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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : DNA-Methylation-and-Epigenetics
151. Problems designing primers for BSP - (reply: 2)
152. How is bisulfite converted DNA unstable over time? - (reply: 4)
153. Putative tumor suppressor promoter heavily methylated yet upregulated by DNA dam - (reply: 3)
154. Whole genome methylome from limited amount of material??? - (reply: 1)
155. Able to see correct product with 2 rounds of PCR, but my PI doesn't want me - How do I convince her that "2 rounds of PCR is OKAY?" (reply: 1)
156. problems with MS-HRM - late detection of PCR signal - high resolution melting, methylation (reply: 2)
157. Direct PCR Sequencing of BS Products - Having trouble (reply: 1)
158. Can I use delta delta Ct? - (reply: 1)
159. RNA carrier when using not so good DNA for bisulfite conversion - (reply: 3)
160. Absence of CpG islands - (reply: 1)
161. MSP - (reply: 10)
162. epigenetics and heridity - (reply: 1)
163. Research Papers required - (reply: 4)
164. Histone in cytoplasm - (reply: 1)
165. Help! How much DNA to use in IP reaction? - (reply: 1)
166. How rapid are DNA methylation changes? - (reply: 1)
167. Promoter region - (reply: 2)
168. Methylation study-the most opted study - (reply: 3)
169. Regarding Conversion - (reply: 1)
170. low sequence complexity - (reply: 2)
171. Drop down during bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 2)
172. Using Sybr green in realtime pcr - (reply: 1)
173. Finding Promoter Sequence for gene - Read many "how to" guides, but can't actually find it. (reply: 1)
174. detect histone acetylation - (reply: 2)
175. Question: Start with genomic DNA or mRNA for methylation analysis - (reply: 4)
176. Bisulfite sequencing primer design query (probably simple) - (reply: 4)
177. Inter assay variation in global methylation Elisa - (reply: 2)
178. designing MSP primers (dimers NOOOOOOOO!) - (reply: 1)
179. How to study with the candidate genes? - (reply: 2)
180. Are my bisulfite treated sequences methylated or not?? - (reply: 2)

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