PCR Related Discussions
Why are my genotyping PCR bands blurry? - (reply: 4)
Calculation of copy number for real time pcr - (reply: 1)
Light genotyping PCR bands - (reply: 4)
end point PCR using real time PCR machine (QS5) - (reply: 3)
Primer concentration - (reply: 1)
Efficiency curve of primers - (reply: 1)
Designing Primer for PCR - (reply: 1)
How to publish real time PCR results? - (reply: 2)
issue with PCR - (reply: 1)
ITS gene PCR Smears - (reply: 6)
Trouble with PCR after cloning - (reply: 1)
real-time PCR machine error - (reply: 1)
bands are not discrete in PCR, why? - (reply: 1)
Weak band in negative control in PCR - (reply: 5)
Verifying positive during PCR amplification - (reply: 1)
Why do I get two bands on the gel of a digested PCR product after purification w - (reply: 1)
Favorite polymerase for general cloning? - (reply: 3)
restriction enzyme pcr cloning - (reply: 1)
Weird PCR results - (reply: 2)
Primer design (Real time PCR) - (reply: 2)
Exact amplification in negative control??? - (reply: 1)
PCR is inconsistent - (reply: 4)
Specific primer problem - (reply: 2)
Bisulfite conversion, PCR end of the rope - (reply: 3)
How to minimize delta ct value when everything else worked well in qRT PCR - (reply: 1)
How to minimize delta ct value when everything else worked well in qRT PCR - (reply: 1)
Faint band and primer dimer in PCR - (reply: 1)
RAPD PCR - (reply: 2)
Long pcr frustration and problem.. all help is Much appreciated - (reply: 3)
Odd issue converting mutiplex PCR to single reactions - (reply: 3)
How to check if my primers were degraded? - (reply: 2)
problem with PCR amplification of cDNA - (reply: 4)
Funny shaped PCR curve - (reply: 1)
digital PCR - (reply: 1)
Length of amplicon for RT real time PCR - (reply: 2)
Optimal dNTP storage pH - (reply: 1)
Design of <=40bp primers adding restriction sites and also Gibson Assembly o - (reply: 1)
Primer design HELP! - (reply: 4)
Amount of cDNA input in RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR cycler with end product fluorescence detector - (reply: 5)
Housekeeper Genes and Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
Pre-designed qRT-PCR primers - (reply: 1)
PCR positive control of antibiotics resistance gene - (reply: 1)
Same primers and different melting peaks for two samples (~1°C appart) - (reply: 2)
Designing primers with his-tag for pET28a+ vector - (reply: 3)
High molecular weight band from my PCR - (reply: 3)
Can someone help me on my primer design? (contains flag tag) - (reply: 2)
testing primers efficiency for rt-PCR - (reply: 1)
-RT contamination problem in PCR - (reply: 5)
qPCR std curve calculation issue if using PCR product as the std - (reply: 1)
Thermal Cycler for Multiplex PCR - (reply: 3)
Problem of melt curve shape for pikoreal real time PCR - (reply: 1)
Primer sequences with M and Y - how to order? - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR low efficiency - (reply: 1)
emulsion PCR - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR electrophorasis - (reply: 1)
PCR contamination - (reply: 6)
PCR bands on gel - (reply: 5)
Problem with restriction digestion of cloned PCR product - (reply: 5)
SYBR Green Real time PCR - (reply: 2)
What would be the shortest and optimal method of extracting human cells for PCR? - (reply: 2)
need help calculating stock primer concentration - (reply: 1)
High background fluorescence detected before starting PCR - (reply: 3)
How to clean up PCR place & pipettes? - (reply: 1)
Real-time pcr - (reply: 1)
Using qPCR machine for simple PCR, is it possible? - (reply: 3)
PCR inhibitors - (reply: 1)
What could be the possible reasons for a RT-PCR experiment that was working fine - (reply: 4)
Cleaning loading dye for PCR sequencing - (reply: 1)
Polymerase mixture for blunt ended fragments - (reply: 2)
how to design PCR primer with a tag region which use for In-frame deletion gene? - (reply: 10)
Amplifying shRNA lentivirus - (reply: 1)
Mineral oil quality in PCR tubes - (reply: 5)
Diagnostic PCR troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR Kit's Validation - (reply: 1)
Rt pcr - (reply: 4)
Inhibition of PCR amplification of bacterial genomic DNA by RNA - (reply: 1)
methylation specifc primers thermal cycle conditions - (reply: 4)
PCR Amplification Issues and Primer dimer - (reply: 4)
How to make PCR analysis using the 22DDCT Method - (reply: 1)
Primer calculation for qPCR - final reaction - (reply: 1)
Sec. structure in primers - (reply: 1)
Changing PCR recipe halfway - (reply: 1)
PCR master mix containing primers and Taq - (reply: 4)
Primer working with some cDNA samples and not other - (reply: 2)
no bands after pcr!!!! - (reply: 4)
Experimental design for RT-PCR - (reply: 8)
Primer dilution - (reply: 9)
why not working msp primers - (reply: 4)
PCR product not migrating from wells...?? - (reply: 6)
Re-PCR my PCR products - (reply: 2)
PCR DIG-labeling kit preblem? - (reply: 1)
pcr - (reply: 1)
how to analysis the BiSearch ePCR result - (reply: 3)
Standardizing cDNA concentration before doing PCR - (reply: 4)
Volume of Primers - (reply: 4)
PCR conditions unknown? - (reply: 10)
PCR anomaly in a mid-range dilution of the template - (reply: 2)
Reducing contamination in 16s PCR for metagenomic library prer - (reply: 4)
MSP_Primer dimers? - (reply: 17)
PCR using very long oligos !!! - (reply: 4)
Primer Designing - (reply: 9)
Housekeeping gene for Real Time PCR when comparing expression of genes across di - (reply: 1)
Colour of PCR gel band best for ImageJ analysis - (reply: 2)
colony pcr, two strong bands - (reply: 4)
Ligation of two PCR products - (reply: 1)
pcr primer design - (reply: 6)
Please help (primer/ probe final volume calculations) - (reply: 1)
Primer design with EcoRI ends - (reply: 2)
Amplification problem in DNA isolated after ChIP experiment, - (reply: 1)
Trouble with PCR using ligation mix as template? - (reply: 3)
PCR with mammalian cells as template - (reply: 1)
PCR with overlapping primers only (primer extention) - (reply: 3)
Random chuck of nonsense in middle of PCR - (reply: 6)
RT-PCR analysis - (reply: 1)
PCR DNA bands too large on agarose gel - (reply: 1)
MSP Primer design - (reply: 5)
New to PCR - (reply: 3)
How can I check the quality of bacterial primers and their specificity on blast? - (reply: 1)
3-primer PCR Genotyping - problem in hemizygotes - (reply: 2)
Primer design - (reply: 1)
What % of colon cancer patients does a general colon PCR array detect - (reply: 1)
Primer non specific binding sites - (reply: 7)
Degenerate primers - (reply: 8)
Primers with 2 different annealing temp - (reply: 1)
Can you use same samples for real time pcr 2nd time? - (reply: 2)
Staphylococcus aureus colony PCR - (reply: 1)
Cloning purified PCR product into cells - (reply: 5)
PCR & Western Blot sample preperation - (reply: 2)
PCR & Western Blot sample preperation - (reply: 5)
Y-linker transgene integration site PCR primer verification - (reply: 1)
Non especific band in PCR... - (reply: 2)
I need help with PCR problems - (reply: 5)
Question about baselines in Real-Time PCR - (reply: 3)
Inconsistent colony PCR result - (reply: 2)
A problem with PCR array - (reply: 4)
My PCR suddenly stopped working and I'm losing my mind - (reply: 3)
Concentration of Eva green with different amplicon sizes in a PCR pool - (reply: 1)
labX offers on realtime PCR machines - (reply: 4)
Could any of you help with an explanation to these vague real time PCR curves - (reply: 2)
polymerase with or without proofreading activity used in study nucleotide polymo - (reply: 1)
how to calculate amount of cDNA using RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Suggest best micropipette for PCR purpose... - (reply: 1)
Plasmid Amplification Issue - (reply: 6)
PCR product and Restriction products bands are not of the expected size - (reply: 4)
primer design for a gene - (reply: 3)
large bands in all pcr reactions including negative control - (reply: 1)
confirmation for primers dilution - (reply: 10)
Problems regarding amplification of my gene - (reply: 3)
PCR working, qPCR is *not*. - (reply: 6)
DIY PCR Cleanup/Gel extraction and miniprep solutions - (reply: 2)
Overlapping PCR, need help - (reply: 5)
How does RT-PCR work? - (reply: 5)
Denatured plasmid for pcr - (reply: 1)
Possible primer dimer problem..Need solution!!! - (reply: 2)
confusing with where to put primers and which ordination - (reply: 4)
Help with primer concentration for sequencing - (reply: 1)
PCR troubleshoot - (reply: 6)
Some info. on PCR products stability w/respect to shipping - (reply: 3)
PCR Products not run well in the GEL - (reply: 1)
PCR solution calculus - (reply: 4)
Amplifying from pcr products - (reply: 7)
Consistancy issue with PCR block - (reply: 1)
Queries regarding PCR - (reply: 3)
Design the primers - (reply: 10)
Calculation of Taq Polymerase - (reply: 3)
Best Taq for colony PCR? - (reply: 5)
How two fragments joint together when doing fusion PCR? - (reply: 4)
How to test my milleq water in q PCR about contaminants - (reply: 3)
Mutagenesis PCR - (reply: 9)
real time PCR primer design - (reply: 1)
The PCR gods are frowning upon me - (reply: 9)
PCR after T4 ligation? - (reply: 3)
primers for cloning - (reply: 1)
Degenerated Primers and their problems - (reply: 1)
Sonication of small PCR amplicon - (reply: 1)
primer design with restriction enzyme - (reply: 1)
Interpreting primer BLAST scores for self-complementary - (reply: 5)
primer dilution help - (reply: 1)
Testing primers on 'unknown' tissue - (reply: 1)
How to remove inhibitory substances in PCR? - (reply: 2)
need some advise about PCR of PKD1-human gene - (reply: 7)
puzzled with PCR outcome after BS treatment - (reply: 2)
nested PCR for low viral load- HBV patient sample - (reply: 2)
troubleshooting stubborn PCR - (reply: 6)
Measuring pcr fragments in a gel - (reply: 1)
Amplification in HK gene but not for target gene - (reply: 3)
could you help me with my stem loop RT primer? - (reply: 1)
What is the difference between Hot start polymerase and the taq polymerase - (reply: 3)
How long can I store at - 30°C my PCR mix? - (reply: 6)
How to set up real-time PCR for yes/no bands (rearrangement) - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR help - (reply: 2)
Autoclaving PCR waste in the room where PCRs are set up and run - Is it a proble - (reply: 2)
PCR Temperature change control malfunctioning - (reply: 1)
excess amount of primers - (reply: 2)
Dehydrating and Reconstituting primers - (reply: 15)
Trouble with PCR of short sequence - (reply: 3)
Setting the temperature range for gradient PCR - (reply: 3)
KIR gene promoters for MSP primers design - (reply: 2)
Biotin-streptavidin signal amplification - (reply: 2)
Any online tool to check the propability of primer dimer formetion _ - (reply: 4)
Amplification curve in the negative control samples - (reply: 7)
PCR of bisulfite converted DNA is now producing a smear? Previously produced a s - (reply: 2)
PCR troubleshooting: wrong amplicon size when spiked into sample - (reply: 4)
Electrophoresis after PCR : too many bands - (reply: 6)
Troubles with PCR (Rosa26 locus in mouse line) VERY CONFUSING! - (reply: 6)
Primer as limiting reagent in PCR reaction - (reply: 2)
Primer Design for RNA probes - (reply: 2)
Real time PCR for degraded RNA - (reply: 1)
Microfluidic PCR Issues, Master Mix and Consumable Variations? - (reply: 5)
Doubled polymerase in the rxn, does this increase pcr efficiency? - (reply: 1)
If I am running Real-Time PCR with one gene of interest and one reference gene(G - (reply: 4)
Do I need to run HKG together with the GOI everytime I run Real-Time PCR? - (reply: 1)
Nested BSP Primer Design - (reply: 6)
website for primer design - (reply: 1)
PCR Efficiency over 150%! - (reply: 1)
problem of amplification - (reply: 2)
PCR not working - (reply: 11)
How to do a primer dilution - (reply: 10)
Troubles with Fusion PCR - (reply: 1)
Primer design and alternative transcripts - (reply: 2)
PCR and sequencing of genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
qPCR amplification - (reply: 4)
NESTED PCR - (reply: 6)
Extremely desperate noob question: How do these PCR work? - (reply: 6)
RT-PCR carry over contamination and dUTP/UDG - (reply: 4)
problems regarding amplifying a 1.7 kb mRNA seq - (reply: 3)
Digestion necessary after PCR? - (reply: 9)
Inverse PCR product selection - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - High Ct Values and Laser Capture - (reply: 1)
PCR with no bands showing in 1.1 % gel electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
how to hasten real-time PCR amplifications - (reply: 2)
Please please help me with my Phusion PCR. - (reply: 5)
PCR - (reply: 1)
NCBI Primer Design - Stringency Issues - (reply: 3)
Different primer concentration in qPCR - (reply: 1)
Multiple melt curves for primer in a sample that does not express gene - (reply: 6)
help in long pcr - (reply: 1)
PCR inhibitor in template DNA - (reply: 3)
Why when disigning primers for RTPCR, you need to chose a region where introns a - (reply: 1)
Problem with Real-time PCR results analysis - (reply: 1)
Primer Specificity: Testing only one primer - (reply: 4)
