reply: 2)
  116. q value in rna seq - (reply: 1)
  117. Diffuse rRNA bands on RNA denaturing (formaldehyde) gel - (reply: 5)
  118. How to get rid of DNA contamination in RNA prep - (reply: 4)
  119. 100 ng RNA for cDNA synthesis - (reply: 4)
  120. RNA extraction from human jaw bone - (reply: 4)
  121. How to avoid RNA contamination in DNA samples:? - (reply: 1)
  122. RNA contamination in DNA samples - (reply: 2)
  123. Common causes for low RNA A260/230 ratios - (reply: 7)
  124. interpreting RNA agarose gel results? - (reply: 1)
  125. Basic question about qPCR and endogenous RNA control. - (reply: 4)
  126. Biotinylated RNA on Nylon Membrane - (reply: 2)
  127. Nonspecific RNA transcription assay - (reply: 3)
  128. Selection of needle size to homogenize cells for RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  129. RNA concentration suddenly drops - (reply: 3)
  130. RNA concentration to start RT reaction - (reply: 1)
  131. Labeling and tracking RNA - (reply: 3)
  132. Absurdly high A260/280 ratio for RNA - (reply: 2)
  133. accidentally used denatured ethanol for DNA and RNA - what to do? - (reply: 4)
  134. Artificial RNA as normalizer (HK gene) - (reply: 1)
  135. Cannot isolate total RNA using column - (reply: 2)
  136. methods to extract RNA from blood sample? - (reply: 4)
  137. How to prepare serial dilutions of RNA or cDNA - (reply: 3)
  138. RNA extraction by trizol - (reply: 3)
  139. 16S ribosomal RNA sequences (Bacteria and Archaea) - (reply: 4)
  140. agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA - (reply: 1)
  141. Isolation of protein and RNA from RNeasy Minikits? - (reply: 5)
  142. RNA journals - (reply: 4)
  143. RNA storage time - (reply: 1)
  144. TRIZOL trouble - (reply: 2)
  145. RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  146. micro RNA - (reply: 1)
  147. RNA alcohol/salt precipitation...low temperature - (reply: 1)
  148. long non-coding RNAs biogenesis pathways - (reply: 1)
  149. Extracting total RNA from woody plant roots - (reply: 2)
  150. Problem with precipitating RNA from ethanol solution - (reply: 1)
  151. Buffers RNase decontamination - (reply: 1)
  152. Homozygote DNA but Heterozygote RNA? - (reply: 2)
  153. RNA gel electrophoresis for integrity check - denaturing or non-denaturing?? - (reply: 6)
  154. How 18s gene can be amplified when I use oligo dt for cDNA synthesis - (reply: 4)
  155. Placental RNA extraction with qiagen rneasy mini plus kit - (reply: 9)
  156. Long term storage for RNA extracted from pancreas - (reply: 3)
  157. Viral RNA extraction/isolation methods from plant tissue - (reply: 4)
  158. Why RNase H treatment after cDNA synthesis - (reply: 2)
  159. RNA isolation from Sesame seed - (reply: 3)
  160. Homogenize pancreas for RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  161. Purification of RNA binding proteins by avidin agarose beads - (reply: 2)
  162. delaying RNA extraction; using buffer RLT to disrupt cells and place on ice? - (reply: 3)
  163. Not RNAi. Has anyone tried gene knock-up? - (reply: 2)
  164. Amount of RNA (ng) for good ct values. - (reply: 3)
  165. polyacrylamide RNA gel - (reply: 4)
  166. Is my RNA degraded? - (reply: 7)
  167. Problems with extraction of RNA from primary culture - (reply: 4)
  168. Sanger Sequencing RNAse Interference? - (reply: 1)
  169. RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  170. Low yield for small RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  171. RNA extraction: low RCF by mistake - (reply: 1)
  172. Visualizing RNA on blot - (reply: 1)
  173. Question about RNA and expression - (reply: 5)
  174. RNase inactivation during IHC prior to LCM - (reply: 4)
  175. Protein and RNA interaction - (reply: 1)
  176. RNA isolation with low number of cells (1*10^4 to 5*10^4) for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
  177. Large scale Viral RNA purification Kit - (reply: 3)
  178. minimum amount of RNA for RT_PCR - (reply: 1)
