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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : DNA-Methylation-and-Epigenetics
271. 5' aza-cytidine - stock solution - (reply: 4)
272. What color should the cell pellets be after sonication and centrifugation? - (reply: 1)
273. Polymerases voor bisulfite sequencing - any fancy new enzymes? (reply: 4)
274. Postive mRNA Control Following 5-Aza-dc treatment - (reply: 1)
275. Nested PCR - (reply: 2)
276. multiplex methylation analysis (bs conversion based) - (reply: 1)
277. dna microarray - questions - (reply: 1)
278. Bisulphite Modification Kit recommendations - Need a good kit for modification to be recommended to me (reply: 3)
279. Methylation specific DMSO PCR - (reply: 1)
280. Inconsistent MSP results - (reply: 7)
281. "Quick and Dirty" methylation status estimates - Restriction profiling of DNAnmethylation (reply: 4)
282. High Ct values - (reply: 1)
283. Comparison of Bisulfite conversion kits - (reply: 7)
284. Site Directed methylation - (reply: 1)
285. Amount of positive control for bisulfite treatment - (reply: 1)
286. Bisulfite Sequencing PCR help! - BSP is Failing like Gangbusters. Please help! (reply: 6)
287. LINE-1 detection by HRM method - (reply: 1)
288. genome methylation analysis/database - analyze all promoters for CpG islands (reply: 1)
289. sequencing the reverse strand - (reply: 2)
290. Problem cloning bisulfite PCR BSP product - (reply: 6)
291. DNA methylation analysis - direct sequencing gives CT peaks - (reply: 1)
292. Whole Genome Methylation Analysis Feasibility - Methylation analysis on DNA from rare cell populations (reply: 3)
293. Chromosomes in metaphase - (reply: 2)
294. Methylation Questions - Some basic questions about methylation (reply: 2)
295. heredity of DNA methylation - (reply: 2)
296. MeDIP control - Unmethylated control required for MeDIP (reply: 5)
297. global DNA methylation quiagen kit - (reply: 14)
298. RNase treatment before analyzing sonicated chromatin in ChIP - (reply: 2)
299. Free ChIP sequencing analysis software? - (reply: 2)
300. How much product PCR?? - (reply: 3)

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