PCR from protozoa DNA - (reply: 3)
Ligation-mediated PCR: Vent Polymerase, Why? - (reply: 7)
tool for comparing many primers pairs - (reply: 4)
PCR that leads to protein synthesis - (reply: 18)
Real-time PCR does not work, while the conventional PCR (with same conditions an - (reply: 3)
Use of DMSO in General PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR product size confusion - (reply: 3)
Pcr primers - (reply: 7)
Concentration specification in PCR - (reply: 3)
Guanidine isothiocyanate in PCR - (reply: 1)
Primers have worked well but now getting primer dimers? - (reply: 2)
I cannot design primers on exon-exon junction - (reply: 2)
DNA Quantification of PCR Products - (reply: 2)
Reverse transcribing GOI mRNA to cDNA for cloning? Gene specific primer or Poly - (reply: 4)
Problem for PCR - (reply: 9)
Designing primers in UTRs - (reply: 1)
Multiplex PCR - (reply: 1)
Whole mtDNA genome amplification with long-range PCR...trouble - (reply: 7)
primer design@ buy? - (reply: 2)
Trouble with overlap extension pcr - (reply: 3)
who else can help me check primer. im a little bit less confident :(( - (reply: 9)
designing primers( selecting target sequence/amplicon design) - (reply: 3)
primer checking & restriction enzyme based methylation specific polymerase c - (reply: 8)
Question about the RT PCR - (reply: 3)
faint dna band after pcr purification - (reply: 1)
PCR ready mixes with long shelf lives - (reply: 4)
Troubleshooting: Inverse PCR - (reply: 3)
How to design primer to amplify genomic DNA? - (reply: 3)
Overlap PCR, need help - (reply: 11)
Internal control for miRNA RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
Primers - (reply: 1)
Primers mix - (reply: 2)
question about RNA concentration for real time PCR - (reply: 1)
Need help with dCAPS pcr, seeing huge bands on gel - (reply: 1)
amplification for microarray analysis - (reply: 1)
PCR products sizes and DNA ladder - (reply: 7)
Having problem with primers for qPCR - (reply: 4)
Troubleshooting methylation primers for Bio-Rad PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR product sequencing - (reply: 3)
Bad fragment amplification - (reply: 4)
Can somebody explain to me what "spiking" means in RT-PCR and why do you - (reply: 3)
Bisulfite Sequencing and PCR Troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
No amplification with TRAPEZE kit! - (reply: 1)
PCR Purification or Gel Extraction for Southern Blot - (reply: 5)
Stargazer PCR problems - (reply: 3)
General PCR discussion - (reply: 8)
Real time. No amplification but hight flourescence - (reply: 1)
Real time PCR doubt - (reply: 5)
PCR Profile for ligation - (reply: 3)
protocol to relieve melanin inhibition of PCR - (reply: 4)
No bands despite different primers and conditions and TAqs - (reply: 8)
Multiplex TaqMan-like Assay PCR Efficiency - (reply: 3)
Equimolar Mix Primer - (reply: 8)
Wrong PCR product - (reply: 2)
Colony PCR positive and Digestion negative????? - (reply: 11)
Primer design - (reply: 5)
storage for lyophilized primers - (reply: 1)
PCR GAPDH gene - (reply: 1)
Repeated mutagensis primer in site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 8)
Quantitative RT-PCR statistics help - (reply: 1)
Dimerization of PCR product - (reply: 4)
PCR Primer trouble - (reply: 2)
Question about taq polymerase for multiplex PCR prior to NGS using Illumina tech - (reply: 1)
No insert for PCR cloning and restriction enzyme digestion - (reply: 4)
is it necessary to introduce mismatches in the inner primers of tetra primer ARM - (reply: 1)
finding the corrosponding primers - (reply: 2)
Gene sequence for Real time PCR - (reply: 2)
non-reproducible PCR results with cDNA as template - (reply: 1)
Ligation of PCR fragments - (reply: 11)
Information about the use of DNA diluted in Real Time PCR - (reply: 6)
RNA extraction for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR failing for transformed plant DNA but not for Agro - (reply: 3)
problems with gDNA doing real time PCR in yeast - (reply: 2)
Design PCR primers for cloning 3 copies of same insert - (reply: 2)
Designing primers for a nuclear region to amplify in a species that has no nucle - (reply: 1)
How to get rid of bands in PCR negative control - (reply: 10)
T7 and M13 primers two band amplification - (reply: 3)
Protocol for qPCR using the ABI SYBRŪ Green PCR Master Mix - (reply: 1)
Strange PCR problem - (reply: 2)
Question about Double Digestion followed by PCR amplification - (reply: 2)
PCR problem - (reply: 2)
PCR machine not working properly - (reply: 1)
fluorescent primer vs fluorescent terminator in sequencing - (reply: 4)
PCR gene specific amplification problem - (reply: 3)
Failure SYBRGREEN PCR - (reply: 4)
***In Silico PCR producing output for incorrect sequence*** - (reply: 2)
without RE site in PCR product - (reply: 5)
Chicken (Gallus gallus) ITS-2 primers - (reply: 1)
What do the values for ANY , SELF repersent when designing a primer in primer 3 - (reply: 1)
real-time pcr non reproducible - (reply: 4)
Strange amplification plots with high Ct variability - (reply: 1)
How big a role does mixing play in PCR - (reply: 1)
Melting curve is irregular for primer optimization - (reply: 5)
Designing primers for ABO blood groups - (reply: 1)
a smeared Gen-DNA template ---> smear and less yield on pcr ? - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
How to amplify very short PCR template - (reply: 4)
Is this primer okay? - (reply: 4)
PCR amplification of large template - (reply: 1)
PCR insert - in frame? - (reply: 2)
How to avoid nonspecific amplification (band) in PCR - (reply: 5)
smear in gel electrophoresis after PCR - (reply: 2)
Can I use Primer as template? - (reply: 1)
Whole plasmid amplification by PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR product as standard curve template - (reply: 6)
colony PCR after transformation - (reply: 1)
PCR machine - (reply: 3)
qPCR - no amplification curve but suitable melting curve - (reply: 3)
Designing a PCR based detection method for an unknown virus/pathogen - (reply: 2)
Difficult PCR containing triplet repeats and Frt sites - (reply: 1)
Resuspending primers calculation - (reply: 4)
PCR of GC-rich sequence (E-cadherin) - (reply: 6)
PCR RFLP is PCR product purification necessary? - (reply: 3)
Mystery in my PCR - (reply: 5)
Whole genome amplification from cDNA? - (reply: 4)
What do you use to check primer secondary structure? - (reply: 3)
Need help with my real time RT-PCR Plate Set up - (reply: 8)
PCR product as template for in vitro transcription - (reply: 1)
Problem with 3 step PCR - (reply: 3)
mutagenic primers with very high GC content. - (reply: 3)
Scaling up PCR to get more DNA - (reply: 5)
PCR to get 10kbp product - (reply: 4)
site-directed mutagenesis primer Tm - (reply: 4)
Single-step nested PCR: how to investigate dynamics? - (reply: 2)
Random vs oligo primer in preamplification RT - (reply: 1)
how does polymerase stop at the required length - (reply: 1)
Chip pcr. are there inespecifics? - (reply: 1)
Primer concentration - stupid question - (reply: 3)
Primer Design, help iīm New - (reply: 4)
No DNA after PCR product purification - (reply: 9)
Sensitivity of RT-PCR and qPCR - (reply: 4)
RT-qPCR primer problem - (reply: 4)
Mixing two cDNA samples into one for realtime PCR - (reply: 3)
real time PCR trouble - (reply: 3)
removal of ethanol in PCR product purification - (reply: 5)
Crazy real time PCR curve - (reply: 4)
[Video] Using NCBI for RT-PCR Primer Design - (reply: 1)
High fidelity PCR trouble shooting - (reply: 2)
Designing cloning primers for DNMT - (reply: 2)
Reproducible Non-Specific PCR Product - (reply: 2)
Are these primer products good enough for qPCR? - (reply: 3)
Can't get PCR with large overhang primers to work - (reply: 8)
Primer Efficiency across runs - (reply: 1)
Question about pipet tips for PCR and rtPCR - (reply: 4)
UNG in PCR - (reply: 1)
Cause of random samples failing PCR? - (reply: 2)
Detecting miRNA mimics by RT-PCR? - (reply: 4)
pcr 10X buffer preparation - (reply: 2)
how much template do i need for pcr? - (reply: 5)
will mRNA from different cell line lead to loss of expected product in RT PCR? - (reply: 2)
Problems with crossover PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR amplification with new restriction sites troubleshooting - (reply: 2)
Designing PCR Primers for cloning - (reply: 17)
Creating primers to add restriction sites to vector backbone - (reply: 7)
PCR DNA Concentration - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR product- no band - (reply: 4)
Some primers dose not work - (reply: 5)
Understanding RACE PCR - (reply: 1)
Pair of primers (SYBR) with more than one amplicon product(?) - (reply: 4)
Wierd Bands after PCR....Confused - (reply: 9)
Query regarding primers for quick change mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
PCR with Plasmid recovered from filter paper - (reply: 6)
PCR amplified product size - (reply: 5)
the storage time for primers - (reply: 9)
Annealing temperature for PCR - (reply: 8)
can canine COL1A1 primers be used to quantify human COL1A1 cDNA in qPCR - (reply: 1)
Nested PCR - (reply: 2)
random primers or oligodT - (reply: 4)
No amplification during RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
Sequencing RT-PCR product - (reply: 3)
Low yield PCR product after gel purification - (reply: 8)
To design or use published primers? - (reply: 4)
Using RT-PCR to find the presence of a deletion in a gene - (reply: 2)
PCR primer usage (Clonning & cDNA) - (reply: 2)
problem in cloning PCR primer design with restriction site - (reply: 4)
Amplification with U primers, but not with M primers - (reply: 1)
Taq polymerase - (reply: 7)
His tag introduction in to gene and primer design - (reply: 2)
the mechanism for microorganism replicating their genome without primer in vivo - (reply: 1)
Which High-Fidelity polymerase is better? - (reply: 2)
polymerase to use for cloning - (reply: 4)
Problem amplifying viral gene - (reply: 5)
Adding tag using overlapping PCR - (reply: 2)
Tool / software for oligo analysis (hairpins, dimers etc.)? - (reply: 5)
Design primer from incomplete sequence... - (reply: 2)
Design primer from incomplete sequence... - (reply: 2)
How to perform colony PCR - (reply: 1)
Primer designing for Methylation - (reply: 6)
Best way to isolate viral mRNA for RT-PCR? - (reply: 4)
cDNA amplification problem - (reply: 4)
Help me out with Primer calculation for point mutagenesis.... - (reply: 8)
Gene expression from whole pancreas or islets by using RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR product running on agarose gel - (reply: 32)
5'end of pcr product was degraded after ligation and transformation - (reply: 5)
No bands in PCR after DNase treatment - (reply: 4)
PCR amplification with high fidelity enzyme - (reply: 1)
PCR HELP!!!! - (reply: 1)
Overlap PCR problem - (reply: 5)
PCR and restriction enzyme digestion - (reply: 3)
Bisulfite PCR and cloning - (reply: 5)
PCR product purification - (reply: 4)
Overlapping sequence PCR primers - (reply: 1)
restricted PCR plasmid runs slower - (reply: 2)
BSP PCR primer design explained - (reply: 11)
Bisulfite sequencing PCR worked - (reply: 5)
how to make a working solution of a primers for pcr reaction?? - (reply: 4)
Whole lab experiencing inconsistent PCR contamination - (reply: 10)
Stuck from last august! need help urgently - cloning and pcr ! - (reply: 7)
doing PCR using PCR product , help plz !! - (reply: 5)
adding Nde1 and Xho 1 restriction site in PCR primer - (reply: 2)
good 16S univ. primer for qPCR? - (reply: 3)
Strange looking "elevated" amplification plots from ChIP-qPCR samples - (reply: 2)
Amplification of CAG promoter problems - (reply: 4)
Can I use Real-time PCR instead of Southern Blot to determine number of integran - (reply: 1)
Long PCR (>10kb) polymerase recommendations - (reply: 3)
I need help for designing a pair of primers for this sequence. - (reply: 1)
PCR not working for 5 Aza treated DNA - (reply: 3)
Differentiating mouse from human cells with PCR - (reply: 5)
Differentiate between RT-PCR and PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR band slightly BELOW expected length ?! - (reply: 14)
long primers PCR - (reply: 4)
unexpected band in PCR with plasmid - (reply: 4)
qPCR [template] and [primer] troubleshooting...... - (reply: 1)
DNA polymerase for GC rich template? - (reply: 5)
Sequencing Primers and Plasmids - (reply: 3)
Good Protocol for Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR? - (reply: 1)
DNA extraction - PCR Problem - (reply: 3)
Primers to amplify Kan operon from pet28 - (reply: 2)
PCR product biotinylation - (reply: 3)
Tagged primers and a second PCR targetting the tags - (reply: 5)
cloning pcr insert into plasmid - (reply: 2)
Barcode generator for PCR primers - (reply: 2)
RNA isolation with low number of cells (1*10^4 to 5*10^4) for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Barcoding PCR products - (reply: 18)
Biotinylated primers - (reply: 4)
role of water in PCR - (reply: 3)
HIV gene- PCR - (reply: 3)
Real time PCR melting curve - (reply: 2)
BSA in PCR reaction - (reply: 1)
