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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Immunology
211. measuring the serum Ig concentration and bacteria infection - (reply: 1)
212. Intracellular staining for IL-21 - (reply: 1)
213. Antibody Affinity Purification - peptide column (reply: 2)
214. Need troubleshooting in immuostaining - (reply: 3)
215. checking of apoptosis pathway - (reply: 2)
216. Hoechst33342+PFA - (reply: 1)
217. Re-staining Immunohistochemical slides - (reply: 5)
218. PBS for Immunofluorescence - (reply: 1)
219. how to improve hybridoma production? - (reply: 3)
220. Looking for protocol to do biotinlynation on each single protein in cell lysate - (reply: 1)
221. Serum storage - (reply: 1)
222. MHC class 1 detection by Immunocytochemistry - (reply: 3)
223. OKT 8 antibody - (reply: 3)
224. Immunofluorescence - blocking - (reply: 2)
225. Sandwich ELISA from direct? - (reply: 1)
226. ISH - ethanol dehydration of whole mount embryos - Bleaching of signal (reply: 2)
227. peptide design for immunization - (reply: 5)
228. Coproantigen assay - (reply: 3)
229. question - how to aminate a microplate? (reply: 3)
230. Stripping Buffers that won't kill my cells? - Recipe for 0.1 M Tris-Acetate 2.0 M NaCl pH 7.7 (reply: 3)
231. Immunofluorescence stopped working! - (reply: 2)
232. PBMC isolation from 24hr old patient blood - (reply: 1)
233. A question about ELISA test - (reply: 1)
234. help! hybridomas lose their function to produce Ab - (reply: 1)
235. a high background of western - a high background of western (reply: 2)
236. fixation in PFA diluted with water - (reply: 1)
237. IU to ng/ml of IFN - (reply: 1)
238. Compare ChIP to cell lysate - (reply: 1)
239. human monocyte and macrophage markers - (reply: 2)
240. blocking with gelatine - (reply: 1)

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