  179. Reference RNA for qPCR - (reply: 3)
  180. RNA isolation of murine pancreatic islets - poor ratios - (reply: 3)
  181. Checking pH of RNase Free Solutions - (reply: 1)
  182. Atypical yeild of RNA - (reply: 1)
  183. Problems with RNA extraction from Sorghum anthers/pollen - (reply: 1)
  184. How does DEPC work to inactivate RNases - (reply: 3)
  185. Does Proteinase K digest RNAse in lysis buffer? - (reply: 2)
  186. RNA pellet gone in the wrong concentration of ethanol - (reply: 4)
  187. Problems in RNAi construction by using pUC19 - (reply: 3)
  188. [QUESTION] Is it possible to incorperate Tri Reagent (Trizol) with the Mirvana m - (reply: 3)
  189. Detection of T7 RNA polymerase by WB - (reply: 6)
  190. RNA isolation from small numbers of cells - (reply: 6)
  191. Problems with Electrophoresis of RNA - (reply: 3)
  192. Extraction of RNA from HEPG2 - (reply: 1)
  193. Synthesis of carrier RNA(poly-A) for DNA Extraction - (reply: 2)
  194. 5'RACE of RNA Pol3 transcripts? - (reply: 3)
  195. Can human 18S primer, probe set for qPCR be used for Rhesus and Cynomolgus sampl - (reply: 3)
  196. RNA integrity - (reply: 5)
  197. Question about PCR - DNA or RNA as template - (reply: 4)
  198. Dyes for RNA in Urea-polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 1)
  199. Incorporating RNAse A into DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  200. Agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA - (reply: 5)
  201. Recovery of viral RNA - (reply: 3)
  202. Ethanol contamination in RNA - (reply: 11)
  203. blood RNA - (reply: 2)
  204. RNA extraction kits for small samples - (reply: 6)
  205. RNA caculation!! - (reply: 2)
  206. RNA in situ hybridization: pH of AP staining buffer? - (reply: 1)
  207. Issues with Cy5 labeled RNA - (reply: 2)
  208. Primer for identification of yeast (ITS or 18Sr RNA gene) - (reply: 3)
  209. How to precipitate RNA from water - (reply: 3)
  210. FFPE tissue and RNA isolation - (reply: 2)
  211. Calculation of RNA - (reply: 2)
  212. My RNA extraction failed (From a newbie ) - (reply: 2)
  213. RNase h electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  214. Trizol and safety - (reply: 7)
  215. miRNA from plasma_purity problem after RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  216. RNA degradation problem, only one band on the gel - (reply: 3)
  217. Application of RNase - (reply: 3)
  218. RNAi in combination with adenoviral-mediated over-expression - (reply: 1)
  219. RNA transcription from T3 promoter problem - (reply: 1)
  220. How to purify RNA from a handful number of cells? - (reply: 5)
  221. RNA purification from urine samples - (reply: 2)
  222. Ideas for determining poly(a) status of RNA - (reply: 2)
  223. Is some amount of RNA obligatory for qRT-PCR? - (reply: 5)
  224. Purifying RNA from Solution with RNEasy? - (reply: 2)
  225. Is it possible to extract RNA from Cells frozen in 10% DMSO ? - (reply: 2)
  226. how to design primers for 16sr RNA - (reply: 24)
  227. Isolation of both DNA and RNA from the same plant tissue - (reply: 8)
  228. RNase Band in old plasmid stored at -40 - (reply: 2)
  229. How to lysis cells for an RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  230. protein solubilization and quantitation after extraction using Trizol - (reply: 2)
  231. Urgent - RNA extraction / RNase contamination ? - (reply: 4)
  232. RNA transfer to nitrocellulose membrane (Northern blot) - (reply: 2)
  233. precipitation of RNA after DNase treatment - (reply: 3)
  234. Can we use denatured DNA standards on RNA formamide gels - (reply: 2)
  235. RNA immunoprecipitation DNase treatment - (reply: 4)
  236. RNA extraction protocol help - (reply: 1)
  237. Higher mRNA level after RNAi? - (reply: 1)
  238. question: RNAi for bacteria? - (reply: 3)
  239. Control for RNA chip experiment - (reply: 1)
  240. High RNase concentration interfering with PCR? - (reply: 8)