Transcription of PCR products without a primer coupled with promotor sequence - (reply: 4)
Cannot see insert with colony pcr - (reply: 6)
Amplicon as Template in PCR for TOPO TA Cloning - (reply: 10)
isolating DNA from mouse tails and subsequent problems with pcr - (reply: 7)
How to Join two PCR products - (reply: 3)
Restriction enzyme - PCR sheep blood gDNA - (reply: 5)
What's wrong with my PCR - (reply: 5)
Tagging a gene with HA and FLAG using PCR - (reply: 1)
How do you screen promoter regions if you can only PCR a few thousand bp - (reply: 1)
How to join two sequencing files taken form forward and reverse primer - (reply: 3)
Problem with UPL real-time PCR - please help !!! - (reply: 1)
Cp, but no amplification - (reply: 2)
pcr product digestion problem - (reply: 4)
Low PCR product - (reply: 7)
Control primers for bisulfite-converted DNA - (reply: 3)
Colony PCR - M13 vs. gene-specific primer amplification of bacmid - (reply: 4)
DNA amplification differences between samples & between regions (WGA & s - (reply: 2)
wrong dntp concentration - (reply: 2)
Third round PCR - (reply: 2)
long fragment PCR - (reply: 2)
Best proof-reading polymerase? - (reply: 13)
Is 27F and Anti-Gamma Primer the same thing for 16s? - (reply: 9)
Q regarding primer mix for MSP!! - (reply: 4)
Genomic DNA extraction - how to quantify for PCR? - (reply: 9)
Inconsistent sample quality in quantitative real-time PCR - What could be the pr - (reply: 3)
I need to break this cycle of PCR issues - (reply: 13)
Questions / Help with Fusion PCR - (reply: 8)
Controls for RT-PCR reactions - (reply: 2)
Primer for a gene to create sticky ends and ligate an gene into a vector - (reply: 2)
BSP Primers with M13 Tails - (reply: 1)
Detection of T7 RNA polymerase by WB - (reply: 6)
Multiplex PCR - (reply: 33)
issues when designing PCR primers using PRIMER3 - (reply: 8)
Primer catalog/databasing - (reply: 1)
Nonrepetitive nested PCR - (reply: 2)
Primer Blast - (reply: 6)
Help designing primers for use in In-fushion cloning - (reply: 4)
PCR internal control - (reply: 2)
Primers Freeze-Thaw - (reply: 16)
TDNA Genotyping PCR program - (reply: 1)
primer design using 16s rRNA - (reply: 1)
question about PCR and cloning - (reply: 1)
PCR - (reply: 2)
nonspecific band at 50bp in PCR - (reply: 9)
Primer concentration for cDNA synthesis using GSP - (reply: 1)
PCR master mix - (reply: 7)
Maximum PCR product Tm - (reply: 6)
what is 0.5 unit of Taq Polymerase? - (reply: 3)
cloning from cDNA but got a much shorter PCR product - (reply: 4)
PCR & Southern blotting - (reply: 1)
Bisulfite PCR Question - (reply: 2)
Primer Design HELP! - (reply: 3)
Help with sequencing of a 120bp PCR product. - (reply: 9)
Bisulfite PCR doesn't work and the primer seems abnormal - (reply: 6)
How are Primers made? - (reply: 9)
Long Non-Specific PCR Products - (reply: 5)
Molecular plasmid amplification - Liquid preculture vs. overnight culture?? - (reply: 1)
qPCR, Appearance of amplification curve for my minus RT control - (reply: 6)
Use RT-PCR to verify after transient transfection a plasmid? - (reply: 5)
PCR calculation - (reply: 1)
Colony PCR and digestion with KpnI - (reply: 10)
designing methylation specific primers - (reply: 3)
Help with PCR and Gel Electrophoresis. Not getting any bands - (reply: 8)
PCR - consistent false positive results - (reply: 6)
PCR no amplification - (reply: 15)
How to quantify virus by PCR - (reply: 12)
Can human 18S primer, probe set for qPCR be used for Rhesus and Cynomolgus sampl - (reply: 3)
What is a use of ΔCt and ΔΔCt in qRT PCR? - (reply: 4)
Pcr product size determination for a fusion gene - (reply: 8)
Quantify DNA before ChIP PCR - (reply: 3)
Primer Annealing Temperatures - (reply: 24)
my pcr product is larger than expected - (reply: 4)
Question about PCR - DNA or RNA as template - (reply: 4)
pcr purification - (reply: 1)
pcr purification doubt - (reply: 4)
improving sensitivity of one step TAQMAN REal time PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR band moves lower than its size on agarose gel - (reply: 3)
same primers, different product in conventional PCR and qPCR - (reply: 6)
Different primer optimalization for nested vs direct MSP? - (reply: 3)
pcr problem - (reply: 6)
NEB Q5 polymerase works very well - (reply: 1)
Primers amplify genomic DNA but not cDNA - (reply: 2)
pcr purification - (reply: 1)
storing PCR product overnight - (reply: 2)
Primer BLAST - (reply: 1)
Bands in negative control PCR - (reply: 2)
Discrepancies between miRNA Array Data and PCR Data - (reply: 1)
problem with pcr mutagenesis - (reply: 10)
HMK-Tagged PCR Cloning Problem... - (reply: 4)
Use PCR purification kit to purify restriction digestion - (reply: 2)
PCR primer design - published primers trustable? - (reply: 8)
Polymerase for E. coli screenings - (reply: 5)
complicated RT-PCR issues - (reply: 4)
question about universal and specific primers for miRNA real time pcr - (reply: 1)
Can we use degenerate bases in BSP primers? - (reply: 1)
Quick change mutagenesis No PCR product visible - (reply: 2)
Normalization of Real time PCR results using Pfaffl method - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR vs plate reader for pathogen detection - (reply: 3)
Can anyone help with my Bisulfite PCR? - (reply: 2)
How to check primer sequences using BLAST and other tools? - (reply: 2)
real time PCR analysis in patient samples - (reply: 2)
carpet in gels for PCR products - (reply: 2)
Primer Check? - (reply: 2)
Sequencing of the PCR production in BSP - (reply: 1)
amplification of 14Kb - (reply: 1)
Validation of PCR primers/ probes - (reply: 6)
Taq polymerase for MSP - (reply: 1)
Real time PCR sudenly not working - (reply: 1)
Buffer-composition One-Step RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
Two reverse primer sequences for a single forward primer - (reply: 1)
PCR with more than one primer - (reply: 1)
RAPD - PCR problem - (reply: 5)
Primer for identification of yeast (ITS or 18Sr RNA gene) - (reply: 3)
How to best store PCR product? - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 1)
After PCR, One Band on 1.2% Agarose but 2 bands on 8M Urea, 8% PAGE - (reply: 1)
Odd gel run following PCR - (reply: 28)
Qiagen PCR Array Reagents? - (reply: 1)
No or very weak band using 16s primers - (reply: 1)
No PCR amplification with b-actin primers - (reply: 1)
Is PCR efficiency higher if mutation is in the middle of primer? - (reply: 7)
Site-directed, PCR works but no colonies - (reply: 2)
RUNX3 Methylation specific PCR not working-please help - (reply: 8)
Primer Design Help: GFP primers for Arabidopsis - (reply: 1)
No PCR amplified with long primers - (reply: 10)
PCR optimization: PCR vs qPCR - (reply: 4)
should I do blunt end my pcr product before ligation - (reply: 2)
PCR smear for genomic samples - (reply: 4)
Smaller band appear under Main product with every primers sets from PCR - (reply: 3)
another primer dilution question - (reply: 2)
i need help with virus pcr - (reply: 2)
Primer Efficiency - (reply: 2)
Experimental set up for qRT PCR - (reply: 13)
A faster way to pick single colony clones for PCR screening? - (reply: 3)
Colony PCR works but DNA yeild very low after miniprep - (reply: 2)
How should I optimize my PCR - (reply: 2)
Second round of PCR after gel extraction fails miserably - (reply: 3)
an effective way to do a yeast colony pcr - (reply: 2)
Conversion of ng/ul of DNA to ng for a PCR reaction - (reply: 2)
urgent help plz with RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
oligo(dt) 15 vs random primers - (reply: 3)
Help to optain a long PCR produc - (reply: 3)
Multiple bands in eluted PCR product - (reply: 1)
having nice sharp bands in PCR but no signal in Real-Time PCR - (reply: 5)
Problems with two step RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Getting genomic DNA for PCR - (reply: 4)
primer dilutions - (reply: 4)
Genotyping PCR primers - (reply: 1)
Conventional PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR of entire plasmid followed by self-ligation for mutagenesis- what issues mig - (reply: 2)
PCR product loss on cleanup - (reply: 2)
MSP Primers not working - (reply: 6)
Primers too dilute - (reply: 1)
Amplification curves jagged - (reply: 1)
Cloning HELP- Possible Primer issues - (reply: 6)
No PCR product in site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
Giardia/Crypto real time PCR late amplification - (reply: 1)
How to dilute the template DNA for PCR - (reply: 7)
After I run my pcr on agarose the DNA is still in the well - (reply: 3)
Need help for PCR - (reply: 5)
PCR primer pairs - university exam - (reply: 7)
unespecific band PCR from mouse genomic DNA - (reply: 9)
Help with primer design through PRIMER3 - (reply: 4)
Homozygous Heterozygous by PCR/Southern blot - (reply: 3)
Normalizing to negative control primers for ChIP qPCR - (reply: 3)
Plasmid vs cDNA amplification by PCR - (reply: 2)
Tm of primers - prediction and verification - (reply: 1)
PCR cloning...help! - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR contamination in negative control. - (reply: 1)
PCR malaria diagnosis nested PCR smear and non specific bands - (reply: 3)
how to design primers for 16sr RNA - (reply: 24)
how to do RT-PCR for16srRNA of a certain bacteria? - (reply: 4)
Help with primer design - (reply: 3)
Primer Tm calculation. - (reply: 1)
low concentration of purified PCR product - (reply: 2)
PCR smearing and...problems! - (reply: 7)
Running Primers on Agarose Gel - (reply: 6)
PCR product now not getting with same primers and other PCR conditions - (reply: 4)
universal primers for PCR ribotyping - (reply: 6)
will the template of PCR be added A ? - (reply: 2)
Colony PCR not working - (reply: 4)
Primers for Introduction of new restriction sites to a vector - (reply: 3)
Primer design: Tm above or below Ta? - (reply: 5)
Oligo primers for shRNA construction - (reply: 1)
Design primers for expression cloning - (reply: 11)
Designing a synthetic gene to serve as the positive control for two separate PCR - (reply: 5)
primer dilution query - (reply: 2)
Real Time PCR polymerase enzyme - (reply: 3)
Estimating size of PCR products in a agarose gel - (reply: 4)
Sequencing of PCR product - (reply: 4)
PCR contamination problem - (reply: 2)
Using BLAST to check primers - (reply: 1)
How to design RT-PCR primers in-frame for expression vector? - (reply: 1)
What is the function of a third primer in a PCR mix?? - (reply: 2)
How can we design a primer ? step by step method - (reply: 4)
cDNA synthesis or RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR on cDNA and SGamplification??? - (reply: 1)
EPIGENETICS-NEWBIE-Weird/too close primers for pyrosequencing assay - (reply: 2)
real time PCR protocol - controls? - (reply: 2)
Long primers (60bp) and 5kb PCR product problems - (reply: 5)
Abnormal plot of real time one-step RT-PCR, how to solve! - (reply: 1)
SOS: new real time PCR machine needed.... which one? - (reply: 5)
which step in the pcr cleanup process could harm the cohesive ends - (reply: 1)
My product of PCR haven't the lenght right after purification....... What - (reply: 2)
Is it possible to amplify cDNA with hexamer primers or oligo dT primers to have - (reply: 1)
PCR and UV spectrophotometry - (reply: 3)
RT-PCR in a single tube - (reply: 3)
why Phusion polymerase is not recommended for overlap PCR? - (reply: 1)
annealing temperature for 3 primer pairs? - (reply: 4)
PCR Reaction - (reply: 3)
Impact of primer sequence on TA cloning - (reply: 3)
problems with Bisulfite PCR - (reply: 1)
low pcr product - (reply: 3)
overlapping PCR protocol - (reply: 12)
PCR to amplify my insert not working - (reply: 6)
Problem with PCR amplification- high 3' stability - (reply: 3)
Home made real-time PCR problem - (reply: 4)
High RNase concentration interfering with PCR? - (reply: 8)
Pcr primers - (reply: 2)
PCR failure from yeast genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
failure of PCR from yeast genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
RT-Q PCR primer design question - (reply: 2)
high MW dimers - (reply: 2)
Strange RT-PCR amplification plots - (reply: 9)
How to clean extracted faecal DNA? (removing PCR inhibitors) - (reply: 1)
What products will I get from this pcr? - (reply: 1)
PCR buffer without Tris - (reply: 1)
PCR Water - (reply: 4)
multiplex rtqPCR and custom primer/probe design - (reply: 2)
Which Brand of real-time PCR machine - (reply: 6)
Problem with PCR - large extra bands - (reply: 3)
big differnece in my primers Tm - (reply: 2)
Designing primers for the ORFs - (reply: 9)
Two-Step PCR - (reply: 2)
Gradient PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR with phophorylated primers - (reply: 1)
Problem with New qPCR primers - help! - (reply: 6)
Designing primers for miRNA located on minus strand. - (reply: 2)
Plasmid sequencing without primers - (reply: 1)
Smallest insert in PCR - (reply: 6)
troubleshooting RT-PCR: possible nuclease issues? - (reply: 2)
loop-mediated amplification - (reply: 2)
Blunt end PCR product ligation - (reply: 1)
Help with high Ct values for Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
