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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : DNA-Methylation-and-Epigenetics
241. Help with data from directly sequencing BSP product... - (reply: 2)
242. BSP primers design, help please - (reply: 2)
243. Bisulfite treatment - (reply: 7)
244. Transcription factor searching web site - (reply: 1)
245. Non specific products in Bisulphite pcr - (reply: 4)
246. qPCR of BS DNA - (reply: 6)
247. Bisulfite sequencing PCR not working - (reply: 5)
248. Bisulfite Conversion Efficiency - (reply: 1)
249. Best method for validating DNA methylation array data - (reply: 1)
250. Enzymes for COBRA - (reply: 2)
251. chromatin isolation buffer..where to store? - (reply: 2)
252. promoter methylation data analysis - (reply: 3)
253. bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) - bisulfite sequencing cloning problem (methylation of DNa) (reply: 3)
254. MSP primer troubles - (reply: 3)
255. Gene expression of methylated gene - (reply: 4)
256. Measuring global methylation using real time PCR - (reply: 2)
257. Bisulphite trouble - (reply: 2)
258. primer for bisulfite sequencing in a known unmethylated region - is it safe? - (reply: 2)
259. Sister Chromatid Exchange ~ Microscope requirement - (reply: 1)
260. Unsuccessful BS PCR - (reply: 3)
261. free bisulfite conversion kit - (reply: 2)
262. Zymo EZ Methylation Gold DNA bisulphite treatment - No DNA present after treatment (reply: 5)
263. Direct sequencing of Bisulphite PCR product - (reply: 1)
264. cleaning sonicator tip to prevent DNA contaminationin samples - (reply: 1)
265. How does methprimer calculate primer Tm - (reply: 2)
266. What happens at palindromic sequences? - (reply: 2)
267. Universal Unmethylated Control - (reply: 3)
268. How to define CpG islands and what to do if they aren't found? - (reply: 3)
269. All cytosines are methylated!! - (reply: 4)
270. Relatively unknown gene, need approach suggestions - (reply: 1)

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