  241. RNAi problem - Gene is knocked down, but not protein - (reply: 9)
  242. Mortar and Pestle for RNA Extraction - (reply: 1)
  243. Optimizing Trizol mRNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  244. sample preservation for RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  245. RNA extraction from blood stain - (reply: 1)
  246. RNA purity - (reply: 3)
  247. RNA Buffer Extraction - (reply: 3)
  248. Viral RNA Extraction from Tissue Culture Supernatant - (reply: 5)
  249. DNA extraction from cerebrospinal fluid using trizol - (reply: 2)
  250. New RNAi video from Nature - (reply: 1)
  251. RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
  252. DNA and RNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  253. RNA extraction of ethanol preserved matherial - (reply: 1)
  254. RNA extraction from paraffin embedded tissue - (reply: 2)
  255. Designing of RNA probe for in situ hybridization - (reply: 1)
  256. RNA extraction from a 1mm brain tissue punch - uncertain about homogenisation - (reply: 2)
  257. total RNA Extraction gel control - (reply: 1)
  258. Isopropanol, Water, and RNA Stability - (reply: 3)
  259. RNA extraction from FFPE cancer tissues for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
  260. Concentration of RNA to same amount across different samples - (reply: 5)
  261. How to find that my RNA is not contaminated with gDNA, before running Real-Time - (reply: 5)
  262. Dilution of 18s. How much? - (reply: 1)
  263. Difference between <Antisense RNA> & <RNAi>? - (reply: 1)
  264. Extrct RNA from fungus in broth medium - (reply: 2)
  265. Proper storage of isolated white blood cell prior to RNA isolation - (reply: 3)
  266. RNAse treatment of genomic DNA - concentration and duration? - (reply: 1)
  267. protein did not knock down by shRNA, but RNA did knock down - (reply: 4)
  268. RNA extraction and purity from Drosophila - (reply: 1)
  269. Phenol peak at RNA isolation with Trizol method - (reply: 1)
  270. RNA extraction from human sperm - (reply: 3)
  271. Trizol and Protein extraction - (reply: 2)
  272. RNA extraction and preparation - RTqPCR - (reply: 3)
  273. Cloning from RNA template: Second strand cDNA synthesis - (reply: 4)
  274. Strange question on TRIzol and RNAlater - (reply: 3)
  275. PAXgene blood RNA tube for RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  276. RNA labeling with Biotin - (reply: 1)
  277. RT-PCR doesn't work with all RNA used - (reply: 1)
  278. RNA isolation from frozen cells - (reply: 2)
  279. RNA protein complex interaction in 4-12% NU PAGE gradient gel - RNA PROTEIN bEHAVIOR IN GRADIENT GELS (reply: 1)
  280. How many RNA I need for detecting plasma miR expression? - (reply: 1)
  281. To isolate DNA, RNA and Protein from same culture flask for methylation study? - (reply: 2)
  282. No gene amplification, 18s amplification is fine - (reply: 1)
  283. Totai RNA dilution - (reply: 8)
  284. RNA from guinea pig lung=degraded - (reply: 5)
  285. Tissue disruption - for RNA isolation (reply: 2)
  286. cells stably expressing T7 RNA polymerase - (reply: 1)
  287. RNA degradation during electrophoresis?? - (reply: 2)
  288. Total RNA estimation - (reply: 2)
  289. Bioanalyzer and RNA gel - (reply: 2)
  290. Genomic DNA contamination in my RNA sample? - (reply: 8)
  291. could i use sterile deionized water instead of DEPEC water in RNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  292. RNase should be added in which step for gDNA isolation using phenol chloroform m - after lysozyme / preteinase k treatment or after phenol chloroform? (reply: 9)
  293. Checking RNA on gel after DIG labeling - (reply: 1)
  294. Whole blood RNA and DNA extraction help - Expression analysis and epigenetics (reply: 2)
  295. DNase treatment after RNA extraction using RNeasy kit of qiagen - DNaes treatment after RNA extraction (reply: 2)
  296. is it degraded RNA? - I dont get a clear 3-band after electrophoresis (reply: 6)