Genotyping by allele specific PCR - (reply: 6)
RT-PCR primers and the poly(A) tail - (reply: 2)
NO Insert found in the Colony PCR - (reply: 15)
No band in PCR - (reply: 5)
overlapping primer - (reply: 1)
PCR primers help - (reply: 5)
PCR smear after one-month storage - (reply: 2)
Primer dimers - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR inhibited after Turbo DNase treatment - (reply: 3)
Real-Time PCR using ABI Fast Sybr Green chemistry - (reply: 2)
Simple question of dNTP's for PCR - (reply: 7)
Need help for PCR for AT rich gene - (reply: 3)
How long I can keep my template added PCR reaction mix before running PCR? - (reply: 4)
Primer validation and PCR efficiency - (reply: 4)
How to calculate the price of PCR test per sample? - (reply: 6)
Contamination in negative control of PCR (No template control) - (reply: 6)
cloning with nested pcr - (reply: 3)
What is the maxium amount of glycerol can be added in a PCR reaction? - (reply: 3)
PCR is amplifying non-specific fragment - (reply: 6)
ChIP amplification problems - (reply: 1)
real time RT-PCR problems - (reply: 2)
should I design primers spanning both intron and exon - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
RNA extraction from FFPE cancer tissues for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Template DNA (plasmid) concentration for PCR - (reply: 4)
PCR with a very long and a short primer - (reply: 5)
Ligation of 16kb PCR product - (reply: 5)
Multiplex PCR does not work - (reply: 3)
Help: Linear Amplification Using Hydrolysis Probes - (reply: 3)
Problem with genomic PCR (2.4 kb) - (reply: 1)
Comparison between two primers pairs? Is it possible? - (reply: 3)
Rt-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
Length of non-binding sequence in primers with RE site - (reply: 6)
ChIP-PCR: Amplification in IgG negative control - (reply: 1)
Getting a smaller PCR product than required - (reply: 6)
Difficult sequences in PCR - (reply: 2)
why is real time pcr curve like this? - (reply: 3)
PCR inconsistency - (reply: 2)
Orientation of primers - (reply: 2)
PCR, neg control & no. of cycles - (reply: 2)
Strange PCR result from genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
Bright bands of PCR products stick in gel wells - (reply: 1)
methylation analysis with MS-HRM (primer design) - (reply: 1)
whole plasmid pcr? - (reply: 6)
Restriction Enzyme Inactivation & Pfu PCR - (reply: 2)
salts in PCR - (reply: 4)
Strange amplification plot - (reply: 4)
Conventional PCR of different dilutions - (reply: 1)
primer resuspension - (reply: 2)
Principles of overlap PCR - (reply: 7)
ligation of pcr product into expression vector - (reply: 4)
Unable to PCR!!!! - (reply: 3)
Help designing primers with restriction sites - (reply: 3)
Why primers shouldn't have Tm difference greater than 5°C? - (reply: 5)
Low A260/A280 ratio after gel purification using Promega PCR Clean-up System - (reply: 2)
Abnormal amplification curve - (reply: 1)
Problem with Semiquantitative PCR - (reply: 4)
Advice on optimising bisulfite PCR sought - (reply: 2)
Help: I am loosing the DNA during PCR purification - (reply: 7)
PCR primer with no extra DNA end - (reply: 5)
PCR colonies of Pichia pastoris - (reply: 1)
ROX reference dye for quantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR problem - (reply: 9)
why PCR product smeared? - (reply: 2)
Tm calculation for primers with RE sites and overhangs - (reply: 4)
silincing box, no amplification - (reply: 3)
Comparative semiquantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Bands in my PCR Controls - (reply: 3)
cloning 2 PCR products into pGEM-T easy vector - (reply: 1)
Strange band in colony PCR - (reply: 2)
In a pcr why doesnt the DNA reneal during annealing process ? - (reply: 2)
Multiplex PCR - (reply: 12)
Real time pcr primers JunB, Foxh1, Klf4, PRMT1, PRMT4 and PRMT5 needed! - (reply: 2)
PYO pcr stopped working. - (reply: 1)
Bands seen with qPCR missing in regular PCR - (reply: 5)
checking msp primers - (reply: 2)
PCR product one day, none the next day - (reply: 4)
PCR on colony - (reply: 10)
PCR reaction ISSUES???? need help - (reply: 4)
PCR using CDNA as template - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR doesn't work with all RNA used - (reply: 1)
Need help amplifying repeating sequence. - (reply: 5)
Real Time PCR 101...help! - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR primer design for full length cDNA cloning - (reply: 6)
problems with PCR confirmation of insert . HELP ! - (reply: 1)
Another primer dimers problem - (reply: 23)
Colony PCR Problem!!!! - (reply: 5)
using PCR product as standard template - (reply: 3)
PCR kit - (reply: 7)
Make additional cycles with an already finished pcr product - (reply: 3)
Amplification in water control but not in samples - (reply: 3)
PCR products form with DNA, but not with c-DNA - (reply: 2)
question about pcr amplification efficiency? - (reply: 1)
DNA polymerase: recombinant or native? - (reply: 3)
pcr clean-up fail? - (reply: 1)
MSP U primers very difficult to amplify... - (reply: 4)
No gene amplification, 18s amplification is fine - (reply: 1)
ChIP-qPCR gives odd amplification plot - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR stoped working!!! Same samples, same primers, same enzyme! - (reply: 3)
sequential cloning of multiple PCR products - how to do? (reply: 3)
SYBR QPCR problem, please help! strange melting curve... - Primer dimers? Or other problems? (reply: 4)
Primer design - (reply: 3)
Tomato Actin PCR+Images included - (reply: 2)
single primer PCR - (reply: 5)
Direct sequencing PCR product - for bisulfite sequencing (reply: 3)
cDNA synthesis + amplification - (reply: 2)
Design strategy for real-time RT-PCR, how to decide on what gene of interest and - Newbie that's completly mRNA confused, please help! (reply: 2)
LacZ PCR Problems - (reply: 2)
cells stably expressing T7 RNA polymerase - (reply: 1)
Primer concentration - (reply: 4)
nested PCR with low target DNA? - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR calibrator - (reply: 2)
RNA - extraction and pcr (reply: 1)
problem in pcr - (reply: 2)
Can someone recommend me a virtual PCR software? - (reply: 6)
Trouble with PCR and electroporation - Trying to make mutants via PCR (reply: 4)
Primer 3' mismatch - Strange experience (reply: 9)
real-time PCR after restriction enzyme digestion - (reply: 6)
wrong plot amplification in one-step RT- PCR - one step real time RT PCR (reply: 1)
Adding loading/tracking dye to PCR mix? - (reply: 10)
PCR: Band in one lane, streaking in the other..HELP! - (reply: 3)
DNA polymerase with single G 3'-end overhang activity - (reply: 3)
Primer BLAST and NetPrimer vs Primer3Plus - (reply: 3)
relative expression of genes using semiquantitative PCR - Semi-quantitative PCR (reply: 1)
how to get rid of non specific bands in PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR tubes mixer & spinner ( one device ) - recommendations ? (reply: 2)
which exon to choose when designing primers for RT-PCR? - splicing isoforms are different between NCBI and Genecard (reply: 3)
PCR cloning problem - could not get colony (reply: 4)
pcr contamination - (reply: 4)
Are my MSP primers good? - MSP primers design by Methyl Primer Express v1.0 (reply: 2)
Large Non-specfic bands in PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR clonning - (reply: 3)
Difference between PCR/cloning DNA in plasmids - (reply: 2)
2 bands in blue colony PCR - (reply: 5)
Primer dilution --> problem.. - (reply: 16)
Help! Smear in Real-Time PCR Product - (reply: 1)
alternative to Tris buffer in strand displacement (BST polymerase) - looking into alternatives to the NEB ThermoPol buffer (reply: 2)
Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
primer design - microalgae (reply: 2)
Designing primers - What is more important Ta or primer's Tm - (reply: 3)
Please help! no PCR bands+Description of my PCR protocol provided :( - (reply: 8)
real time rt PCR - bloodyurine - inhibition - (reply: 1)
PCR yield in ng/ul - (reply: 1)
No Amplification in PCR - (reply: 4)
Real time PCR and percentage loss - (reply: 1)
Qiagen RT-PCR Kit (Rotor-Gene Q) - Which one should I use? (reply: 3)
Problem with smear in PCR with certain templates - (reply: 4)
Real time PCR in the presence of heme - (reply: 3)
issues in PCR amplification - (reply: 2)
Problems with PCR in general - (reply: 1)
Qiagen RT-PCR Kit (Rotor-Gene Q) - Which one should I use? (reply: 2)
how to overcome primer contamination - need protocol (reply: 11)
RT-PCR primer design - Primer design and evaluation (reply: 7)
CHIP analysis by PCR - (reply: 4)
STANDARDISATION OF MULTIPLEX PCR - IN order to standardise a multiplex PCR for 3 set of primers (reply: 3)
Primer,probes dilution - (reply: 3)
Splice varient quantification in RT real time PCR? - (reply: 1)
negative control for msp pcr - (reply: 2)
Calculating geometric mean for real-time PCR - (reply: 5)
template transfer? - how does the rna polymerase switches template? (reply: 1)
PCR Gel nonspecific band - (reply: 13)
semiquantitative pcr - (reply: 1)
Sudden problems with cDNA PCR using Phusion Polymerase - (reply: 9)
PCR: Cloning Primers - (reply: 8)
PCR product - (reply: 5)
pcr amplify an insert in plasmid? - (reply: 2)
Sybr Green Real Time PCR - Amplification plot - Any problem? (reply: 1)
Exon Spanning PCR Primers - (reply: 1)
Colony PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR to confirm double crossover - (reply: 1)
Primer sequences - (reply: 1)
Why does freezing/thawing DNA samples first improve PCR results? - (reply: 8)
smears in PCR products (bisfulite treated DNA) - (reply: 4)
PCR Primers - (reply: 2)
Cleaning up RT-PCR product before sequencing - (reply: 1)
Template Amount for PCR Amplification - (reply: 6)
How to blast methylation specific and unspecific primers - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR cDNA synthesis - (reply: 6)
problems amplifying from cDNA - (reply: 4)
Real-time PCR about Incorrect setup of the data collection stage - (reply: 1)
No DNA after PCR purification with QiaQuick? - (reply: 4)
restriction digestion against colony PCR - (reply: 1)
How to check primers are of correct sequence or not? - (reply: 2)
Primers... - (reply: 1)
When are primer dimers a problem? - (reply: 1)
Inverted repeat: three-way ligation or fusion PCR? - (reply: 3)
PCR: always got band in the negative control - (reply: 8)
primer with higher melting temperature - (reply: 2)
Is pyrosequencing necessary? - Sequencing PCR products (reply: 2)
Problems designing primers for BSP - (reply: 2)
qPCR primer design - possible off-target (reply: 1)
Primer dimer formation and real-time PCR - (reply: 7)
Identify PCR products - (reply: 3)
PCR genomic DNA using cell lysate - (reply: 1)
Maximum size of overhangs in PCR - (reply: 6)
Colony PCR doesn't work anymore - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR t-test, and ANOVA - (reply: 1)
Primer Design Urgent! - (reply: 1)
PCR basics - I'm new to all things lab and need some help! (reply: 3)
Able to see correct product with 2 rounds of PCR, but my PI doesn't want me - How do I convince her that "2 rounds of PCR is OKAY?" (reply: 1)
PCR of microRNA first strand cDNA - (reply: 1)
how to know my primer's sense ??? - help ! (reply: 2)
smear in pcr +DNA polymerase mixture for long PCR - (reply: 10)
High Ct value in Real Time RT PCR for NTC - Real Time RT PCR troubleshooting (reply: 5)
problems with MS-HRM - late detection of PCR signal - high resolution melting, methylation (reply: 2)
intron spanning primers for non model organisms - (reply: 2)
Primer design - (reply: 2)
Troubleshoot PCR, Product band missing, internal control is present - (reply: 1)
qPCR amplification interference fixed with freezing - (reply: 6)
Suggest me a mastermix for conventinal PCR... - (reply: 11)
software for quantifing PCR product band - (reply: 1)
Multiple bands from purified PCR product - (reply: 3)
Sybr Green Real Time PCR - Melt curve - Any problem on the melt curve? (reply: 3)
Doing PCR on Nebulized DNA - (reply: 2)
Direct PCR Sequencing of BS Products - Having trouble (reply: 1)
RT-PCR - (reply: 9)
help with negative strand specific primer design needed - Primers for Sindbis virus (-) strand (reply: 4)
inverse pcr - (reply: 2)
Will I need interplate calibration for my RT-PCR experiment? - (reply: 3)
Primer seq - (reply: 2)
Urgent: should you dry PCR product - (reply: 13)
PCR product size - (reply: 6)
amplification plot raises to early - What is the explanation for this problem? (reply: 1)
oligo dt and random primer - (reply: 3)
mRNA Search for RT-PCR (U to T) - (reply: 2)
First-strand cDNA synthesis from paraffin embedded RNA - Using of gene-specific primers (reply: 1)
PCR Mastermix - (reply: 4)
PCR triplicates versus one reaction - differences? (reply: 17)
Comparing Gene Expression of Different Genes Using Semi-Quantitative PCR - (reply: 2)
Do low binding 0.2ml PCR tubes exist? - (reply: 3)
Primers and self and hetero dimers - (reply: 1)
Really weird amplification curves - (reply: 1)
Primers for qPCR - (reply: 3)
Placing dNTP in 64 C waterbath - Would this ruin the solution? (reply: 3)
