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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : DNA-Methylation-and-Epigenetics
91. Effect of varying DNA concentration levels in methylation analysis - (reply: 2)
92. "coding strand" or " template strand" ? - (reply: 13)
93. Different primer optimalization for nested vs direct MSP? - (reply: 3)
94. Bisulfite conversion conundrum - (reply: 8)
95. Help! No bands after BSP! - (reply: 3)
96. Mysterious peaks in pyrosequencing runs!? - (reply: 2)
97. Can we use degenerate bases in BSP primers? - (reply: 1)
98. Plasmid clone in BSP - (reply: 1)
99. Sequencing of the PCR production in BSP - (reply: 1)
100. Taq polymerase for MSP - (reply: 1)
101. Spin columns with bisulfite conversion - (reply: 1)
102. Microarray 244K- what does it mean - (reply: 1)
103. Problem of Direct bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 1)
104. Bisulfite cloning... reading material - (reply: 1)
105. DNA in methylation analysis - (reply: 3)
106. chip seq protocol - (reply: 5)
107. MSP Primers not working - (reply: 6)
108. EPIGENETICS-NEWBIE-Weird/too close primers for pyrosequencing assay - (reply: 2)
109. plotting DNA methylation profile vs TSS - (reply: 1)
110. Methylation sensitive enzymes - (reply: 1)
111. problems with Bisulfite PCR - (reply: 1)
112. In search of universal and reliable controls for methylation analyses - (reply: 1)
113. PLATINUM TAQ FOR MSP? - (reply: 2)
114. 5-azacytidine treatment - (reply: 1)
115. Checking my own Methylated Control for MSP - (reply: 1)
116. How to define a promoter region of a gene? - (reply: 1)
117. Direct sequencing - BSP - (reply: 1)
118. methylation analysis with MS-HRM (primer design) - (reply: 1)
119. Methyl Binding Protein-1 (MBD1) / Immunofluorescence - (reply: 2)
120. DNA methylation of a promoter region in different age groups - (reply: 2)

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