  297. TRIZol Reagent additional reagents & protocol clarifications - (reply: 4)
  298. Loss of RNA conc. and quality in Qiagen RNeasy Protocol - (reply: 4)
  299. To quantify cDNA or total RNA for real-time gene expression analysis? - (reply: 4)
  300. How to get rid of DNA/RNA in protein expression preps - Is there an alternative to DNAse? (reply: 1)
  301. template transfer? - how does the rna polymerase switches template? (reply: 1)
  302. RNA precipitation - (reply: 1)
  303. RNA extraction from PBMC layer - how to increase RNA Concentration during RNA extraction from BLOOd (reply: 1)
  304. Nuclear or Cytoplasmic RNA Purification - (reply: 1)
  305. Is DNAse I step necessary after RNA synthesis by in vitro transcription? - (reply: 1)
  306. Remove gDNA from RNA sample - (reply: 3)
  307. Best Total RNA Isolation Kit - For plants, and tiny samples <10mg (reply: 3)
  308. Accidentally add isopropanol into Trizol - (reply: 1)
  309. 18s as endogenous control for Oligo dT RT - Can we use 18s ? (reply: 2)
  310. Reverse transcription (cDNA synthesis) curiosity and confusion - Does the amount of RNA have to be doubled if you double everything els (reply: 4)
  311. oocye extraction and RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  312. siRNA screening and RNAse free - (reply: 1)
  313. the red dye in trizol? - (reply: 2)
  314. Sequencing of 18srRNA - (reply: 2)
  315. Can very low RNA concentration cause Ct bias..? - (reply: 3)
  316. RNA carrier when using not so good DNA for bisulfite conversion - (reply: 3)
  317. Unstable A260/A230 in RNA isolation - (reply: 2)
  318. Few basic questions about RNA - (reply: 3)
  319. Question about RNA extraction & gDNA elimination - can you really eliminate gDNA & how do you like to do it? (reply: 1)
  320. RNA Isolation - (reply: 3)
  321. Manipulating RNA Concentrations/Amounts - (reply: 6)
  322. Why does T7 RNA transcription start with a GGG? - (reply: 5)
  323. Internal Control RNA or DNA - (reply: 4)
  324. RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  325. can RNA amplify in two-step qPCR? - (reply: 2)
  326. Total RNA only produce 1 band in gel - (reply: 2)
  327. RNAi showing upregulation via QPCR - Help needed (reply: 3)
  328. What causes RNA/DNA to unbind from silica membrane? - (reply: 1)
  329. RNA extraction troubleshooting: low 260/230 - (reply: 1)
  330. RNA in native gel - (reply: 3)
  331. RNA extraction from FTA classic - (reply: 1)
  332. Source of RNA for pcr efficiency, when to use ref gene? - (reply: 3)
  333. TRIzol RNA extraction- What is in the top layer? - (reply: 1)
  334. RNA extraction Question - (reply: 2)
  335. conversion of total RNA to cDNA - problems in total RNA to cDNA (reply: 7)
  336. Possible solvents for RNA - (reply: 2)
  337. Pooled RNA from healthy controls - delta-delta Ct method (reply: 1)
  338. Glyoxylated RNA and SYBR Safe - Running glyoxylated RNA on a SYBR safe agarose gel - NO BANDS (reply: 1)
  339. RNAi is somatic and germline cells - (reply: 3)
  340. How to isolate serum from blood for RNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  341. RNA/cell accumulation of difficult-to-obtain tissue - (reply: 1)
  342. generating cDNA from human brain RNA - (reply: 1)
  343. rna isolation - (reply: 2)
  344. Amplification of region from sperm RNA - sperm RNA stability (reply: 4)
  345. Amplification of 3.4 kb product from RNA for cloning - (reply: 5)
  346. RNA isolation of spleen and thymus: RNA degradation - (reply: 2)
  347. Prepare p:C:I - for RNA extraction (reply: 5)
  348. DNA contamination of RNA samples for qPCR...weird results! - (reply: 3)
  349. Washing RNA pellet - 85% ethanol? - (reply: 2)
  350. Viral RNA is relatively stable than mRNA from cells? - (reply: 1)
  351. Isolating bacterial RNA and protein from the host tissue sample - (reply: 3)
  352. Smears above ribosomal RNA bands - RNA extraction from microalgae (reply: 2)
  353. Trizol Extraction of PBMCs, low 260/230 - (reply: 5)