RT-PCR primer - (reply: 3)
PCR problem - basic PCR for plasmid amplification (reply: 2)
Weird bands in standard PCR of gDNA and cDNA - (reply: 2)
mutation using overlapping PCR, what's the success rate? - (reply: 3)
Unpredictablity of PCR product - (reply: 5)
total cDNA amplification by PCR - (reply: 2)
Detection limit of a conventional PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR for MULTIPLE mutagenesis - (reply: 4)
Using Sybr green in realtime pcr - (reply: 1)
IF ITS1 and ITS4 using as primer and working on the fungi . Shall we get single - (reply: 12)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 2)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 1)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 1)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 2)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 2)
Dissolved Primer pellet in pure ethanol instead of water - (reply: 4)
Digested PCR product migrate slower than uncut - (reply: 8)
Left polymerase above fridge for more than 1 week - still working? (reply: 3)
PCR question - (reply: 2)
positive colony PCR, negative restriction digest, positive PC from minipreps - Cloning nightmare (reply: 2)
2 rounds PCR got problem - (reply: 2)
PCR help minus strand - Primer design (reply: 1)
chloramphenicol storage and amplification - (reply: 3)
Smear in long distance PCR - (reply: 39)
TP-PCR or three primer PCR - TP-PCR or three primer PCR (reply: 9)
Help - I m trying to get amplification for a new gene with new set of primers (reply: 2)
TOUCH DOWN PCR - (reply: 2)
Source of RNA for pcr efficiency, when to use ref gene? - (reply: 3)
PCR stopped working - After changing buffer (reply: 5)
ChIP PCR question - (reply: 33)
PCR protocol questions! - (reply: 2)
DNA amount calculation for PCR - (reply: 14)
ChIP primer design - (reply: 1)
Is T4 DNA Polymerase so evil? Blunt End Cloning - (reply: 3)
Bisulfite sequencing primer design query (probably simple) - (reply: 4)
Using digoxigenin in PCR? - Want to create a FISH probe (reply: 2)
How to analyze ChIP PCR data - (reply: 10)
Questions regarding RT-PCR optimization - (reply: 2)
number of copies after pcr? - (reply: 1)
PCR double-bands - (reply: 1)
Problems with semi-quatitative PCR - (reply: 1)
Question about Primers - (reply: 3)
Odd question. Can I use DNase to decontaminate Primers? - Primer decontamination (reply: 2)
Large fragment amplification failed - (reply: 3)
purification of PCR product for cloning in a vector - (reply: 3)
elimination of Protein interference from DNA - for RT-PCR (reply: 2)
PCR reaction calculation - (reply: 2)
designing MSP primers (dimers NOOOOOOOO!) - (reply: 1)
Primer design with a tag - (reply: 4)
no increase in fluorescence in my real time PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR Problem: Inconsistency with the results since one week - Inconsistency (reply: 1)
Help with real-time PCR quantification of miRNA - (reply: 8)
PCR, using gel extracted band as a template - (reply: 4)
PCR Amplification: Tips on simple things to keep an eye out for - (reply: 1)
Primer3 and Blast - how can I search for primers against a local database. (reply: 3)
PCR for sequencing genomic DNA (multiple alleles) - Are there preferences for amplification of certain sequences? (reply: 1)
Combining forward and reverse primer gives different size on gel - (reply: 2)
Q-PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
calculating total amount - in a pcr reaction (reply: 4)
Problems with amplifying microRNA - (reply: 3)
PCR of complement genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
primers for fungal identification - (reply: 9)
confusing PCR - (reply: 1)
Strange problem with digestion and dephosporylation of PCR product - (reply: 2)
PCR for long and repetitive region from genomic DNA - (reply: 4)
difference between PCR primers and sequencing primers - (reply: 1)
How do I PCR a DNA fragment with >200 CGG repeats? - (reply: 2)
PCR of repeated region - (reply: 1)
Sense and antisense DNA, and primer design - (reply: 6)
PCR bands in NTC but NOT in negative samples - (reply: 2)
housekeeping genes in PCR - (reply: 1)
Forward primer not working during DNA sequencing - DNA sequencing (reply: 10)
Question about RealTime PCR Primer Design - (reply: 1)
Designing a Primer with a RS that has a W - (reply: 1)
Primers stopped working!? - PCR Primers (reply: 6)
NFK beta primers - (reply: 4)
final PCR product - need clarifications (reply: 1)
Mutagenesis PCR problem - Help with PCR mutagenesis (reply: 5)
Is DNase necessary for primers designed on the exon-exon boundary?? - (reply: 2)
Unable to get proper PCR amplification - PCR does not correlate protein expression (reply: 3)
RT-PCR result !! - (reply: 4)
mirna overexpression/ library versus single construct/ unspecific pcr - unspecific band when pcr on gDNA from library but not on gDNA fron sin (reply: 2)
Troubleshooting help: Why do my amplification curves look like this? - (reply: 8)
Agarose gel electrophoreses for PCR products ? - (reply: 4)
why genomic can't be use for pcr? - (reply: 2)
Primer design - Primer design (reply: 2)
Re-use unamplified PCR product - (reply: 2)
Reason for odd PCR conditions - (reply: 3)
Amplification of region from sperm RNA - sperm RNA stability (reply: 4)
Amplification of 3.4 kb product from RNA for cloning - (reply: 5)
pcr - problem in pcr (reply: 2)
Primers for PCR - Forward and Reverse Primer Sequences (reply: 4)
How to present and analyze these real-time PCR data? - (reply: 2)
Deoxyribosenucleoside vs. Deoxyribosenucleotide - What does dNTP stand for? (reply: 2)
RT-PCR: DNA contamination, one vs two step - RNA work (reply: 11)
PCR Master mix - (reply: 2)
cDNA storage and real time RT PCR - (reply: 3)
Real Time PCR Primers and Probes - (reply: 2)
Anyone make their own PCR cloning vector? - (reply: 5)
Stability of PCR T-overhangs - (reply: 1)
Loss of bands at higher Tm in presence of DMSO... - Attempt to optimise DMSO methylation-spec PCR (reply: 4)
PCR product wrong size! Need help! - (reply: 9)
pooling different pcr cycles? - (reply: 1)
Amplification of concatenated linear ligated fragments - (reply: 4)
Clinical Real-time PCR assay - (reply: 1)
Need help - How we can design primer for miRNA (reply: 1)
primer and promoter sequences - (reply: 1)
Standard curve for real-time PCR - (reply: 2)
designing of primers - (reply: 2)
Primer Tm differences/ PCR - (reply: 1)
Primer design to screen silenced lines - Primer design tips to screen silenced lines (reply: 3)
single gene amplification - cDNA synthesis and amplification with gene specific primers (reply: 2)
d2EGFP Primers for Genotyping - ...where to get the sequence? (reply: 5)
BAC recombineering problem - BAC clones positive for double selection but negative for PCR, why? (reply: 1)
Designing primer to remove his-tag - (reply: 1)
PCR Primer Dilution from F+R - (reply: 1)
primer reconstitution - primer reconstitution (reply: 4)
Not-Quite-Nested PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR product too short - (reply: 6)
Anyone know the margin of error for PCR amplicon size visualized on an agarose g - Margin of Error (reply: 2)
Primer design for insert amplification - Is this correct? (reply: 2)
got smear on the PCR gel !!! - (reply: 4)
need to know minimum amount of template DNA needed for pcr amplification - pcr (reply: 2)
"Unzipped" PCR band - (reply: 3)
Review on new amplification techniques - (reply: 2)
What's the highest DNA concentration for PCR? - before being inhibited? (reply: 7)
DOT BLOT for pcr product - No result obtain (reply: 1)
melting temperature in real time pcr - melting temperature in real time pcr (reply: 5)
Amplification of bisulfite converted gDNA for sequencing - (reply: 1)
HRM primers - (reply: 1)
PCR amplification with Pfu / quality of DNA - (reply: 4)
primer design - (reply: 2)
Is it possible to compare data between real-time PCR plates - (reply: 1)
Conventional PCR problems - wisamni2004 (reply: 2)
New to sequencing, primer design - (reply: 2)
Is it possible to know the live bacteria using PCR for a certain genus? - (reply: 5)
Is it possible to know only the live bacteria using PCR for a certain genus? - (reply: 1)
incorrect/smaller band size for real time PCR - (reply: 1)
Quickchange mutagenesis primer - (reply: 3)
pcr / primer theory in bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 4)
homologous amplicon for real time pcr - (reply: 1)
Primer Design..need very basic advice. - Please help, I cant figure this out for the life of me. (reply: 2)
How about Exiqon miRCURY miRNA PCR system? - (reply: 2)
assistance with PCR amplification please - (reply: 3)
I need an urgent help with q-pcr amplification plots - (reply: 11)
Problems with the Specificity of the Primers - (reply: 2)
confusion in real time PCR primers - Confusion in Real time pcr primers (reply: 3)
Colony PCR with FALSE Positive Results ?? - (reply: 4)
Degenerate primers PCR problem, Please help! - (reply: 2)
Hotstart PCR and unspecific Amplification - (reply: 3)
Primer design help needed - (reply: 1)
Primers no longer work - (reply: 1)
Sequencing - why are left-over PCR primers an issue? - (reply: 3)
Primer Design with Primer-Blast - My experience has been worse than just using Primer3 and BLAT separate (reply: 4)
RT PCR for known snps detection? - SNPs detection (reply: 1)
colony PCR - (reply: 2)
Calculating Primer concentrations for PCR - Is there an easy way to do this...help (reply: 3)
primer Tm is too high, how tu get pcr product - help! (reply: 21)
PCR reaction without template gives a product - (reply: 6)
PCR wrong product size - (reply: 6)
Wrong pcr product size - (reply: 4)
real time PCR machine - (reply: 5)
PCR very faint product - (reply: 1)
Question about principle of PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR amplification before bisulfite conversion - (reply: 6)
4 question for real time PCR - (reply: 5)
Dye in PCR Buffer - Inhibiting downstream techniques? - ligation/digestion/cloning (reply: 7)
PCR didn't work - suspect the enzyme (reply: 2)
Find universal primers in vector - any online tool? (reply: 6)
Picking primers to confirm Illumina meth27 results - (reply: 2)
Colony PCR Specificity - (reply: 2)
Colony Pcr - primers - (reply: 5)
iCODEHOP help: how are the reverse primers supposed to be read? - Degenerate primer design (reply: 1)
Determine exon and intron for primer design - How to determine exon and intron for qRT-PCR primer design (reply: 2)
Primer Dilution Problem - D'oh! (reply: 2)
Using PCR to create overhangs - (reply: 3)
Creating overhangs with PCR - (reply: 4)
Problem with PCR on bacmids - (reply: 1)
Is there any software that can be sued to design degenerate primers - (reply: 1)
Running real time pcr product on gel?.. - (reply: 4)
Primer Decontamination - (reply: 2)
PCR mutagenesis of plasmid - (reply: 5)
tools for checking non-specific binding of primers -
(reply: 1)
Primer designed for ARMS PCR - (reply: 2)
Problem with Telomeric Length measurement using RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
methylation specific PCR - Primers - (reply: 1)
bacterial identification using real time PCR - (reply: 1)
Beta actin Primer designing - Will anyone plz send me the sequence of primers for rat beta-actin (reply: 2)
real time PCR inhibition control - a test for the presence of PCR inhibitors (reply: 3)
PCR analysis method- delta or delta delta? - RNA, qRT PCR, delta Ct method (reply: 4)
colony PCR for subcloning gene - (reply: 1)
Problems with Multiplex PCR - Problems with Multiplex PCR (reply: 4)
Using the same PCR plate in more runs - Just curious about it. (reply: 1)
PCR reamplification - (reply: 2)
Need advice on a smear from primer-primer binding PCR reaction. - (reply: 2)
How many colonies to screen (colony PCR)? - (reply: 4)
Fusion PCR, bright smear from well to end(with very weak or no band) - (reply: 1)
Primer Design - aligning sequences for probe/primer design (reply: 2)
question about pcr - (reply: 3)
RT-PCR Taqman no change in gene expression - GATA3 gene expression in splenocytes, a tough one (reply: 3)
How to construct a standard curve for real time PCR - (reply: 1)
Whole Genome Amplification of bisulfite treated DNA - (reply: 7)
PCR with one primer - (reply: 1)
colony PCR inconsistent - (reply: 4)
PCR contamination - (reply: 19)
PCR failed No band.. desperate for opinions.. gel image available - (reply: 2)
If a 20bp primer differs from template DNA by 20bp, can PCR work? - (reply: 1)
can you please help me to design primers for reverse transcription of miRNA and - miRNA primers (reply: 2)
PCR not working - No amplification - (reply: 5)
Quantification of PCR products - (reply: 1)
fermentas clonejet pcr cloning kit - want opinion (reply: 1)
Stratagenes Dpn1 cleaves my PCR product - (reply: 1)
qPCR Amplification Efficiency too high - Efficiency of 115 - 145% (reply: 1)
Help... my PCR don't come any more - PCR amplification desapeard (reply: 3)
Nested PCR question - (reply: 1)
High Tm on primers - cannot get a product - (reply: 8)
Help: Very odd amplification graphs (RTPCR) - (reply: 3)
