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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : DNA-Methylation-and-Epigenetics
181. interpretation of results of methylight run - (reply: 1)
182. DNA and histone methylation help - (reply: 1)
183. Meth in Forward and/or Reverse strand? - food for thought or old news?! (reply: 2)
184. The study of histone acetylation by ELISA - (reply: 1)
185. Can every gene be methylated? - (reply: 1)
186. Input chip doesn't work! - (reply: 7)
187. Help about BSP question. - (reply: 2)
188. Amplification of bisulfite converted gDNA for sequencing - (reply: 1)
189. X-inactivation chromosome - (reply: 1)
190. HRM primers - (reply: 1)
191. Sonicate for >60min: What did I do wrong?? - ChIP sonication disaster (reply: 15)
192. Sequential ChIP / ChIP-reChIP - Which of the two antibodies to use first? (reply: 1)
193. ChIP crosslinking results in precipitate!? - (reply: 4)
194. checking sonication using chelex and agarose gel - (reply: 10)
195. Chip-seq blocking reagent - Salmon DNA is useful for Chip-chip (reply: 1)
196. pcr / primer theory in bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 4)
197. Anyone used Pathscan sandwich ELISA? - (reply: 1)
198. Primer Design..need very basic advice. - Please help, I cant figure this out for the life of me. (reply: 2)
199. DNA yields after Bisulfite Treatment - How can I optimize when I have low yield? (reply: 16)
200. Problem with Qiagen EpiTect Bisulfite Kit - (reply: 2)
201. Questions related on Fast ChIP protocol - (reply: 4)
202. Feel really stupid for asking this ...Bisulfite Sequencing, help please! - (reply: 10)
203. Bisulfite seqencing - Bisulfite seqencing gets unacceptable seqence (reply: 2)
204. PCR amplification before bisulfite conversion - (reply: 6)
205. Methylation and luciferase reporter query - (reply: 4)
206. Bisulfite conversion kits - (reply: 6)
207. Picking primers to confirm Illumina meth27 results - (reply: 2)
208. Are my cells undergoing epigenetic changes? - (reply: 2)
209. how to do histone extraction - (reply: 1)
210. H3 in tris tricine gels - (reply: 2)

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