  354. TRIzol phase extraction with Lock-Phase tubes - Does anyone use Lock-Phase? (reply: 1)
  355. Tissue homogenization buffer to keep viral RNA intact - (reply: 6)
  356. RNA degradation in collagen gels - (reply: 1)
  357. RNA pellet white and low ratio (low purity) - how to improve RNA purity (reply: 5)
  358. nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA - (reply: 2)
  359. rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  360. how does rna precipitate in LiCl solution ? - (reply: 1)
  361. RNA Pol II CHIP protocol help - suggest protocol (reply: 2)
  362. Making solutions for RNA work - (reply: 1)
  363. RNA quality - (reply: 3)
  364. RNA quality - (reply: 3)
  365. How to check RNA quality - (reply: 5)
  366. Cleaning RNase - How do i clean out the RNase from my genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  367. Looking for recommendation for total RNA extraction kit - (reply: 4)
  368. RNA: Is this degratation or something else? - (reply: 1)
  369. rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  370. mRNA preparation from total RNA - a role of poly A in mRNA preparation from total RNA (reply: 2)
  371. Trizol stability - (reply: 1)
  372. PCR analysis method- delta or delta delta? - RNA, qRT PCR, delta Ct method (reply: 4)
  373. RNA fragmentation - (reply: 3)
  374. RNA extraction - how many cells do I need at least?? (reply: 4)
  375. RNA extraction protocol for small amounts of cells - (reply: 2)
  376. cDNA prepared with varying amounts of RNA - is the amount of cDNA produced proportional to the input RNA? (reply: 3)
  377. DNAse digestion while RNA extraction with TRIzol - anyone tried that before? (reply: 1)
  378. COMPLETE RNA degradation - (reply: 18)
  379. Protein shows KD but RNA level is higher - (reply: 4)
  380. RNA extraction from stained cells - (reply: 2)
  381. low yeild fo RNA after invitro transcription - (reply: 4)
  382. RNA extraction: no pellet... - (reply: 2)
  383. Rnase A for plasmid miniprep - cheaper alternative to qiagen? (reply: 4)
  384. problem with Trizol RNA extraction - (reply: 7)
  385. rnase treatment - (reply: 2)
  386. Trizol isolation of RNA from OCT-embedded frozen tissue - Question (reply: 1)
  387. RNA extraction from trout embryos - (reply: 3)
  388. Which way to clean up TRIzol-extracted RNA? - Ethanol precipitate it first or not? (reply: 2)
  389. RNA extraction expertise needed! - (reply: 2)
  390. Frozen RNA precipitated with ethanol and NaAc! - RNA precipitation (reply: 2)
  391. rna isolation manually - (reply: 2)
  392. Is it sufficient to heat inactivate DNases and RNases? - (reply: 4)
  393. Primers for yeast (18S) - (reply: 1)
  394. problem with Fast Prep Isolation of RNA - problem with Fast Prep Isolation of RNA (reply: 2)
  395. Insect larvae storage for RNA Isolation - looking for a cheap.. easy way.. something innovative!!!!!&# (reply: 4)
  396. RNA solutions - Calculating concentrations (reply: 9)
  397. T7 RNA polymerase transcription and translation. - The maximum number of nucleotides between T7 promoter and first ATG (reply: 2)
  398. Sample handling for RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  399. Normalising RNA concentrations - Help (reply: 4)
  400. PCR: cDNA works on 18S, but not Gap or designed primers - (reply: 2)
  401. total RNA yield - (reply: 3)
  402. DNase 1 treratment of RNA - (reply: 11)
  403. Concentrating RNA - (reply: 3)
  404. RNA:sharp bends and a smear - (reply: 1)
  405. Measuring DNA, RNA, protein and cell wall synthesis - (reply: 1)
  406. RNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  407. Trizol RNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  408. DNA contamination in RNA samples - (reply: 2)
  409. Extraction of RNA from blood samples - Problems (Trizol method) (reply: 1)
  410. Measurement of RNA concentration after Dnases treatment - (reply: 4)
  411. RNA Probe precipitation - (reply: 9)
  412. RNA immunoprecipitation...HELP! - (reply: 4)