undesired products in multiplex PCR - (reply: 3)
NCBI primer blast problem - (reply: 1)
Help with Multiplex Nested PCR - (reply: 2)
Taq polymerase works but Phusion polymerase doesn't - How to achieve high-fidelity with robust amplification? (reply: 3)
Question of q-pcr primer design - Tm difference from IDTDNA (reply: 2)
primer sequence problem - (reply: 2)
Finding bisulfite PCR primer sequence - (reply: 3)
PCR -No band formation - (reply: 1)
PCR - No Band formation - (reply: 3)
No amplification after bisulfite treatment - (reply: 4)
Ligation of Blunt PCR Product - (reply: 1)
real time pcr need advise - (reply: 2)
Opinion about LUX primers /D-LUX assay - What say you? (reply: 5)
PCR & Cloning - (reply: 6)
Long PCR Primers? Advice for generating multiple adjacent mutations - Designing long degenerate primers for shotgun alanine scanning (reply: 3)
use of housekeeping gene in RT PCR chIP - (reply: 3)
DNA pooling for PCR - Saving money PCR (reply: 7)
Real Time PCR Standard curves - How many are required??? (reply: 1)
PCR need some help - (reply: 4)
How to design primers to check my candidates in a ChiP assay - (reply: 4)
Left polymerase out overnight - Will it still work? (reply: 1)
Primer Reconstitution--does temperature matter? - (reply: 5)
Primer Design MSP, BSP, MS-HRM - (reply: 3)
Primers that do not align at regions with SNPs. Where to find SNPs? - (reply: 2)
PgemT-Easy sequencing primers, please rate - I am deciding which primer pairs to use for cloning (reply: 2)
Gradient PCR works, but single temperature does not! HELP!! - (reply: 5)
Primer efficiency - How to determine primer efficiency correctly? (reply: 4)
no PCR product from input... - (reply: 8)
MSP - unwanted amplification - (reply: 5)
Smears in Bisulfite seq. PCR - (reply: 3)
Primer design for qPCR - (reply: 2)
Primer design for qPCR - (reply: 1)
DNA bisulphited Amplification - the amplification dont produce any band!! (reply: 3)
Pipettors for Real Time PCR (urgent) - Any good one? Any good recommended brands? (reply: 5)
Multiple bands after bisulfite PCR - (reply: 7)
PCR genomic DNA of high GC content - (reply: 6)
GAPDH primer design and efficiency problems (new to rt-pcr) - (reply: 4)
primer design tips - (reply: 3)
PCR with Biotin Incorporation - (reply: 2)
pcr product - hello all (reply: 1)
design pcr primer - (reply: 1)
promoter cloning PCR problem - what was wrong for my PCR set-up (reply: 3)
amplification of GroEL from Wolbachia! - amplification of GroEL from Wolbachia! (reply: 2)
PCR with long and complex primers - (reply: 2)
Phospholylation of primers - (reply: 1)
apoptosis by PCR? - (reply: 12)
Re-using PCR plates? - (reply: 2)
Touchdown PCR issues - (reply: 3)
LINE1 OFR2 Primer Design - (reply: 1)
phosphorylation of primers using PNK - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR contamination issue - (reply: 3)
Primers for yeast (18S) - (reply: 1)
How to reduce the bisulfite PCR bias? - (reply: 4)
What's the longest overhanging primer seq. you have used? - (reply: 2)
Primer Concentration to lower Ct - (reply: 1)
Problems with Stratagene's site directed mutagenesis kit - Primers, PCR, Mutagenesis (reply: 3)
Primer Concentration Help - (reply: 4)
who got a manual of ABI7500 PCR instrument ? - how to operate this instument ? (reply: 4)
Primer Degradation - What exactly happens? (reply: 1)
Smearing on ategarose gel of real time pcr product??? - (reply: 1)
PCR/DNA Extraction Problem - (reply: 5)
Primers in 2 exons - (reply: 2)
NTC appear in real time pcr - (reply: 6)
Problems with designing a primer - (reply: 2)
How to clean-up 96-well microplates? - to re-use 96-well plates for PCR and sequencing (reply: 4)
PCR of AT-rich DNA - (reply: 1)
T7 RNA polymerase transcription and translation. - The maximum number of nucleotides between T7 promoter and first ATG (reply: 2)
Overlapping PCR - really need help ! - (reply: 5)
Freezing PCR product??? - (reply: 1)
problem with pcr cloning from mouse cDNA - (reply: 2)
Probe or Primer info for bovine AQP-1 - (reply: 6)
PCR with Platinum Taq - product yield issues - (reply: 3)
real time PCR - (reply: 7)
Different sized product for same BS primer! - (reply: 2)
strategy of primer designing - difference between designing a primer for expression and cloning.. (reply: 1)
How do you estimate PCR product size ? - How do you estimate PCR product size ? (reply: 3)
PCR: cDNA works on 18S, but not Gap or designed primers - (reply: 2)
Real Time PCR Normalization - What if I have no choice for housekeeping genes to normalize RT PCR (reply: 3)
Differences between primers for real-time PCR and RT-PCR - (reply: 6)
primers with restriction site - (reply: 1)
PCR product appear two close band in my gel - (reply: 15)
The Case of a Missing Band: PCR Issue - (reply: 4)
PCR: Smear bands, no amplification, got it all.. - PCR Mutagenesis (reply: 5)
cDNA as PCR template - (reply: 1)
degenerate PCR - how to clone degenerate PCR products into a T/A cloning vector? (reply: 3)
cloning a PCR product. Taq pol or High Fidelity pol? - (reply: 6)
paranormal qpcr amplification activity - melting curves (reply: 3)
Can a primer bind to DNA in a 5'-3 parallel fashion? - Just wondering... (reply: 1)
PCR template concentration - (reply: 6)
Bands in PCR negative control - (reply: 3)
PCR efficiency calculated by Linreg - (reply: 3)
Primer for Unkown Protein PCR - How to design primer for unknown protein (reply: 2)
primer design by generunner DG - (reply: 1)
degenerate pcr - (reply: 1)
BSP primers design, help please - (reply: 2)
primers with fluoresent dye PCR cycle question - (reply: 4)
Urgent! Sequencing a mixture of ssDNA fragments of the same gene - ssDNA different in size amplified from a single primer (reply: 2)
Smears on PCR products - (reply: 4)
Dumb Reverse Transcription PCR Question - (reply: 2)
Reverse transcription PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR/RT-PCR beads - (reply: 2)
High Amplification Efficiency in Std. Curve - (reply: 5)
Non specific products in Bisulphite pcr - (reply: 4)
Run PCR amplifications in agarose gels - (reply: 3)
Problems with validating primers and low expression genes - (reply: 3)
Real-Time PCR using genomic DNA (without DNA purification) - (reply: 3)
Bisulfite sequencing PCR not working - (reply: 5)
[Help]universal tag - universal tag in multiplex PCR (reply: 4)
Tips for visualizing very faint bands in agarose gels? - (The PCR ain't going to get better, so the gel must!) (reply: 15)
intron/exon spanning primers - (reply: 1)
can I use routine PCR to assess whether a gene is expressed or not? - (reply: 3)
expression cloning in TOPO TA and pET vectors - Very high and unusual non specific amplification in colony PCR (reply: 1)
PCR product for sequencing - sample storage?? (reply: 2)
Absolute quantification using Real Time PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR of AT rich gene - - I am having trouble amplifying an AT rich sequence (reply: 4)
question about blunt ligating Taq-amplified PCR product - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR Gel - Ladder looks terrible and product is fuzzy! (reply: 1)
MSP primer troubles - (reply: 3)
Measuring global methylation using real time PCR - (reply: 2)
Designing Primers for multiple Isoforms - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR standard curve dilutions - (reply: 2)
Rt-PCR problem !with 2.5 kb gene - (reply: 3)
real time pcr melt curve and primer efficiency problem - (reply: 3)
Aaaah I want to die!!!! PCR won't work - Why do the extractions that amplified 2 weeks ago fail now? (reply: 13)
how to design primer for my n-terminal sequence - hot to design primer for my protein (reply: 2)
PCR product dimer issue - (reply: 24)
PCR additives Formamide - Formamide which one? (reply: 4)
PCR Master mix - (reply: 1)
Addition of Restriction sites into PCR primers - (reply: 4)
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - Anylyzing my PCR gel (reply: 6)
failure PCR amplification from low GC content gene - (reply: 5)
How is this idea sounds to you? - A new approach for rapid sample preparation for PCR (reply: 1)
conventional v real-time PCR applications - (reply: 1)
Primer Design in 3īnon translated version vs. coding region - (reply: 2)
PCR reagents, can I use reagents from different manufacturers? - (reply: 6)
different PCR primers for real-time and classic PCR - (reply: 3)
primers deconamination??? - (reply: 6)
PCR band too thick - PCR troubleshooting question (reply: 5)
RT-PCR problem - (reply: 1)
Frameshift Mutation at the plasmid level - If your PCR product is sequence verified are you good to go? (reply: 5)
primer check!!! - (reply: 6)
PCR bands on gel electrophoresis - (reply: 5)
Qiagen Qiaquick vs MinElute PCR purification kit for ChIP DNA - (reply: 10)
long range PCR - (reply: 2)
Annealing Temperature of biotinylated primers - (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - New to RT-PCR info (reply: 2)
PCR punch - (reply: 4)
good amplification in classic PCR, no amplification in qPCR - (reply: 6)
PCR off plasmid for screening - (reply: 2)
PCR failed no product.. help - (reply: 10)
number of molecules in PCR - (reply: 3)
Freezing PCR products prior to ligation - To use a blunt-end vector or an overhang vector? (reply: 2)
primer for bisulfite sequencing in a known unmethylated region - is it safe? - (reply: 2)
Primer clean-up - ExoSAP-It isn't working (reply: 6)
Primer dilution - PCR primer dilution (reply: 2)
Data acquisition for qPCR - Endpoint of annealing or endpoint of amplification? (reply: 3)
Can't re-PCR the PCR product - (reply: 5)
PCR reagent autoclave - (reply: 2)
Bad PCR, is it due to conditions, reagents, or lack of DNA template? - (reply: 1)
Long Primers for PCR - (reply: 2)
Data Analysis for Real-time PCR - (reply: 2)
PCR not working - overhangs too long? (reply: 3)
Apoptotic gene expression - Help required in RT-PCR for apoptotic genes (reply: 1)
argh more pcr headaches! - (reply: 6)
With 40 pcr cycles, how relevant are samples with Ct's of 35-40? - Help me please, I'm going nuts over this problem!! (reply: 2)
Chlamydia PCR cycling conditions - (reply: 1)
Primers going "loopy" - (reply: 2)
Conversion of primer unit - ug/ul to uM (reply: 4)
mutagenesis by PCR or just use a kit - (reply: 5)
Unsuccessful BS PCR - (reply: 3)
Primer Trouble Shooting - (reply: 5)
Proven Primers Stopped working & now leave smear! - (reply: 2)
Smearing on gel in PCR products - (reply: 5)
Ethanol in PCR clean-up - Can I trust lab ethanol stocks (reply: 3)
Relative RT-PCR, multiplate and calibration - (reply: 4)
Don't understand why we need RT-PCR? - Slight Confusion guys, please clear me up (reply: 6)
Relative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Relative real time RT PCR - (reply: 2)
40 pcr cycles and Ct-values of 36-40 - trust or not? - (reply: 1)
a simple primer problem - (reply: 5)
Failure to introduce mutations using Overlap PCR - (reply: 3)
no or poor amplification - (reply: 1)
Primers from 3'UTR - (reply: 2)
Strange RT-PCR Graph - Is this inhibition of PCR? (reply: 1)
problem in plasmid isolation - unable to detect false positives in colony pcr (reply: 5)
Designing primers with ESTs - (reply: 2)
Direct sequencing of Bisulphite PCR product - (reply: 1)
To clean or not to clean.....? - PCR product clean up prior to restriction enzyme digestion (reply: 3)
Huge difference in Tm of my For and Rev primers = no PCR product?!? - (reply: 11)
Real Time vs Traditional PCR results - (reply: 1)
The problems to identify mouse genotype with PCR - (reply: 1)
addition of BclI restriction site to PCR primer - (reply: 6)
non specific amplification - DNA amplification by PCR (reply: 1)
Molecular Cloning - Cloning of PAPD PCR products (reply: 1)
How does methprimer calculate primer Tm - (reply: 2)
Laminar Flow vs PCR cabinet - (reply: 4)
How to do PCR to detect mRNA without RT? - (reply: 2)
first strand cDNA synthesis not working - cannot PCR out cDNAs of interest from first strand cDNA (reply: 2)
Colony PCR with Eukaryotic Cells? - Any Experiences? (reply: 4)
PCR has stopped working - (reply: 7)
PCR negative control contamination - (reply: 8)
LacZ PCR genotyping -ve control contamination - (reply: 3)
Phosphorylated primers - (reply: 5)
screening of positive clones - colony PCR /Plasmid isolation and Restriction digestion (reply: 5)
PCR efficiency in real timePCR - (reply: 5)
Amplification from plasmid DNA, but not from genomic DNA with the same target re - (reply: 4)
Drastic Decrease in PCR product yield - (reply: 2)
resources on PCR principles & technique - (reply: 1)
pcr amolification with long pcr enzyme mix for cloning - (reply: 1)
Colony Screeing without using PCR - (reply: 8)
High MW PCR band seen...help needed - (reply: 7)
QPCR - Primer and Probe question - QPCR (reply: 2)
Urgent Help needed: RNA-Interference, rt-pcr and Western-Blot do not match - (reply: 2)
standard curve/ PCR efficiency problems... - (reply: 1)
Help! PCR that used to work doesn't work now! - (reply: 2)
PCR and templates - (reply: 3)
does anyone have experience with pwo DNA polymerase for long PCR fragments ? - (reply: 2)
Real Time PCR internal reference (housekeeping) gene in E. coli - is rrsB suitable (reply: 1)