  413. Normalizing RNA concentrations prior to cDNA production - qPCR and making cDNA (reply: 1)
  414. Can't get clean RNA prep with TRIzol - (reply: 2)
  415. RNA from Zebrafish - (reply: 3)
  416. DNA sonication - RNA contamination? - New probe, start all over (reply: 13)
  417. Rnase for flow cytometry - (reply: 1)
  418. Detecting small RNAs via DeepSeq? - (reply: 1)
  419. extraction of viral rna from plant tissue - (reply: 1)
  420. Drying RNA in Speedvac - (reply: 1)
  421. TRIzol v. TRI reagent - (reply: 2)
  422. Equalizing RNA samples for Reverse Transcription - Should I do this before or after DNA digestion (reply: 2)
  423. 10X MOPS buffer for RNA gels - It is yellow! (reply: 3)
  424. RNA isolation with peqGold TriFast - (reply: 2)
  425. storing RNA at -20C? - (reply: 4)
  426. RNA Extraction - Extraction of Yeast RNA from mice blood (reply: 1)
  427. How to remove urea from PAA gel? - RNA silver staining (reply: 1)
  428. Large Difference between Ct of 18s rRNA and Target Gene - (reply: 4)
  429. RNA gel to test DIG labeled RNA probe - (reply: 1)
  430. wacky RNA gel - (reply: 1)
  431. DNA/RNA extraction from sputum - (reply: 3)
  432. RNA marker for isotope labeled - (reply: 2)
  433. Human 18s rRNA - Human 18s rRNA and qRTPCR normalization (reply: 7)
  434. How to remove diphosphate from in vitro transcribed RNA? - (reply: 1)
  435. Reverse-transcription of UV-damaged RNA - (reply: 3)
  436. evolutionarily conserved RNA secondary structures in multiple sequence alignment - how to (reply: 2)
  437. cDNA concentration higher than original RNA - (reply: 4)
  438. 18s control in qPCR - (reply: 2)
  440. circular RNA - (reply: 3)
  441. total RNA (for miRNA) extraction from human serum - (reply: 11)
  442. How do i increase my rna yield - How do i increase my rna yield (reply: 3)
  443. isolation of RNA from insect cells - to isolate RNA from insect larvae and synthesize cDNA (reply: 2)
  444. how to get higher RNA purity? - (reply: 3)
  445. Snap freezing worm samples for RNA prep - is it essential? (reply: 1)
  446. Does RT step smplify RNA - (reply: 2)
  447. gene expression, reverse transcription on total RNA or mRNA? - (reply: 3)
  448. Low RNA yield after extraction by RNA blood mini kit. - (reply: 2)
  449. RNA recovery from Ethanol - (reply: 2)
  450. Question about the control for an RNAi Experiment - (reply: 3)
  451. Plant RNA Isolation Aid - (reply: 3)
  452. freezing during RNA isolation step - (reply: 1)
  453. Low 260/230 ratio in my RNA - (reply: 2)
  454. Low 260/230 ratio in my RNA - (reply: 3)
  455. Settings op a RT-PCR, What is my next step - I`ve got RNA --> cDNA and working primers, what now? (reply: 1)
  456. No RNA after Trizol extraction - Lamba max: 230 !!! (reply: 8)
  457. Doubt: Trizol protocol - about certain steps (reply: 9)
  458. Bacteria Lysis Reagent For RNA extraction - Need Expert's Opinion (reply: 12)
  459. PLASMA RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  460. DNA contamination after RNA extraction, which kit works best? - (reply: 6)
  461. Handling RNA - How to avoid RNase contamination - (reply: 17)
  462. Phenol chloroform ratio during RNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  463. Removal of RNA from DNA sample - (reply: 15)
  464. RNA gel electrohoresis - (reply: 1)
  465. Verified RNAi Sequences - (reply: 4)
  466. DNA and RNA contamination in RT PCR water controls - (reply: 2)
  467. rna from plasmid - (reply: 1)
  468. Best time to isolate RNA for qPCR? - (reply: 1)
  469. Trizol/triReagent Question - (reply: 2)
  470. Variation between spectros - tot RNA concentrations (reply: 1)
  471. Glycogen and speedvac drying - to make sure no RNA loss during speedvac drying (reply: 6)
  472. RNA from MMA embedded calcified bone - (reply: 1)
  473. low od260/230 for rna - (reply: 1)
  474. RNA - bad 230/280 and 260/280 ratio - what to do?? (reply: 3)
  475. RNA gel- nothing to see - (reply: 2)
  476. heating rna before rt reaction? - (reply: 1)