PCR problems on high GC content gene - Trouble with Colony PCR of TOP10 transformants w/ TOPO-vector (reply: 4)
Easy primer question? - Primers (reply: 1)
PCR inconsistency - (reply: 4)
Plasmid problem - From PCR product (reply: 7)
help needed: PCR a gene from genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
questions about pcr products after pooling - (reply: 3)
stiching/linking/sewing pcr - (reply: 3)
Human mtDNA amplification problems - (reply: 3)
primer dimer - proplems (reply: 1)
Blasting Primers for RT-PCR - what's hypothetical proteins? My primers always match to these!! (reply: 2)
Nested PCR - (reply: 2)
pfu vs long pcr mix - (reply: 7)
weird PCR ask for help - (reply: 12)
Methylation specific DMSO PCR - (reply: 1)
The reliable data of microRNA expression from SYBR-stem loop PCR or ABI Taqman m - (reply: 8)
No PCR product at all - (reply: 8)
PCR troubleshoooooting - primer dimer (reply: 1)
Primer efficiency test - (reply: 1)
primer software - (reply: 2)
Question on wired PCR - (reply: 1)
restriction digestion of PCR product - (reply: 7)
Primer design and Blast program at NCBI - comparison Primer3 and Primer Blast (reply: 1)
Checking PCR insert (into pGEMT vector) - (reply: 2)
How to know in which exon a primer match? - (reply: 1)
primer annealing - higher annealing= less wrong bounds (reply: 4)
Amplification of human genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
trouble amplifying 2.5kb product from genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
sequencing with forward/reverse primers - (reply: 7)
How to choose the parameters (Tm, cycli) for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR troubleshooting - two band after agrose electophoresis (reply: 4)
Adding A overhangs - primer design implications? - (reply: 1)
primer RE over-hang nucleotides - common sequences? (reply: 5)
Forward and reverse primers got very different Tm - what to do? (reply: 11)
Colony PCR screen positive - insert digestion negative - (reply: 2)
Q-PCR: Strange Amplification Curve shape (non exponential) - (reply: 3)
Finding cDNA for making a standard curve for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
primer design problem - (reply: 1)
Bisulfite Sequencing PCR help! - BSP is Failing like Gangbusters. Please help! (reply: 6)
Problems with GOI Ct's - How to do PCR efficiency test if there is no Ct in GOI? (reply: 7)
Problem with primer efficiency analysis - (reply: 4)
slan real time PCR system for validation of microarray results? - (reply: 1)
PCR unusualband at ~230bps - PCR (reply: 1)
DMSO or BSA for PCR - (reply: 6)
Whole Genome Amplification - (reply: 2)
primer design - (reply: 1)
Settings op a RT-PCR, What is my next step - I`ve got RNA --> cDNA and working primers, what now? (reply: 1)
Separating PCR product on agarose gel with similar sizes - (reply: 5)
designing primers for genes not sequenced yet - (reply: 2)
Tris Buffer for PCR reaction - why? (reply: 1)
PCR a plasmid protein - (reply: 2)
multiplex PCR - (reply: 4)
Realtime PCR machine - (reply: 2)
PCR set-up calculation nightmares. - (reply: 3)
Primer desing - (reply: 2)
Colony PCR - (reply: 3)
Standard curves for PCR efficiency. - (reply: 2)
Increasing the number of products your PCR produces - Degenerative primers for multiple copy gene (reply: 3)
Question about RAPD PCR - (reply: 2)
Looking for help with my PCR! - (reply: 3)
How to incorporate dUTP when using WGA2 amplification for Affymetrixs array? - (reply: 2)
Addition of A overhang for dummies? - How to add A overhangs for PCR product NOT made with proofreading Taq? (reply: 7)
primer design - (reply: 9)
problem with cloning PCR - can't amply the full-length cDNA with PCR (reply: 6)
PCR without thermal cycler? - (reply: 9)
primer contamination - primer contaminated with ice (reply: 3)
Loss of volume in PCR reaction in 96 well plate - (reply: 7)
RT-PCR problem - (reply: 4)
Only DNA ladder , No desired band in PCR - (reply: 4)
taq and PCR - (reply: 6)
Does purifying PCR probes for EMSA from EtBr gel interfere with binding? - (reply: 1)
PCR Efficiency - (reply: 2)
DNA and RNA contamination in RT PCR water controls - (reply: 2)
Long PCR and genomic DNA isolation problems - (reply: 2)
Colony PCR Question - Get the band i want but mini-prep shows no plasmids! (reply: 6)
NTC with specific amplification - (reply: 1)
Problem cloning bisulfite PCR BSP product - (reply: 6)
Opinions on Fermentas DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix? - (reply: 3)
Primer3 vs Primer BLAST - (reply: 3)
PCR and then ligation - (reply: 7)
Primer design: free energy - (reply: 2)
Amplification in NTC and noRT controls - (reply: 5)
realtime PCR interpretation-peak found in negative control but no Ct value - (reply: 6)
Suggestions for optimizing a multiplex PCR? - Why do my bands keep disappearing in the positive control? (reply: 4)
asymmetric PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR amplifying 50bp ssDNA ? - PCR amplification (reply: 6)
CORRECT PCR Incorrect RTPCR - (reply: 10)
Is there a way to "rescue" an already-completed extraction from PCR in - (reply: 1)
trouble with pcr - (reply: 8)
Interpreting melting curve data in Sybr Green RT-PCR - (reply: 12)
Confusing bands from PCR - not primer dimer, not product (reply: 30)
Real time PCR results-interpretation - (reply: 1)
Real time PCR results-interpretation - (reply: 2)
Primer optimization for ChIP - (reply: 2)
sequencing primer: T7 or T7promoter? - (reply: 4)
2-step or 3-step real time PCR - question about real time PCR (reply: 6)
Problems with my PCR's - Having an issue with some of my samples (reply: 2)
SYBR melting curve vs RT-PCR gel - (reply: 1)
primer tm - tm calculation for tagged primers (reply: 2)
Reusing 96 well plates for PCR - (reply: 2)
Suggestions for primer design - How many bonds is "too many" to avoid dimers and hairpins? (reply: 2)
PCR and AFLP - (reply: 1)
Universal 16s rRNA primers needed - (reply: 3)
Identifying PCR Inhibitors - (reply: 10)
PCR primers for histone mod ChIP - How to find the regions (reply: 1)
PCR + phusion enzyme = massive errors - (reply: 4)
long DNA amplification - (reply: 11)
same primer for reverse transcription and real time - is the primer same for the mRNA we start with and then for the cDNA al (reply: 2)
gDNA pcr product as standard for absolute quantification? - (reply: 1)
adding koazak sequence to primer - (reply: 1)
PCR for cloning - How to perform a PCR for cloning a gene? (reply: 5)
Designing primers for cloning - After primer designing, how should I perform the PCR? (reply: 15)
pcr trouble solved but I cant seem to understand why - (reply: 1)
Primer design if sequence is unknown for organism - (reply: 5)
adding C terminal tag to reverse primer - (reply: 1)
epitope tagging of pcr products - (reply: 1)
Is Taq polymerase still active after staying at 10C for one day? - (reply: 2)
Real time PCR info - (reply: 4)
Flox and Cre Primers - PCR Troubleshooting - Please Help (reply: 2)
PCR from BAC - PCR from BAC (reply: 1)
Designing Primers for RT-PCR after ChIP - Help to avoid primer dimers (reply: 2)
Failed TA cloning with Fusion PCR product! - I need help with TA cloning of an Overlap PCR product (reply: 1)
E. coli 16s - looking for specific primer+probe for E. coli (reply: 1)
How much product PCR?? - (reply: 3)
what primers should I use for DNA sequencing? please help - (reply: 2)
what primers should I use for DNA sequencing?? - (reply: 3)
Is my primer going to work for qRT-PCR? - (reply: 6)
Standard curve for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR using genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
pcr trouble!!! heeeeeellllpppppp!! - (reply: 1)
Problem amplifying plasmid - (reply: 1)
Sybr Green I in real-time PCR reaction - (reply: 3)
Primers annealing temperatures - (reply: 8)
Difficulties cloning by PCR - (reply: 5)
PCR Result Explanation (I needed you help) - Refer to the result, what is indicate A? (reply: 4)
Manual reverse primer design for bisulfite traeted DNA - (reply: 4)
high Cp value PCR - (reply: 2)
real time PCR data presentation - presentation of delta CT and copy number (reply: 2)
Synthesize own Oligo-dT primers - (reply: 6)
Testing primer specificity... - ...without gDNA of target organisms (reply: 6)
shRNA shows knockdown in protein expression but no change in RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
dNTP or Deoxynucleotide solution Mix - (reply: 1)
Smearing/ no amplification in PCR - (reply: 3)
primer design - Primer design for PCR (reply: 1)
How are primers designed? - (reply: 4)
Source of DNA for a Reporter Construct - How to PCR the promoter region of interest? (reply: 1)
DNA methylated PCR - (reply: 2)
need help on primer calcuation soon - (reply: 1)
primer design - (reply: 6)
problem in pcr and purification - (reply: 3)
Inability to duplicate PCR results - (reply: 8)
Direct PCR (PCR without DNA extraction) - (reply: 2)
PCR using xt5 - (reply: 2)
long range PCR - purification of pcr frogament 9-13kb (reply: 9)
BSP PCR for help - no bands of tissue amplification (reply: 3)
Help! How to get rid of a repeatedly appearing smear in my RT-PCR result! - (reply: 2)
2 bands or smear? 2-step RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
23S rRNA Primer - need primer sequence (reply: 1)
Methylation specific PCR - Methylation specific PCR - problem with controls.... (reply: 2)
RT-PCR - problems with TaqMan PCR (reply: 2)
Problems with Phusion Polymerase (Finnzymes) - (reply: 3)
Multiplex PCR - Multiplex PCR and gel electrophoresis (reply: 1)
template for PCR for cloning purposes, miniprep or maxiprep? - (reply: 3)
Homogenizing animal tissue to RT-PCR in real-time - (reply: 2)
Small product amplification problems - (reply: 4)
multi way ligation or long range pcr? - (reply: 1)
Freezing primers+SYBR green - (reply: 2)
Tagged Primers - (reply: 5)
no pcr amplification product - (reply: 9)
Primer Dimer in NTC Only? - Primers Dimers show up in NTC but not template wells (reply: 4)
design primer for chip - (reply: 5)
How to quantify oligonucleotide primers using nanodrop ND-1000 software - newbie help (reply: 2)
PCR problem - (reply: 4)
differently behavioring replicates in real-time PCR - (reply: 1)
Multiplex PCR - (reply: 1)
Is necessary to use pfu polymearse for PCR amplification of pre-miRNA for clonin - (reply: 4)
No amplification in PCR using gDNA extracted from formailin fixed paraffin embed - (reply: 3)
Requirement of HPLC/PAGE purified primers in Quikchange mutagenesis - (reply: 3)
Volume of DNA to add to PCR Master Mix? - (reply: 1)
how much DNA you need for real time pcr after chip - CHIP (reply: 1)
PCR components storage - (reply: 3)
reconstitution of primers - (reply: 2)
No PCR bands with some templates - (reply: 5)
Mysterious PCR Contamination - (reply: 13)
BS PCR..please help - DNA methylation analysis (reply: 15)
RT-PCR Help - Protocol provided (reply: 4)
PCR product purification - (reply: 3)
Mutagenesis PCR and undesired amplification - (reply: 2)
Temp Gradient PCR - (reply: 2)
Vector sequence included in (PCR) amplified insert - (reply: 2)
PCR with genomic dna - (reply: 9)
primer dimer - (reply: 2)
PCR with long primers - (reply: 3)
BSP PCR standardization...help - (reply: 8)
PCR on degraded templates - (reply: 2)
PCR help needed - (reply: 3)
want to purify PCR product from agarose gel but have primer dimer - (reply: 3)
Inversed PCR issues - DNA isolation, restriction, ligation and PCR with no success (reply: 1)
light bands, dark smear, dark dimers - (reply: 2)
PCR, followed by sequencing... - why ?? (reply: 3)
PCR program - strange extension step (reply: 2)
Purifying dsDNA from ssDNA after a PCR reaction - (reply: 3)
Help me! How to design nested BSP primers? - (reply: 4)
REAL TIME PCR 7005 v 2.01 : I need more reference samples! - How to add more than one reference sample to Real Time?? (reply: 1)
Plasmid linearization by PCR - (reply: 4)
In-fusion advantage PCR cloning kit - --- failure after many many months-- (reply: 13)
Using BLAST to check primers - (reply: 17)
ExoSap then nanodrop? - Quantifying PCR products after exosaping! (reply: 2)
pcr doesnt show any band for DNa walking - (reply: 8)
storing large amounts of PCR mastermix beforehand - question (reply: 3)
questions about semi-quantitive PCR - weird result form semi-quantitive PCR (reply: 2)
Effects of more cDNA in PCR??? - (reply: 1)
PCR primer - (reply: 2)
PCR product disappears after restriction digestion - (reply: 4)
Primer design - GC clamp - (reply: 8)
Real Time PCR - excluding Ct - (reply: 2)
PCR product looks less intense compared to others - should I increase the number of cycles? (reply: 4)
Price of a real time PCR machine? - (reply: 4)
colony PCR - (reply: 8)
probe conc. of Asymmetric PCR - (reply: 1)
primer dimer or what? - (reply: 2)
PCR stopped working!!! HELP!!! - need results urgently (reply: 12)
Real Time PCR method comments - (reply: 2)
Sybre green taq man PCR assay for quantitative methylation detection - (reply: 2)
colony pcr - (reply: 4)
Primers and Taqman Probes mixture question - (reply: 1)
truble shooting qiagen 1 step rt pcr kit - (reply: 2)