  477. RNA storage - (reply: 3)
  478. RNase treatment before analyzing sonicated chromatin in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  479. automating RNA isolation - Has anyone done automation of yeast RNA isolation at any stage??? (reply: 2)
  480. miRNA and TRIZOL - (reply: 7)
  481. RNA dot blot - (reply: 6)
  482. RNA not visible on gel :( - (reply: 3)
  483. 260/230 ratio - Very low amount of RNA - how to improve 260/230 ratios? (reply: 5)
  484. RNA impossible to dissolve - (reply: 2)
  485. rna storage at -20 - (reply: 2)
  486. Evaluate My Protocol: RNA Extraction w/ Fat. - (reply: 1)
  487. RNA extraction for qPCR: Trizol vs. column? - (reply: 5)
  488. si-Fi, Software for RNAi off-target prediction - (reply: 2)
  489. RNA Extraction Mice Adipose Tissue - (reply: 3)
  490. Use of 70% ethanol to remove RNAse from working area - (reply: 2)
  491. Cells to Ct RNA isolation kit (Ambion) - (reply: 1)
  492. RNA elution after stains all staining - (reply: 3)
  493. rna degradation - what goes wrong - (reply: 2)
  494. rna clean up - what is the rna recovery - (reply: 2)
  495. Fast protocol for RNA agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  496. mirVana kit - I can't have small RNA isolated!!! (reply: 5)
  497. RNA extraction 260/230 ratio - (reply: 6)
  498. Experimental Design Problem for RNA FISH - (reply: 1)
  499. concentrating RNA samples - (reply: 7)
  500. RNA, mRNA, sequencing... HELP - (reply: 2)
  501. how to prepare RNAse A from powdered form - (reply: 1)
  502. RNA Purification - After DNase (reply: 3)
  503. Homogenation of Mouse Spinal Cord Tissue for RNA Extraction - Most effective way to do it? (reply: 3)
  504. small RNA Northern - duration of transfer (reply: 1)
  505. rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  506. RNA Isolation - RNA isolation from human cell lines (reply: 2)
  507. Pooling doesn't work - make up rna amount of 10ug (reply: 3)
  508. RNase: RNA ratio - making dsRNA (reply: 1)
  509. How many cells... - you how much RNA? (reply: 2)
  510. qPCR and quantity of RNA - (reply: 2)
  511. extracting protein from trizol - (reply: 2)
  512. RNA isolation from monocytes - (reply: 1)
  513. Pooling RNA/precipitation/RNA cleanup - advise needed (reply: 1)
  514. RNAi - (reply: 1)
  515. RNA extration from plant - Lower yield... (reply: 1)
  516. How much RNA is needed to see rRNA on a gel? - (reply: 3)
  517. store whole blood with tri-reagent too long caused RNA degradation or poor RNA q - (reply: 1)
  518. T4 RNA ligase - Question about substrate (reply: 13)
  519. how to pool RNA? - (reply: 1)
  520. Is it Possible - Is it possible RNAi cross-reaction with normal cells molecules?? (reply: 1)
  521. pancreas RNA gel run consult - (reply: 1)
  522. Rnase for cell cycle - (reply: 5)
  523. Help: Advices on extracting RNA from pellets? - (reply: 3)
  524. Trizol issues! - Samples are not clean enough after isolation!!! (reply: 2)
  525. RNA quantification in microplate reader - (reply: 3)
  526. tri-reagent rna isolation - (reply: 1)
  527. Trizol RNA/DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  528. Drosophila Northern Blot and RNA questions - (reply: 2)
  529. RNA isolation for real-time RT-PCR - forgot to inactivate the DNAse (reply: 4)
  530. Harvest intracellular bacterial RNA - (reply: 2)
  531. Plant RNA extraction problem - A cry for help. (reply: 2)
  532. Designing new RNAi - (reply: 2)
  533. RNA reverse transcription riddle - (reply: 6)
  534. Phenol - why different for DNA and RNA extraction? (reply: 9)
  535. PCR, RNA, Northern Blotting???? - (reply: 1)
  536. 2 step RNA isolation - Possible to Isolate RNA in 2 days? (reply: 2)
  537. Protein Removal from cell lysate - leaving RNA intact! (reply: 1)
  538. RNA visualization - (reply: 1)
  539. Genomic DNA contamination of RNA - (reply: 24)
  540. 18S changes with cDNA dilution - (reply: 2)
  541. RNA precipitation problem - (reply: 2)
  542. Challenging question for RNA people - (reply: 1)
  543. RNA contamination in PCR - (reply: 1)
  544. High salt solution to precipitate RNA - (reply: 1)
  545. RNA extraction using TRIzol - (reply: 19)
  546. Quantify RNAi(siRNA) efficacy - Designing primers for quantification (reply: 2)
  547. Reverse transcribing organically contaminated RNA - (reply: 2)
  548. Do you lose RNA by quick freezing? - (reply: 5)
  549. No RNA from cell pellet using Qiagen MiniKit!!??!! - (reply: 5)
  550. Low sized bands in plasmid preperations - its not RNA! (reply: 13)
  551. RNA extraction for microarray - (reply: 25)
  552. about the total RNA isolation (trizol methods) and further Dnase I - (reply: 3)
  553. RNA cleanup methods (WITHOUT USING KITS!!) - protocol for removing phenol contamination (reply: 5)
  554. Ask for help about the RNA purification protocol by phenol/chlorform methods - Ask for help about the RNA purification protocol by phenol/chlorform m (reply: 2)
  555. RNA extraction - Which is which? (reply: 6)
  556. So confused with RNAi - (reply: 3)
  557. Pancreas RNA extraction - improve protocol needed (reply: 2)
  558. Genomic DNA contamination in RNA sample - (reply: 2)
  559. no 18S band on RNA agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  560. Normalization for RNA or cDNA during two step RT-PCR? - (reply: 17)
  561. multiple bands in my RNA sample? - (reply: 2)
  562. multiple bands in my RNA sample? - (reply: 2)
  563. Principles behind DNA RNA protein isolation and purification - (reply: 2)
  564. RNA isolation form plants - (reply: 4)
  565. 5' end RNA biotin labeling - need protocol (reply: 2)
  566. 18S as a housekeeping gene for RT-PCR? getting wide variation - (reply: 2)
  567. Heating RNA samples for electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  568. Removing phenol contamination from total RNA - (reply: 9)
  569. how to prepare rnase? - (reply: 6)
  570. Viscous RNA samples - (reply: 1)
  571. Any mRNA amplification kit for microarray? - I have very little amount of RNA but have to submit it for microarray. (reply: 4)
  572. RNAi in Zebrafish - vector for zebrafish knock-down (reply: 4)
  573. RNA isolation -what is happening?- - (reply: 5)
  574. RNA isolation from murine pancreas - (reply: 2)
  575. Qiagen's RNeasy Mini Kit and RNeasy Plus Micro Kit - Having low yields of RNA (reply: 8)
  576. How to prevent RNA degradation in whole blood - (reply: 3)
  577. RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  578. Freeze thawing RNA - (reply: 4)
  579. RNA appearance on 1.5% gel after DNase I digestion - (reply: 2)
  580. Remove RNA after DNA mini-prep - (reply: 1)
  581. RNA from Sheep and Bovine blood - Isolation of RNA from bovine and ovine whole blood (reply: 3)
  582. Proteinase K to improve RNA extraction yield - (reply: 2)
  583. cloudy phase during RNA extraction with Trizol - (reply: 10)
  584. how to prepare RNase from powder form? - (reply: 9)
  585. RNA isolation following apoptotic cell labeling - (reply: 3)
  586. get rid of RNA from Maxi - (reply: 1)
  587. RNA labeling - (reply: 3)
  588. Best method to concentrate RNA/cDNA? - (reply: 5)
  589. RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  590. RNA Extraction & EMSA - (reply: 1)
  591. RNA isolation form HUVEC - UGLY RNA!! (reply: 4)
  592. RNA isolation from jellyfish tissue - Anyone has experience? (reply: 1)
  593. RNA Degradation - DNAse I Treatment, 260/230 ratios (reply: 4)
  594. Tissue sonication for RNA extraction - Help :) (reply: 1)
  595. RNA integrity - (reply: 7)
  596. DNA/RNA into nucleotides - (reply: 6)
  597. denature RNA and miRNA Q-PCR - (reply: 1)
  598. Old threads on "siRNA, microRNA and RNAi" are achived here - (reply: 3)
  599. RNA extraction in -80 - (reply: 1)
  600. RNAi in bacteria - Why no finding for gene silencing in bacteria? (reply: 1)
  601. RNase free syringe for Qiagen DNase treatment, could not find any company provid - (reply: 2)