ligation troubleshooting - Trouble in inserting purified PCR product into pFlagCMV (reply: 4)
Not my insert size after colony PCR! - After colony PCR, the 'insert' size is 1kb more! (reply: 1)
Colony PCR - (reply: 15)
Trouble with PCR on genomic tomato DNA (I've tried many fixes) - (reply: 5)
no bands in my PCR - (reply: 9)
designing primers - (reply: 1)
Real Time PCR issues - Problems regarding my qPCR (reply: 6)
purefication and amplification of serum free DNA - (reply: 1)
How to use Real-time PCR to detect some gene copy numbe in plant genome? - (reply: 1)
Bisulfite Sequencing PCR - (reply: 4)
Restriction Enzyme Digest of Genomic DNA - Problem with RE-digest + PCR in CpG island assay (reply: 1)
way to know if my UNOII pcr machine is working properlly - (reply: 3)
Freezing DNA have effects on real-time PCR efficiencies - (reply: 1)
mRNA PCR - (reply: 1)
pcr product quantification - (reply: 5)
Negative Control Primers for ChIP Assay - (reply: 3)
Magnesium in PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR Sample Prep - (reply: 4)
Bisulfite PCR Inconsistent, often smears - (reply: 4)
PCR from roots - I know this sounds a little crazy... (reply: 2)
Bizarre Contamination in PCR - (reply: 7)
PCR Cloning-large primers - (reply: 4)
Quantifying ingested bacteria without realtime PCR - (reply: 3)
forward and reverse primer - (reply: 4)
Check the primers - (reply: 4)
PCR problem from transformed TOPO TA vector - (reply: 3)
DIG DNA PCR labeling problem - (reply: 6)
PCR product stays on agarose gel well !! - I need help, what is it happening? (reply: 11)
BSP primers - (reply: 2)
Various size of insert after colony screen by PCR - (reply: 2)
inverse PCR molecular bilogy - (reply: 3)
PCR data analysis if the efficiencies aren't equal - real time PCR troubleshooting (reply: 2)
failed PCR on DNA extract from blood - (reply: 6)
Will ligase buffer affect polymerase fidelity? - (reply: 2)
Primer dimer issue in real time PCR - (reply: 21)
Leaky RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
Preparing PCR reactions from a master mix - Just a quick one (reply: 3)
PCR, RNA, Northern Blotting???? - (reply: 1)
bizzare PCR smear - why does science hate me (reply: 7)
RT-PCR primer dimers and cDNA degradation - (reply: 2)
PCR detection of SNP - (reply: 6)
PCR efficiency important in real time absolute quantification? - (reply: 4)
PCR contamination with human DNA first and now no bands!!! - (reply: 4)
methylation erased by pcr: how and why - why does PCR erase methylation information? (reply: 7)
Sub-cloning sticky-end PCR products - (reply: 2)
sequencing result for primer designing - sequnce hit primer or gene? (reply: 1)
ChIP on chip amplification problems - (reply: 11)
Genotyping PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR screening of transformed bacterial colony - (reply: 6)
Is this standard valid? - pcr product as standards (reply: 5)
primer binding - (reply: 1)
weird ChIP primers! - (reply: 1)
PCR primers - (reply: 1)
Unwanted 100bp in RT-PCR - 100bp band appearing all the time after RT-PCR (reply: 7)
Slippage of PCR polymerame - How do I avoid it ? (reply: 6)
amplification in negative control in RT PCR - (reply: 2)
miRNA real time PCR by SYBR green methods - (reply: 1)
Deletion PCR - (reply: 9)
diluting to final primer concentration - please help correct (reply: 1)
Smear problem with my new primer set - (reply: 2)
PCR ghost bands - (reply: 1)
Amplifying a gene using a degenerate primer - (reply: 4)
DNA extraction and PCR advice requested - PCR, Contamination, Low abundance targets (reply: 7)
CP of real time PCR by LC480 - (reply: 1)
CHIP- Real Time PCR calculations - (reply: 1)
volume of DNA required (PCr product ) in agarose gel - (reply: 11)
transgene copy number - using real time PCR (reply: 1)
real-time PCR and HIV - what is the most commonly used assay to measure viral load in plasma (reply: 2)
Making Primer Dimers on Purpose - odd I know...but humor me (reply: 5)
Unspecific PCR - (reply: 7)
Real-Time PCR as a Microplate Reader - (reply: 1)
gene-specific RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
Primer Design - Design Primer with DNA Sequence (reply: 1)
RT-PCR Internal Standard - (reply: 2)
PCR arrays=Primers in a plate? - Can any PCR mix be used? (reply: 1)
Plasmid supercoiling affecting PCR? - (reply: 2)
RNA contamination in PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR without DNA extraction! - (reply: 2)
Primer tm - (reply: 1)
How to Clone a 2.3 Kb Gene with PCR - (reply: 2)
re-amplification in real-time PCR - (reply: 1)
primer design - really necessary? (reply: 2)
TaqMan real time PCR using abi 7700 system-troubleshooting - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Long product amplification (1598bp) - PCR for a product of 1598bp length (reply: 3)
Degenerative primers = multiple products? - (reply: 5)
Quantify RNAi(siRNA) efficacy - Designing primers for quantification (reply: 2)
PCR problems on a ligation product - (reply: 5)
Genomic DNA and PCR - (reply: 4)
Primer dimers - shouldn't they also occur in the NTC? (reply: 5)
Sewing PCR - (reply: 3)
on the minimal pcr derived product - (reply: 2)
primer dimers - (reply: 5)
RT-PCR vs. conventional PCR - (reply: 1)
qPCR primer design - (reply: 5)
PCR and gel purification problem - did I screw this up (reply: 4)
Cloning PCR fragment - (reply: 1)
touchdown pcr - (reply: 6)
non specific pcr products - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR primer design - Intron/exon boundaries - (reply: 6)
Anyone with experiences in 2 step PCR - (reply: 1)
PCR works on lab strain but not patient sample - HIV related (reply: 4)
confirming concentration for primers in rt-pcr - RT-PCR, Primers (reply: 2)
DNA amplification but no bands on agarose gel, GC rich product, Roche - DNA amplification but no bands/smear in agarose gel (reply: 5)
Nucleic acid staining and PCR - Query onthe effect of nucleic acid stains on PCR (reply: 1)
re-amplification of a PCR product - is it recommended? (reply: 7)
mouse Gapdh chip-qPCR primers for control! - (reply: 7)
PCR machine with accurate temperature control? - (reply: 1)
Gene-specific RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
Primer stock confusion - (reply: 6)
VWR Real-Time PCR plates for eppendorf Realplex - (reply: 2)
primer design - primer design question (reply: 2)
Protocol for 16S rDNA real time PCR - (reply: 2)
Touchdown PCR - (reply: 1)
Determine annealing temperature of primers - (reply: 14)
Blunt ligation with PCR: is kinase needed? - is it necessary to phosphorylate if the vector is not CIAPed? (reply: 11)
polymerase for BSP - (reply: 2)
real time PCR primer designing problems,again - is NCBI's primer blast believable enough? (reply: 3)
Validating real time pcr primers - (reply: 2)
BSP,MSP primer design? - (reply: 1)
low gc primers - help with pcr using low gc primers (reply: 6)
Normalization for RNA or cDNA during two step RT-PCR? - (reply: 17)
Primers and annealing temperature - (reply: 2)
Good RT-PCR amplication but NO amplification with semi-quantitative PCR!? Wh - (reply: 3)
Copy number calculations in real time PCR - (reply: 2)
4 degree hold in PCR machine - Does this hurt the machine? (reply: 3)
Direct RT-PCR from Frozen Cells? - Ever try this? (reply: 1)
RT-PCR Negative controls - (reply: 1)
WHich primer to use for sequencing - (reply: 5)
New Technologies Real time PCR, cloning, microarray, sequencing - (reply: 3)
minimum length for the gene to be amplified in PCR - (reply: 6)
dNTP Quantity - (reply: 3)
annoying PCR cloning problem (season 2) - (reply: 5)
PCR with 60 bp primers - results in no product (reply: 6)
Amplification dwindles using little template RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
Running gel after RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
Degenerate PCR Size Limit? - (reply: 3)
primer design for pBAD topo expression kit - (reply: 2)
PCR problems.. - problems with conventional PCR (reply: 3)
18S as a housekeeping gene for RT-PCR? getting wide variation - (reply: 2)
gDNA or cDNA amplification in RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
small PCR products on agarose gel? - (reply: 8)
Dnase digestion and PCR - (reply: 4)
Why is it necessary to add Taq DNA polymerase last during PCR? - (reply: 8)
primers fpr sequencing - (reply: 4)
MSP: No PCR product for one cell line but yes for the other cell lines - (reply: 3)
Need an UV260 RT-PCR instrument - (reply: 1)
Nested Relative Quatitative Real-Time RT-PCR - (reply: 5)
Any mRNA amplification kit for microarray? - I have very little amount of RNA but have to submit it for microarray. (reply: 4)
PCR produces products of wrong size - (reply: 4)
PCR with pfu and degenerate primers (?) - (reply: 7)
a doubt about PCR gel purification - (reply: 4)
Draw PCR primer locations - PCR primer (reply: 4)
how to design PCR site-directed multiple mutagenesis - (reply: 1)
RT-PCR primers on coding sequence or UTRs? - (reply: 4)
Program for mapping primers to gene - diagram maker, visualize - (reply: 4)
Using Real Time PCR for Cell Viability - Any tips? (reply: 6)
PCR+enhancer - (reply: 4)
Serious issues with RT-PCR - (reply: 7)
PCR [dNTP] - dNTP concentrations (reply: 2)
PCR issue - (reply: 2)
dNTP question - (reply: 3)
PCR - (reply: 1)
long PCR primer - (reply: 7)
Taqman rtPCR primer and probe design - (reply: 3)
sequencing problem after pcr - (reply: 4)
Amplifying plasmid - non specific binding of primer - (reply: 3)
Help with Real Time PCR Well To Well Variation - (reply: 10)
primer design - (reply: 3)
Random hexamer vs oligo dT vs gene specific primer for RT - which do you use most? (old and useful thread) (reply: 2)
Problems digesting PCR product - troublesome enzymes: NotI PvuI (reply: 2)
Analysis of ChIP RT-PCR data - (reply: 7)
Make construct so it is only thing that can PCR after transfection - (reply: 2)
Negative flouroscence in real time PCR - (reply: 2)
Minimum number of PCR cycles to see a product? - (reply: 6)
decontamination - decontamination for PCR (reply: 6)
Troubleshoot ARMS PCR - (reply: 2)
negative control for PCR - (reply: 1)
how to design the primers for Real-Time PCR?? - I can't find the proper ones... (reply: 7)
design primer - when I design a primer is it necessary to include the restriction (reply: 1)
pcr pdt amplification - (reply: 1)
real time PCR - (reply: 3)
PCR fails when I scale up - (reply: 2)
can we use one-step RT-PCR kits to amplify DNA? - (reply: 1)
PCR bands in NTC Control and Neg Control Lanes - (reply: 4)
PCR not Working = SMEAR - (reply: 3)
How to do PCR fragment in 2 steps - (reply: 3)
Difference in Primer Melting Temperatures - Maximum allowable Tm difference? (reply: 4)
where to buy rotorgene real-time rt-pcr kits? - (reply: 4)
Real-Time RT-PCR one-step and two step issue - (reply: 13)
RT-PCR - problem of PCR (reply: 1)
PCR product longer than template - why? - (reply: 2)
Problem with Colony PCR - Problem with gel for colony PCR (reply: 3)
Dye recipe that can be used for PCR MM - (reply: 3)
Primers Not working - Real time PCR using SYBR Green (reply: 3)
PCR conditions with three primers - (reply: 1)
Real-Time PCR primer vs conventional PCR primer - (reply: 5)
distance between probe and primers in Taqman method - how far should they be? (reply: 2)
Cloning a labeled PCR product - (reply: 1)
PCR and cloning - (reply: 14)
QuantiTect Primers with Roche SYBR - ....can you mix and match? (reply: 2)
PCR product - not suppose to be there (reply: 7)
using the meth primer - (reply: 2)
Generating primers for MSP - (reply: 1)
Digest genomic (eukaryote) DNA before running PCR, is it necessary? - I do not get any band from PCR using genomic DNA and different primers (reply: 6)
real time RT-PCR, 1-step vs. 2-step method - (reply: 2)
PCR from a smear genomic DNA ? - (reply: 5)
Primer design and need help - (reply: 11)
Setting up a multiplex PCR assay. - (reply: 2)
Programme for degenerate primer design - Programme for primer design (reply: 9)
Negative Control for ChIP realtime PCR in Mouse - (reply: 12)
cDNA and RT-PCR - (reply: 8)
Cloning purified PCR products eluted in Qiagen's EB - Concentrate a purified PCR product eluted with EB? (reply: 11)
Proofreading polymerase problem - Anyone experienced similar problems? (reply: 5)
PCR problem - help me plsss (reply: 9)
gene-specific qPCR primers for a multigene family - primer design (reply: 5)
Important literature for real time PCR users - Important documents for beginners as well as advanced users (reply: 41)
PCR efficiencies - (reply: 4)
RT-PCR primer design guide - How to check gene structure and design the primer? - Recovered post (reply: 4)
PCR quantification - (reply: 1)
PCR quantification - (reply: 1)
Long PCR product - (reply: 9)
problem in Pcr amplification - (reply: 7)
What does 'limiting dilution PCR' mean? - I wanna know the meaning of 'limiting dilution' (reply: 4)
difference between hotstart and taq polymerase - (reply: 7)
sequencing the pcr product - (reply: 15)
Pcr amplification - primer designed from UTR regions (reply: 5)
RT-PCR - can you keep the PCR plate in the fridge? - Please help! (reply: 1)